Fonetika a fonologie 1A - AJ (kombi)

Týden 3

Print / download and bring these worksheets: Strong and weak forms, Linking and rhythm, Intonation, Winnie in winter analysis

Lesson topics:

Part 1

1) Strong and weak forms

2) Sentence stress

3) Linking and rhythm

4) Authentic vs. adapted reading

Part 2

1) Intonation

2) Vocabulary cards 

  • bring your vocabulary cards with fossilised mistakes
3) Christmas activities

4) Final review and mock test

  • check the 'final review' section in the Interactive Syllabus for more information

Share your experience:

Do you have some ideas, questions, experiences or nice materials to share? Write a forum entry to let us know!

Extra materials:

Jazz chants:

Sentence stress

Here Comes Santa Claus

Winter Freeze:

Do You Want to Build a Snowman: 

People saying I'm sorry in movies:

Intonation in different situations:

Oxford English video on intonation:

Christmas vocabulary:

Action song - Dancing Christmas Tree:

Christmas spelling and drawing:

Christmas story - How the Crayons Saved Christmas: