English for Sp Eds C (02, 03, 04)

Week 1 (Pre-semester) - Self-assessment

Week 1 Checklist

By the end of Week 1, I have:

1. Introduced myself in the discussion forum for my group.

2. Read the Course Information document and noted down any questions.

3. Done the SWOT analysis and filled out the self-assessment checklist ( paper form / Google Form). 

4. Composed 3 sentences about:

  • my STRENGTH as a language learner;
  • my WEAKNESS(es) as a language learner;
  • areas and skills to FOCUS on in English.


Hello everybody!

How are you feeling at the start of the semester? Post an image that best represents that and add a sentence as an explanation.

That will be a good way for us to start getting to know one another despite the canceled first class. 

Looking forward to your contributions. 

Ben Mullins, unsplash.com
Me at the start of the semester or when I start/return to learning a language.

Information on the Course


Review the document linked below to find out more about the course. Pay special attention to the Requirements and Assessment. 



Do the two self-assessment activities below:

1. The SWOT analysis will reveal what you bring to language learning and how your personal situation may affect it. 

OPTIONAL: the CEFR self-assessment grid is more general and will give you a comprehensive view of yourself as a language learner.

2. The CEFR self-assessment is more detailed and shows how the different language skills can be further broken down into specific sub-categories. For this activity, focus on the B2 section. However, if you feel that some areas are weaker or stronger, you could also check B1 or C1. 

SWOT Analysis

Optional: CEFR self-assessment grid

2. CEFR self-assessment checklist


Task: Language Learning Journey (step 1)

Look at your results and write 3 (three sentences):

  1. About your STRENGTHS in language learning and which language skills you feel confident in. 

  2. About your WEAKNESSES, challenges, and obstacles. 

  3. About the areas and skills you would like to FOCUS on.

Bring them to class for next week.