Jazyková cvičení a fonetika 1 AJ
Týden 1
Unit 1-A
In the lesson:
(If you miss the lesson, you can find what work we have covered here.)
1) Who´s who (word order, tense revision; presenting oneself)
- SB - p. 4, 5
2) talking about myself; talking about a story character
- Winnie's song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KvDF4F5GYw
- Winnie the Witch cartoon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkwLOhFgXL0
3) interactive phonemic chart
(Please finish the homework and bring the portfolio writing to the next class)
SB - Grammar Bank p. 126 1A + ex. 1A a, b; Vocabulary Bank p. 144;
For your portfolio - Introducing yourself: write 10 - 15 sentences about yourself (the 5 areas on p. 4) and bring it to the class next time.
Get ready to talk about: your friends
kombi + p. 6 / 2 Reading
+ Týden 2 homework