How to complete the portfolio task a) Choose ONE of the tasks below for your diagnostic process. For each task, you will find a template in the learning materials file (PdF:SZ6646 Educational and Psychological Assessment in Teaching Practice ( You can choose from the following topics: - Diagnosing learning outcomes and the process of learning - Diagnosing social relationships in the classroom - Case studies of problem behaviour of pupils - Using assessment to support learning b) Follow the steps in a the teplate of a chosen topic. c) After fulfilling the portfolio task, evaluate your work in a provided chart of the teplate. d) Send your portfolio task document by e-mail to a selected classmate for peer evaluation. e) The classmate will read your document, evaluate it, write a recommendation for possible modifications and send it back to you by e-mail. In return, you will also provide feedback to a selected classmate. f) Edit your portfolio task according the recommendations if you find them constructive. If you disagree with the recommendations, defend your standpoind, explain the reasons for your decisions. g) Submit your portfolio in the homework vaults (please submit the complete document which already involves egg to egg check-up, your self-assessment, peer-assessment and your comments on the feedback as well as your experience with the diagnostic process). Please, respect the deadlines for handing in the task: - send your portfolio task to designated classmates ………; - provide a feedback to your classmate ……………, - submit final version of the portfolio task to the homework vaults …………. Completion of the course: Colloquium – personal meeting with other calssmates and the instructor over your portfolio task. Participants: pairs of classmates (according to mutual evaluation) will present their experience with diagnostic activity in teaching practice. Time: Examination period.