listen, bottle, politician, etc. Syllabic consonants Most syllables contain a vowel sound. However/sometimes a syllable consists only of a consonant. In dictionaries, these are usually shown either with a , symbol under the consonant or a' symbol before the consonant Consonants like this are called syllabic consonants. article /'az.ti.kl/ listen /'lis.'n/ J It is always possible to pronounce a syllabic consonant as an ordinary syllable with a vowel (/a/) and a consonant (or consonants), although the syllabic consonant is usually more natural and fluent: article ■ /a:tikal/ or: /a:tikl/ listen = /hsan/ or: /bsn/ /!/ syllabic consonants are usually found in unstressed syllables after the following consonants: Itl bottle, little, hospital, pistol 7s/ hassle, parcel, whistle, colossal Idl saddle, muddle, handle, pedal M puzzle, drizzle, dazzle, hazel bl couple, people, example, principal knuckle, article, classical, comical Ibl able, trouble, global, jumble Inl communal, channel, tunnel, panel Most of these consonants are spelt -/e, but a few are spelt -al, -cl and -ol. Inl syllabic consonants are usually found in unstressed syllables after the following consonants: N button, rotten, threaten, kitten Itl often, deafen, stiffen, soften Idl sadden, widen, garden, pardon M seven, given, eleven, proven Ipl happen, deepen, open, sharpen m marathon, python, strengthen, lengthen Isl listen, loosen, comparison, person HI fashion, action, politician, musician M cousin, horizon, poison, prison l3l illusion, collision, occasion, precision Most of these consonants are spelt -en, -on, -ion or -ian. Words ending -sm have an /m/ syllabic consonant For example: Buddhism, capitalism, criticism, journalism, mannerism, socialism, chasm, enthusiasm ,,J] Note: Contracted forms such as didn't, haven't, shouldn't, wouldn't etc have a syllabic 'nf: haven't = /haevnt/ or /haevant/ win •Some words have two syllabic consonants together, including: conditional, diagonal, general, literal, national, veteran. But notice that these can be pronounced in a number of ways. For example: diagonal - /daiaeganal/ or /daiaeganl/ or /daiaegnal/ or /daiaegnl/ When -ing is added to a verb ending with a syllabic consonant (e.g. handling, troubling, happening, gardening) the consonant + -ing is usually said as one syllable. The syllabic consonant is the first consonant of the last syllable: handle /haendl/ - handling /haendlin,/ happen /hajp'n/ - happening /haepnirj/ Notice that it is also possible to say the syllabic consonant with a vowel (/a/): /haendalig/, /haepamrj/ English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced) Zoof : b f