Dramatické postupy ve výuce AJ

Týden 2

Recap - reflection

Name game for revision

SPEED DATING using the character on the wall HW from lesson 1 (5x)

     Whom have you met?

     Follow-up: Find out who…

Break: tea/coffee + Christmas cookies

Sherlock Holmes - the blue diamond

1) listening to chapter 1

2) playing the scenes from chapter 1

3) adapting the scenes (what do we need? what is logical? what needs to be changed?

4) adding the scene from the Cosmopolitan hotel

5) writing the ad for Mr. Baker

6) Hotseating Mr. Baker (1 student/teacher in the role)

7) Now you have to finish the book to find out... (and also to see if the Cosmopolitan Hotel scene was played right according to the story ;-)

Drama for young learners - using drama games and activities to go through a story:


Drama techniques and conventions:


Christmas structured drama - Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer or the case of Bullying in Santa´s village

The animated film:


HW: Character on the wall

