2 Minimal pairs Sound 1 Sound 2 hi hi pot put Pot the plant in the garden. Put the plant in the garden. cod could How do you spell 'cod? How do you spell 'could? ■€oulL I'll lock you up. I'll look you up rock rook The wind blew around the rock. The wind blew around the rook.'' ~ -'- box Give me the box. books Give me the books. Minimal pair words A67a a Listen and repeat the words. %~~jt A67b b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word write 1 for /d/ (sound 1) or 2 for lul (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair 1: 2, 2,1, 2,1 Minimal pair sentences A68a c Listen to the minimal pair sentences. §"-nr A68b d Listen to five of the sentences and write 1 for /d/ (sound 1) or 2 for lul (sound 2). 8—v A69 e Sentence stress Any word in a sentence can become the most important word, and have the strongest stress to give the sentence a special meaning. Listen to the minimal pair sentences again and write the word which has the strongest stress in each pair in the table. Then read the special meanings. Strongest stress Special meaning Pair 1 in Not just anywhere, e.g. near or beside it. Pair 2 Everybody else has a different answer. Pair 3 Nobody else would do that. Pair 4 But not under it or above it Pair 5 Don't trust anybody else. §t A70 f Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences: 1 a) cock □ b)cook □ 2 a) lock □ b) look □ 3 a) god □ b) good □ 4 a) cod □ b) could □ 5 Spelling Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound lul. 2 Minimal pairs 9 Sound 1 Sound 2 Id luil look Luke Look, a new moon! Luke, a new moon! pull pool The sign said 'Pull'. The sign said 'Pool'. full This isn't really full proof. could The bird could. would 'He would, Julie, fool This isn't really foolproof. cooed The bird cooed. wooed He wooed Julie at the full moon.' at the full moon. (Note: proof 'has two meanings: 1 evidence that something is true; 2 foolproof- made so that it can't be damaged, even by a fool) Minimal pair words B3a; a Listen and repeat the words. B3b b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word write I for lal (sound 1) or 2 for /u:/ (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair 1: 2,2,1,2,1 Minimal pair sentences B4a c Listen to the minimal pair sentences. S—v iB4b d Listen to five of the sentences and write 1 for lul (sound 1) or 2 for luil (sound 2). § ■"» I b5.< e Listen to the strong and weak stresses in: 0O00O0 a foolproof computer. Then listen and underline the strong stresses in: OooO waterproof boots 0O0O0 a wind-proof jacket OooOo childproof containers 0O00O an ovenproof dish 0O00O a waterproof coat 0O00O a bullet-proof vest. G Be1 f Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences. 1 a) look □ b) Luke □ 2 a) full □ b) fool □ 3 a) pull □ b) pool □ 4 a) fullish □ b) foolish □ 5 a) would □ b) wooed □ 5 Spelling Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound fail.