Výstup vznikl za podpory hnutí Otevřeno a nadace Abakus. HAND OUT (12) NK (10) podzim 2023 Social Transformation (Duke Duchscherer) https://www.cnvc.org/trainers/duke-duchscherer Scott Sherman (TAI — Transformative Action Institute) Ph.D. Thesis 60 groups — different domains 120 indicators: succes or not succes? 3 things correlate with success: 1. Expose injustice a. Tell people around what is the problem... b. clear observation c. needs d. self-expression e. requests 2. Social Aikido a. use the power from people and change the dirrection to fulfill their needs b. transform opponents to co-workers c. find common ground with others d. enemy image (work)1 3. Constructive Programme a. saying: this is wrong/bad... is not enough... b. I do not like these cookies I can try to bake better cookies... 1 I have heard stories about police. What kind of people join police. I need to handle my stories about police, otherwise my work with police would not be working... Enemy Images: a. identify judgements b. self-empathy, observations, feelings, unmet needs (move us from mourning to aboundance: tohle nemám, ale až to budu mít, to bude skvělé, a takto to oslavím...) c. shift: now I am ready to suppose my (thought) enemy d. empathy — identify needs of „other(s)“ — what are their stories about? see them as human beings e. action — meet the needs (both mine and the other person’s)