Case File English for Social Educators II Objectives To be able to read about a social case in detail deciding on relevance and reliability of information for use with the case. Submission A short description of 3 sources about useful for the selected case file justifying why they are relevant and reliable sources of information. Time needed 8 hours (including class sessions) Grade Complete / Incomplete (with feedback) (once edited to improve it, version 2 is put in the portfolio for 20% of the subject) Instructions 1) Read and watch the materials about relevance and reliability. 2) Find 3 articles or webpages (that are 2000 words or longer) that you decide are relevant for your case file and reliable sources of information. 3) Write up a short paragraph on the useful parts from each source separately. 4) Below each paragraph write a second short paragraph talking about the relevance for your case and the reliability of the information. 5) Add the full reference list (APA style) for the article. 6) Edit your writing to include complex and/or compound sentences as necessary. See the example case file Grading Criteria Criteria For the highest grade Reading for Information (Relevance) Clearly understands articles and reports concerned with contemporary social issues in which the writers adopt a particular stance. Clear ability to recognise and show the relevance of sources critically. Reading for Argument (Reliability) Clear ability to recognise when a text provides factual information and when it seeks to convince readers of something. Clear ability to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources critically. Online Conversation and Discussion Clear ability to participate actively in an online discussion, stating and responding to opinions on topics of interest at some length, provided contributors avoid unusual or complex language and allow time for responses. Clear ability to engage in online exchanges between several participants, effectively linking his/her contributions to previous ones in the thread. Range and Accuracy (Grammar and Vocabulary) Has a sufficient range of language to be able to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments using some complex sentence forms to do so. Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition. Vocabulary accuracy is generally high, though some confusion and incorrect word choice does occur without hindering communication. Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make mistakes which lead to misunderstanding. 2/2