Edu Café

Independent task

Dear all, it was nice to meet you on our first Saturday. Please start thinking what you might like to explore for your independent task. Here you will find online consultation options - consultations are not compulsory but you are very welcome to bounce your ideas against me.

Below, too, is the shared Google document we agreed to use for our reports. The idea is that everyone contributes a page(s) that will showcase the framework, highlights and recommendations that emerge from your independent task. On the secodn Saturday, you will briefly navigate us through it. 

I have already posted my partial contribution - I will add as I also participate in the task - I choose to read Ken Robinson's book called The Element, which we have in our library. Please do not panic at the extent of my contribution - it is the basis of my 1-hour input session (compare to your 10 mins. max.)

Consultation dates:

  • November 1
  • November 4
  • November 6

Please sign up for the times in the forum below:

Link to the consultations:

Join Zoom Meeting

Link to the shared document: