Task 1: Navigating the Research Lab Aim: Practice creating links to move between passages in Twine (SugarCube). * Instructions: * You are exploring a research lab with multiple rooms. Your task is to create a simple structure where the player can move from one room to another using links. Each passage represents a room in the lab, and the player can choose where to go next. * Create a passage for the "Main Hall" as the starting point. * Create two more passages: * "Library" * "Laboratory" In the "Main Hall" passage, create links that allow the player to move to either the Library or the Laboratory. In the "Library" and "Laboratory" passages, include links to return to the Main Hall. Each room should display its name to the player. Task 2: Tracking Credits * Aim: Practice initializing and using a story variable. * Instructions: * You are attending a series of academic workshops. Initialize a story variable representing the number of credits you have. Start with 3 credits. * In your passage, inform the player how many research credits they currently have. * Provide a link that allows the player to "Attend an additional seminar", increasing their research credits by 1. * After attending the seminar, update the message to show the new total of research credits. Task 3: Temporary Access Code * Aim: Use a temporary variable within a passage. * Instructions: * You have been granted temporary access to a restricted online journal. * In a passage, create a temporary variable that holds the access code (think of a specific password). * Display the access code to the player. * Remember, this code (the variable) should only exist in this passage. Task 4: Defining a Research Assistant * Aim: Use an Object to store related information. * Instructions: * Create a story variable as an object representing a research assistant with the following properties: * His name, his favourite animal, his age and whether he is married or not. In your passage, introduce the assistant to the player by displaying all the available information.