1 th sounds - /6/ and /ô/ People often mix up the th sounds with either ft/, fd/, /s/, /z/, /f/ or /v/ sounds. In this exercise, you will have a chance to practise the contrast between th and all those sounds. Read the lines of these tables horizontally, making sure that the consonants in each column sound really different from each other. /t/ and /9/sounds /e/ Itl /e/ tick thick true through tanks thanks boat ■» both taught thought art ■» bath tie thigh oat -» oath tinker thinker bet ■» Beth tin thin tent ■» tenth heart hearth tree ■» three tug thug turn » thumb wit width tread thread fd/ and /6/sounds Id/ . /ô/ Idl /ô/ doze those dare there dough ■» though breed breathe den ■» then laid lathe dine ■» thine seed seethe dare -» there bad bathe udder ■» other ride writhe muddle ■» mother fodder father Dan ■» than body bother day -» they ladder lather /s/ andxh sounds hi 1 th Is/ th boast ■» bpth moss ■» moth sigh -» thigh certain ■» thirteen pass -» path worse ■* worth sink ■» think saw -» thaw say * they so though sat that mouse mouth see three sick -> thick sort thought sing thing use ■» youth force fourth /f/ and Im I and th sounds 203 /f/ /e/ M fbj fear ■» theory clove ■» clothe fin ■» thin van ■» than phone ■» throne ever ■» leather oaf -» oath lover -» loather fawn -» thorn fever -» feather few ■» through mover ■» mother for -» thaw over -» other deaf ■* death vat -» that fret ■» threat shaving ■» scathing fought ■» thought river ■» rhythm 204 Read this email aloud, making sure that you pronounce all of the th sounds clearly. pn^j (sheila©home.com Send subject;. News! Mother dearestl | I'm sure you must be thinking I've forgotten youl I promise, there's nothing wrong, but there's exciting news! I was in the bath last Thursday evening, soaking my poor throbbing feet and massaging my thumping head after yet another tricky Thursday in the office, when I realized that I needed a lengthy holiday I I've been working so hard all through this year, and I thought 'why not throw some cash at a month-long break? I haven't been away for years.' But where on earth should I go? I picked up three thick brochures from the local travel agent and thumbed through them, fantasizing about sunbathing somewhere hot, or at least thawing out from this horrible Plymouth winter weather. I soon realized I would need to be thrifty, so thirty days became thirteen - but that's still something! So, I'm off tomorrow! The fantastic thing is Thelma (my friend, the maths teacher) is coming with me! Will call when we land. Love youl Ruth xx 8/13/ ng and nk are very common spellings for the /rj/ sound. In the case of ng, sometimes it is pronounced /r]g/, and sometimes only as /r)/. Can you remember the rules? Go back to Unit 6 if you are not sure. Read the lines of these tables horizontally, making sure that you use the pronunciation indicated. 217 /ng/ /ijk/ hunger ■» hunk •» hang anger -» thank ■* gang tangle ■» tank ■» tangy shingle sink -» sing finger -» thinker ■» thing longer ■» links ■» long single ■» synchronize ■» slang angle •» anch"or. rang bangle ■* bank bang 218 Read this email aloud, making sure that you pronounce all the right /{] / sounds in the right places. to... sheila@home.com Hf^H z: Send [---------- I—i subject: Coming home! Hi Mum, I know you'll think I'm going bonkers, but I just can't stop laughing about the events of the last two weeks. And in spite of breaking the bank to fund this trip, I still think it's the best thing I've done in ages! It was so great to hang out with a gang of girls and just spend some time doing my favourite things; sun-bathing, eating, laughing and RELAXING! Really looking forward to seeing you next week. I think we're catching an early flight out because Lily hates flying at night, so I'll be popping in on my way home. Rxx Outlay k PiinhjU, hp U- ttl