
1st Meeting 12th October

What is artefiletics?

Aims for this meeting:

  • Talk about the general features of Artefiletics
  • its importance at school
  • means of artistic communication and their attributes
  • reflection as a main quality of the Artefiletics
  • the practical part of the lesson: Autumn topics with various materials


At the end of the seminar, students will have a practical experience with artefiletics which is the most important outcome of this lesson. They will pracise art skills, language skills and work on their class dynamics.  Students will also gain basic knowledge about the subjects, and it's use in a classroom.

Optional homework before the lesson

- try out various means of artics expression you have at home:

colourful pencils, markers, crayons, soft pastels, drawing ink, watercolours, tempera colours, clay, modeling clay, fabric, paper, glue

- How do you feel while using each of them? How do they behave? Compare lines made by each of them.

Homework for the next meeting

Think of reflective questions you would like to ask your peers. Prepare at least three questions.

2nd Conditional Practise
