English for Special Educators - B (2023)

Week 12 (Dec 4-7) Autism stories


1. Grammar practice - Dependent prepositions (adjectives)

  • Quiz 9 -  Dependent prepositions (adjectives) 
2. Presentations 

3. Topic:  ASD

4. Vocabulary collection

1) Presentations

Asking questions

2) Quiz 9 - Dependent prepositions (adjectives)

3) Topic - ASD stories


Read one of the stories below.

Make a timeline diagram, and note down important facts. 

Tell the story to your neighbor using the expressions from the handout above.

Listen to their story.

Contrast and compare the two stories.  

4) Vocabulary Collections


Submit a document with 48 collocations that you have collected throughout the semester.

Each entry should contain the following elements:

COLLOCATION (raise awareness)

EXPLANATION ( to inform and educate people about a topic or issue with the intention of influencing their attitudes, beliefs, etc.)

EXAMPLE(s) (A series to raise awareness of dementia. She is actively involved in raising awareness of addiction within her community.)

NOTES on usage  (to raise awareness OF something; AMONG/WITHIN).

TRANSLATION is optional. 

IMAGES are optional. 

Note: You can add your vocabulary collection to your LLJ shared document, in which case you only need to upload the link again. 

Vocabulary collections
Submit by Week 13.