GOAT /3U/ (►) Make the sound DVD PI is /a/ as in LETTER Remember, the first sound is strongest. P2 is /u/ as in FOOT ft 131 When do I use this sound? Spelling Examples 0 no, both, note, rope, explode, bolt, over oa coat, oak ou soul, shoulder ow know, bowl ough though | This diphthong is often indicated in spelling through the use of the formula • o + consonant + silent e For example, the word'hop'is pronounced with an /d/, as in LOT, but if the spelling is 'hope', the e means you need to use the /3u/ sound. It is important to distinguish between these two sounds - 'hop'and'hope'sound very different. ft 132-133 B Now try it! Say each of these words and sentences aloud. Then compare your pronunciation with the model on tracks 132-133. code heme ozone boat float boulder colder toe glow. dough moat flown only erosion 1 The mould was growing all over the damp stones in the garden of her coastal home. 2 It was snowing over the rolling hills close to Toby's home. 3 Although summer was nearly over, Sophie was hoping her roses would keep growing. NEAR /I9/ (►) Make the sound DVD PI is 111 as in KIT Remember, the first sound is strongest. P2 is /a/ as in LETTER Q 146 Q 147-148 B When do I use this sound? Spelling Examples e here, hero ee beer, career ea ear, fear ie pier, cashier ei weird Now try it! Say each of these words and sentences aloud. Then compare your pronunciation with the model on tracks 147-148. really appeared idea mysterious cheer meerkat serious theatre 1 Maria pierced Sophia's ears. 2 The mysterious fear of the eerie pier brought her to tears. 3 It's hard to find a good Madeira cake here in Korea. period superior spear clear Section B: The sounds of English IP HAIR /es/ This diphthong is always spelt with an r, like the /3:/ of NURSE. Look at The spoken and the silent r (page 50) for how and when to pronounce the r. (►) Make the sound DVD PI is /e/ as in DRESS Remember, the first sound is strongest. P2 is /9/ as in LETTER ft 149 'I l> a 150-151 When do I use this sound? Spelling Examples ear bear ar share air fair ay mayor ere there eir their Now try it! Say each of these words and sentences aloud. Then compare your pronunciation with the model on tracks 150-151. pear wear swearing pairing fairy dairy vary staling bare prayer eating compare precarious flair 1 See that town square over there? There's a great hairdresser just by the stairs. 2 This area is known for its dairy fare. 3 Mary has various pairs of shoes, and still she swears she has nothing to wear! 87 CURE /Ü3/ (►) Make the sound DVD : ft 152 ft 153-154 B PI is /u/ as in FOOT Remember, the first sound is strongest. P2 is /a/ as in LETTER When do I use this sound? Spelling Examples ur pure, mature, tour oor poor, moor Now try it! Say each of these words and sentences aloud. Then compare your pronunciation with the model on tracks 153-154. sure purely secure furious obscure moor touring mature during cure 1 Those poor people having to go on a tour of the moor in this weather. 2 Muriel was furious about the lapse in her personal security. 3 She was curious about the maturity of the teenage security guard. ft 155 Evolving sound This is an evolving sound in RP. In the past, any'words in our spelling examples above were pronunced with the /ua/ diphthong. But recently standard speech has shifted and some of the words have merged with the /d:/ monophthong, as in'thought'. It is happening at different times with different words, but as an example, the word 'poor' which has been traditionally pronounced with an /ua/, is now frequently heard with an I'o: I in RP speech. Both sounds are fine, but the THOUGHT vowel is more modern. Please listen to both versions on audio tracks 152 and 155. pure, mature, tour, poox moor 88 Section B: The sounds of English