LOVE IM ® DVD Make the sound 1 Put your tongue tip on the alveolar ridge. 2 Drop the sides of your tongue, so that they are not touching your teeth. To check this: breathe in, and you should feel cold air on the sides of your tongue. 3 Breathe out. Don't let any air out of your nose! 4 Keep your tongue in this position for the duration of this sound. 5 This sound is always voiced. 46 When do I use this sound? Spelling Examples Frequency / before a vowel look, talent often // before a vowel caller, tallest often There are two types of /I/ - the dark and the light.The one in this unit is the light /I/, • and the dark /+/ is covered in the next unit (see page 40). For the rules about when to use each one, go to the next unit. 38 Section B: The sounds of English Work on your Accent LOVE Now try it! Q 47-49 A B Say each of these words and sentences aloud. Then compare your pronunciation with the model on tracks 47-49. unless follow lily lock listen look lemon along 1 The lonely lady has finally fallen in love. 2 All of the lemon trees are full of lots of fruit. 3 If you're looking for the club, take the last road on the left. 1 Larry's letter will arrive later. 2 Red lolly, yellow lolly. Red lolly, yellow lolly. Am I doing something wrong? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J X 4 7 8 Putting your tongue tip somewhere other than your alveolar ridge. Be sure that your tongue tip is on the alveolar ridge behind your teeth; not touching your teeth, and not curling too far backwards behind the alveolar ridge. Making the same sound in the words'look'and'fall'. Do not lift the back of your tongue when you're making the 'look' sound. The kind of /+/ used in 'fall' is described on the next page. The back of your tongue should be relaxed and low in your mouth. Check that your tongue tip is in the correct position.Then make an /I/ sound whilst yawning. This will give you the correct position for the back of the tongue. Practise keeping the back of your tongue in that position without the yawn. Making the same sound in the words 'lock' and 'rock'. If you are making this mistake your tongue is probably close to the alveolar ridge but not actually touching it. The tongue tip needs to be touching the alveolar ridge when you make this / I/ sound.The air is released sideways over the edges of the tongue unlike other tongue tip sounds. If you are doing it correctly, you should be able to repeat 'lily, lily, lily'quite quickly. You would not be able to do this if the back of your tongue is lifting. - en lesson ■» milk hello ■» halt •» later -» spoil slap ■» able ■» clean -» sell class * film ■» float -» hall lady candle ■» flake ■» snail let •» ill ■* look ■» cool Read this email aloud, making sure that you pronounce all of the / sounds clearly. Q 206 i *~ i i-- I subject:) At the airportl Darling 'Mamma'! Isn't this picture hilarious? It's a plane at Heathrow! I know you love silly things so I'm sending this j from Terminal 2 - oh, the glamour;-) You'll be relieved to hear that from the moment I started folding my holiday glad-rags I realized I was already feeling A LOT calmer. Plus, since I last wrote, Lyndsey, my friend from primary school (we haven't properly seen each other since we were eleven - I'm so old!) and her little sister, Lily, will also be joining Thelma and me, so now there are four girls in the holiday gang! Watch out, Italy! Whilst all the planning has been extremely good fun, we had the most unbelievable struggle just getting to the flipping airport! We had planned to hop on the Piccadilly Line and sail all the way to Terminal 2 but predictably, there were problems. Normal to a Londoner such as myself, but Lyndsey was seriously displeased when we all had to split the cost of a cab! Especially as we were so late! At least we're here now and will shortly be leaving behind chilly old London! Big lovel Ruth & the gals ~1 1 _3