Inclusion of Students with Special Needs Topics: 1. Collaboration in Inclusive Classroom 2. Organisation of an Inclusive Classroom Professional Collaboration: Psychologist Teacher SEN Teacher Medical professionals Social worker Head teacher, other teachers Parents School personnel Professional Collaboration: —  Pre-requisites: ◦  Shared goals ◦  Voluntary participation ◦  Shared responsibility ◦  Shared accountability for goals ◦  Shared resources ◦  Trust and respect —  Areas of concern 1. Effective communication ◦  Knowledge of the frame of reference ◦  There are „many right answers ◦  Strategies for listening ◦  Focus on observable information ◦  Collaborative language – encourage others to speak ◦  Address disagreement with colleagues immediately —  Shared problem solving: ◦  Discover a need perceived by all participants, believe in change, shared accountability ◦  Identify the problem CRITICAL STEP gathering info, compliling it, analyzing it, reaching consensus on the nature of the problem (PxT) ◦  Proposed solutions brainstorming (rules) ◦  Evaluate ideas evaluation sheet ◦  Implement the solution each team member has an area of responsibility ◦  Evaluate outcomes continue/discontinue,modify A complex process – needs, expectations, ideas of each participant must be blended into shared understandingA. Evaluation sheet: Idea Angela will work for at least 5 min Low time commitment for teacher Doesn´t disturb class routine Total RANK Taped instructions 3   1   2   6   Study buddy 3   3   3   9   1   Easier work 2   2   2   6   Picture directions 3   2   3   8   2   Problem: How can we help Angela to work independently on assigned classroom tasks? Co-teaching: —  2 or more teachers share instructions for a single group of students —  Typically single classroom setting —  General teacher + SEN teacher: ◦  For a part of day ◦  For some classes ◦  For a particular topic ◦  Full-time B. —  One to one support ◦  T1 leads,T2 assisting role —  (combination of methods necessary) —  Station teaching ◦  Curriculum devided into 2 parts, Ss change ◦  Possible 3rd group – peer- tutoring 1. Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž U1 U2ŽŽ Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž U1 U2 —  Parallel teaching ◦  Ts teach parallely in 2 groups –  Possibility to choose different learning styles —  Alternative teaching ◦  Large and small group of Ss ◦  Small group – SEN ◦  (only among many options) Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž U1 U2 Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž U1 U2 —  Team teaching ◦  Ts share leadership in the classroom ◦  Eg.T1 lectures,T2 note-taking strategies Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž Ž U2U1 TIPS: • plan lessons, discuss with co-teahcer • Attend to details (use free time, discipline…) • Prepare parents • Avoid „paraprofessional trap • Go slowly – co-teachers to get used to their styles Working with parents: —  http:// collaborating-with-parents/videos.php? id=6 Working with parents: —  Essential in inclusive classroom —  P help to understand strengths and needs of the S —  P see the S performance from another perspective —  T – needs to understand the complexity of P role C. Parent conference: —  BEFORE: ◦  Clarify purpose (for T and P) ◦  List of questions —  DURING: ◦  Atmosphere, privacy ◦  Use Mr, Ms (not mum and dad) ◦  S to be referred to by name ◦  Suitable table, conference table —  AFTER: ◦  Notes on key points ◦  Agreed actions to be put into action ASAP • What are your priorities in your child´s education this year? • Are there any topics you want to discuss In the inclusive classrooom: —  Identify classroom, environmental, curricular and instructional demands —  Note student learning strengths and needs —  Check for potential areas of success —  Look for potential problem areas —  Use information to brainstorm instructional adaptations —  Decide which adaptations to implement —  Evaluate students progress 2. • What the Ss know NOT the extent of disability • Instructional and organisation adaptations • T x TA x personal A • Basic skills – reading, math… • Cognitive skills – „learn how to learn“ • Survival skills – attending school, being organized, independent, completing tasks, communication • brainstorming —  Physical organisation —  Classroom routine ◦  Stability = prevention EBD —  Classroom climate ◦  Ts attitudes —  Use of time ◦  Maximize academic learning time –  Manage transition time –  Manage organisation –  Use of meaningful sponges —  Classroom rules ◦  Brief, clear ◦  positive Don´t call answers! X Raise your hand to speak! • Is the classroom characterized by cooperative or a competitive atmosphere? • Is the classroom a safe place for all Ss to také risks? wall displays, storage, set-up, etc. Games and Qs: • What no. Comes between 31 and 33? • „I spy..“ • „Dismissal cards“ • Say 5 parts of the body (according to current topics at school)