LEXICAL SETS and PHONEMIC SYMBOLS – VOWELS adapted from Accents in English (Wells 1982: pp. xviii-ix, 120-2, 166-7) Keyword RP/BrE^1 GenAm Example words SHORT VOWELS KIT ɪ ɪ this, sick, busy, ship, English DRESS e e/ɛ bed, said, head, any, friend TRAP æ æ bad, dad, thank, back, batter LOT ɒ ɑ/ ɑː odd, wash, stop, dog, quality STRUT ʌ ʌ cup, mug, front, love, blood FOOT ʊ ʊ put, full, good, wolf, butcher LONG VOWELS FLEECE iː i/iː these, creep, speak, key, people GOOSE uː u/uː two, blue, through, shoot, tomb NURSE ɜː ɜr/ɜːr/ ɝ stir, learn, refer, hurt, term NORTH THOUGHT ɔː ɔː ɔr/ɔːr ɔ/ɔː war, short, port, born, warm taught, sauce, law, broad, hawk START BATH PALM ɑː ɑː ɑː ɑr/ ɑːr æ ɑ/ ɑː far, sharp, carve, farm, heart staff, dance, sample, ask, brass psalm, father, bra, spa, lager CLOSING DIPHTHONGS (ending in ɪ) FACE eɪ eɪ day, take, break, veil, raid PRICE aɪ aɪ high, eye, lie, try, arrive CHOICE ɔɪ ɔɪ boy, toy, noise, join, coin CLOSING DIPHTHONGS (ending in ʊ) GOAT əʊ oʊ soap, rode, show, dough, roll MOUTH aʊ aʊ now, plough, out, loud, Audi CENTRING DIPHTHONGS (ending in ə) NEAR ɪə ɪr beer, year, idea, sincere, beard CURE ʊə ʊr poor, tour, during, sure, mature à ɔː SQUARE eə/ɛː er/ ɛr fair, various, bear, where, pear SCHWA /ʃwɑː/ commA lettER ə ə ə ər Africa, America, today, above, control paper, better, figure, calendar, standard NON-PHONEMIC The happY vowel i i money, busy, lucky, react, committee The thank yOU vowel u -^ to, you, do, who, influence ^ ^1^ BrE = ‘British English’ (also referred to as ‘BBC English’, ‘Standard Southern British’ (SSB) or ‘General British’ (GB)