Fonetika a fonologie 1A - AJ
Týden 8
1. Definition:
- Linking in phonetics refers to the phenomenon where a normally silent sound, often a consonant, is pronounced between two words to facilitate smooth transitions in connected speech. This often occurs when the first word ends with a vowel sound, and the next word begins with one.
2. Purpose in Connected Speech:
- Linking helps maintain the rhythm and flow of spoken language, ensuring speech sounds more natural and less disjointed.
- It is a hallmark of native-like fluency.
3. Common Types of Linking in English:
- Linking [r]: When an "r" at the end of a word is pron78ounced before a vowel sound.
Example: "Here it is" → /hɪər ɪt ɪz/ - Intrusion: The addition of a sound (often /r/, /j/, or /w/) to link two vowels that would otherwise create a glottal stop.
Example: "I saw it" → /aɪ sɔː r ɪt/
4. Rules for Linking:
- Linking [r]: Happens only if the word contains a written "r" and the next word starts with a vowel sound.
- Intrusive [r]: No written "r" in the first word, but /r/ is added between two vowel sounds for smoother transition.
- Linking [w] and [j]: Occurs between back and front vowels, respectively:
- [w]: "Go on" → /ɡəʊ w ɒn/
- [j]: "I agree" → /aɪ j əˈɡriː/
Sentences with Consonant Linking and Dropping
- Next day → /nekst deɪ/ → /nek deɪ/
- First time → /fɜːst taɪm/ → /fɜːs taɪm/
- Best friend → /best frɛnd/ → /bes frɛnd/
- Fast car → /fɑːst kɑː/ → /fɑːs kɑː/
- Old man → /əʊld mæn/ → /əʊl mæn/
- Left side → /left saɪd/ → /lef saɪd/
- Cold drink → /kəʊld drɪŋk/ → /kəʊl drɪŋk/
- Handbag → /hænd bæg/ → /hæn bæg/
- Soft toy → /sɒft tɔɪ/ → /sɒf tɔɪ/
- Kind boy → /kaɪnd bɔɪ/ → /kaɪn bɔɪ/
- Round table → /raʊnd teɪbəl/ → /raʊn teɪbəl/
- Grand piano → /ɡrænd pɪˈænəʊ/ → /ɡræn pɪˈænəʊ/
- Liked that → /laɪkt ðæt/ → /laɪk ðæt/
- Big garden → /bɪɡ ɡɑːdn/ → /bɪ ɡɑːdn/
- Last chance → /lɑːst tʃɑːns/ → /lɑːs tʃɑːns/