MUNI CJ V Creating Complex Sentences English for Social Educators 202 The ESL Writer's Handbook, 2nd Ed. Table 5.1: List of Subordinators for Connecting Ideas Relationship Subordinating Conjunctions Time when, while, since, after, before, until, (as soon as, once—one action immediately after the other), now that Example: Now that we have found some research, we can begin writing our paper. Place anywhere, everywhere, wherever (where) Example: I can find Pittsburgh Steelers fans wherever I go. Condition if, unless, even if, only if, if only Example: Your proposal will be accepted only if you follow the exact content and formatting requirements. Cause/Effect because, as, since Example: Because air pollution is a global issue, countries around the world are trying to establish policies aimed at lessening it. Contrast although, even though, whereas, now, while Example: Although efforts are being made to reduce air pollution, many companies are still ignoring regulations resulting from these efforts. 1/3 Exercise 5.15: Combining Sentences with Subordinators For each sentence identify the relationship between the ideas. Then choose a subordinator from Table 5.1 and use it to combine the two sentences into a dependent clause plus an independent clause (or independent clause + dependent clause). Note that use of may or might implies a conditional relationship. Example: Cell phones are often a distraction. Teachers often prohibit their use in the classroom. Relationship: cause/effect because (As. Since) cell phones are often a distraction, teachers often prohibit their use in the classroom._ 1. I finished my homework. At the same time, my roommate made dinner. Relationship:_ 2. Mark was speeding on the highway. The policeman did not give him a ticket. Relationship:_ 3. Judith might write a good paper for her sociology class. A good paper means she will get an A in the class. Relationship:_ Recycling is one of the most effective ways to reduce garbage and improve our environment. We should increase penalties on households that do not obey local recycling policies. Relationship:_ You may have questions about the writing assignment. You should talk to the teacher after class. Relationship:_ School districts rarely see even one case of the measles per year. Our local elementary school reported seven cases last year. Relationship:_ Carrie got home from the movies. Immediately, she realized that her house had been robbed. Relationship:_ 3/3