INITIAL sp, st, sk The plosive must be unaspirated. Listen and repeat: spy spai store sto: ski ski: spare spea steer stia score sko: spear spia stay stei sky skai spar spu: /SP/ M/ Exercise 2 Repetition of final plosives In the pairs of words in this exercise one word ends with a fortis plosive and the other ends with a lenis plosive. Notice the length difference in the vowel. Listen to each pair and repeat: FORTIS FOLLOWED BY LENIS mate made rope robe leak league cart card back bag meit meid raop raob li:kli:g ka:t ku:d bask baeg HI /of/ LENIS FOLLOWED BY FORTIS code coat bid bit lobe lope heard hurt brogue broke kaod kaot bid bit laob bop h3:d h3:t braog braok Exercise 3 Identification of final plosives a) You will hear the twenty words of Exercise 2. Each will be one of a pair. You must choose whether the word is the one ending with a fortis plosive or the one ending with a lenis plosive. When you hear the word, say "fortis" if you hear the word on the left, or "lenis" if you hear the word on the right. You will then hear the correct answer and the word will be said again for you to repeat. Example: 'coat' Fortis Lenis Fortis Lenis coat kaol code kaod mate meit made me id leak li:k league lug coat kaut code kaod hurt h3:t heard ho:d leak li:k league li:g bit bit bid bid rope raop robe raob mate men made me id hurt ha:t heard h3:d lope taup lobe laob broke brauk brogue braog back baek bag baeg lope laop lobe laob cart ka:t card ka:d bit bit bid bid broke brauk brogue braog back baek bag baeg rope roup robe raob cart ka:t card ka:d b) Each of the words which follow ends with a plosive. Write the symbol for each plosive when you hear the word. Each will be said twice. (1-10) Exercise 5 Reading of words in transcription When you hear the number, pronounce the word given in transcription taking care to pronounce the plosives correcdy and putting the strongest stress on the syllable preceded by the stress mark1. You will then hear the correct pronunciation, which you should repeat. Exercise 4 Production The following are all English words; they are given only in phonemic transcription. When you hear the number you should say the word. You will then hear the correct pronunciation, which you should repeat. If you want to see how these words are spelt when you have finished the exercise, you will find them in the answers section. 1 ki:p 11 dAk 2 baut 12 kaup r" I / 3 kAP 13 dog lOhtis x L&ni's 4 d3:t 14 kauad 5 baik 15 beik 6 kaeb 16 taid 7 geit 17 biad 8 kead 18 put 9 taiad 19 bAg 10 b3:d 20 daut Exercise 5 Fortis/Lenis discrimination When you hear the word, say "fortis" if you hear it as ending with a fortis consonant, and "lenis" if you hear it as ending with a lenis consonant. You will then hear the correct answer and the word will be said again for you to repeat. Fortis Lenis 1 right rait ride raid 2 batbaet bad baed 3 bet bet bed bed 4 leak li:k league li:g 5 feetfiit feed fi:d 6 right rait ride raid 7 tacktaek tagtaeg 8 rope raup robe raub 9 mate me it made meid 10 beatbi:t bead bird Shorter vowel (unvoiced final consonant): Longer vowel (voiced final consonant): safe save leaf leave ice eyes peace peas bus buzz back bag cap cab seat seed batch badge rich ridge Train voiceless fortis /-p, -t, -k/ in final positions: fit, spit, hit, bit, kit, wrist, fist, mist, pot, hot, got, lot, hat, mat, chat, bat, cat, fat, thick, stick, chick, lick, rock, stock, mock, back, stack, check, meek, hip, tip, lip, stop, flop, top, cop, chop, cup, carp. Train final and medial lengthening voicing: rub, tub, Bob, rob, lab, stab, cab, glad, bad, mad, sad, said, head, led, lad, lid, lag, hag, fag, bog, frog, dog. la g T] T) - sill!* O SB - T3 «"8 -a 1 C T3 TO E 2 .3? -O TO J= TO O g Q> to — "O ai c -C 3 — O "O "3-- s -n — to TO — §1 TO § o C => o o O c c -ed (Past form of verbs.) state stated steit 'steitid present presented pri'zent pri'zentid sound * * sounded saund 'saundid fit fitted fit 'fitid nod nodded nad 'nsdid (ii) Pronounced f3Tafter a vowel or voiced consonant (except d). employ employed im'pbi im'plaid marry married 'mayi ■ 'm.rrid try tried trai traid wonder wondered 'wAnda 'wAndad murmur murmured 'ma:ma 'ma'.mad prefer preferred pri'fa: pri'fa:d insure insured in'Jua in'Juad name named neim . neitnd breathe breathed br'cd bri:dd beg begged beg begd rob robbed rsb robd judge judgrd d3Ad3 djAd3d (\\\) I'mnnuncccITflaftcr a voiceless consonant (except 0 laugh laughed latf lo:ft " stop Mapped jtap ■Opt march marched mo:tf mortjt laok«d P* lukt