Puff of air (aspiration) The sounds 'p', *t' and 'k' (unvoiced stops) have an extra signal to distinguish them clearly from 'b\'d* and 'g' (voiced stops). This signal is an extra puff of air. If you hold a piece of paper in front of your mouth you can test yourself. The paper should move when you say a voiceless stop with a puff of air. The paper will not move without die puff of air. You can also test yourself by holding your hand in front of your mouth. You should feel the difference between the presence and absence of the puff of air. 2 g "g -i ŕ> 5 ** -• « Q TJ 'S ° O rt S p w -nm u 3 g1 r? I a. 8f rt 3. _.-§ C/2 Ä 1-1 E* 0 3 5* 1 ■o S* i Train strong initial aspiration: ar, cake, keep, cold, keen, key, pie, pike, pea, park, party, poet, tea, ible, tone, tie, tight, time, taste, talk, torn, town', tall, pork, pint, carp, ut, part. buy bet down done game good pie two do pet ten den town ton done ton town down came train drain could could cot coat cave clue good got goat gave glue Stop consonants r^i pi: k peak bi:k beak pit pit bit bit pack pack baek back pa:k park ba:k bark part port boa bought pul pull bul bull praid pride braid bride pleiz plays bleiz blaze tu: two du: do t>:n torn da:n dawn ten ten den den tai tie dai die tAn ton dAn done taun town daun down tju:n tune dju:n dune twin twin dwind| dwindle /g/ is short and weak and never aspirated; compare the following words (and do not forget the aspiration of/k/): keiv cave geiv gave ka:d card ga:d guard k3:l curl g3:l girl kud could gud good kaep cap gxp gap ksul coal gaul goal kla:s class gla:s glass krau crow grau grow