Jazyková cvičení a fonetika 1 AJ
Týden 6
Unit 2-B
In the lesson:
1) A moment in time (past continuous, prepositions of time and place; describing photos/a moment in the past)
2) Pronunciation of schwa
SB - Grammar bank p.128 / 2B - ex. a, b; Vocabulary bank p. 148 / Prepositions - Part 1;
For your portfolio - "Your favourite photo" - 10-15 sentences.
- Choose a photo that you really like - it can be a photo from your childhood, with your family or friends, on the holidays etc. Write 10-15 sentences to describe it
- Check these tips on how to describe pictures: https://www.statnimaturita-anglictina.cz/popis-obrazku-v-anglictine
- Follow a structure, e.g. describe: place, people (gender, age, appearance), activities, things / equipment, atmosphere, and others (feeling, what happened next, how you look back on the situation).
Get ready to talk about: Your favourite singer/group/song.
Optional homework:
Do you know these famous pictures? Read the descriptions to learn more:
If you want to practise, you can complete also pages 12, 13, 14, 15 in the textbook at any time
Listening exercises: