Seminární skupina 01 předmětu Angličtina pro pedagogy A2 - B
tasks for absentees + odevzdávárna
If you are absent from any lesson after week 2 (therefore lessons 3-10), to not have an absence you need to upload your answers to these exercises. You upload all into the one Odevzdávárna below:
week 3: 146 - exercises 1 and 2 on the left
week 4: 148 - exercises 1 and 2 on the left
week 5: 149 - exercises 1 and 2
week 6: 150 - exercises 1 and 2
week 7: 151 - exercise 2 on the right and exercise 1 on the left
week 8: 152 - exercises 1 and 2
week 9: 153 - exercises 1 and 2
week 10: 154 - exercises 1 and 2 on the right