Niko – 5t grade, prolonged stay at educational care centre (SVP) Niko is currently attending 5^th grade in gifted program at local elementary school. He really does not like the school and he is achieving on average/below average level. However if he is motivated, he achievement drastically improves. Niko has quite serious problems with aggressive behaviour towards himself and also his classmates and teachers. He often experiences anger outbursts, he screams, provokes others, uses inappropriate language and insult both his classmates and teachers. He himself gets provoked by other classmates very easily and in those cases he does not hesitate to use physically attack them. During classes Niko often does not listen to instructions and without direct supervision never gets hit work done. He also disturbs others with vulgar language and gesticulation. When he gets negative feedback on his work/behaviour, Niko gets very angry, frustrated and does not understand what he did wrong. Even if he was warned multiple times before that. On the other hand, Niko is always prepared for the class – he has all his books and supplies that he needs. When he in good mood, Niko likes to write his notes very neatly, cares about having clean workplace and everything ready on right place. However when he gets angry, he tends to throw everything on the ground, tear books or notebooks apart or destroys other things around him. Niko prefers to work alone in the separate room so he does not get distracted by other pupils. Although, he likes to have assistant or teacher to be there in case he needs help. He likes to talk about his learning and think out-loud. He has very unique way of thinking, is quite creative and bright. He likes sports and excel at drawing and mathematics. Although when working in main classroom, Niko has hard time concentrating and is rarely willing to work on any assignments – even on his own ideas. Because of his anger issues, Niko was admitted to 8 weeks boarding program at SVP. At first, his Mother did not want him to be admitted, but school insisted, that it would not be possible to keep Niko at gifted program if this behaviour continues. After few physical incidents with other clients (spitting, fights), Niko agreed to stay another 8 weeks (16 weeks in total). Niko made huge progress. He now understands when he does something inappropriate, but still tries to blame his reactions on others from time to time. It is hard for him to keep accept responsibility for his actions. He does not think that he belongs to the program and thinks, that he might get even worse because he is there. His mother tells him the same thing.