Inclusive education and intercultural education

Organizational information

Class schedule:


  • 16.9. 10:00–11:50 no class

    Part I: Zden
    23.9. 10:00–11:50
    30.9. 10:00–11:50
    7.10. 10:00–11:50
    14.10. 10:00–11:50

    21.10. 10:00–11:50 - no class
    28.10.  10:00–11:50 - no class (public holiday)

    Part II: Jozef
    4.11. 10:00–11:50
    11.11. 10:00–11:50
    18.11. 10:00–11:50

    Part III: Já
    25.11. 10:00–11:50 meeting with international students (start at 9:00 if possible, RUV)
    2.12. 10:00–11:50
    9.12. 10:00–11:50 

    25.11. - 29.11. international week

Part I: 25 points

Part II: 25 points

Part III: 30 points for the final poster presentation at the conference

               20 points for class activities

Assessment rubric

  • Written assignments are to be in Word, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12- point font (Times New Roman or Garamond), with numbered pages.
  • Citations and a References section are required. Academic expectations of graduate students include edited and properly formatted work (use APA).
  • General evaluation criteria for written assignments include: a) all parts of the assignment have been addressed; b) the assignment has clearly been proofread and is professionally presented; c) page limitations have been followed; d) ideas are clearly stated and paired with specific examples of evidence from the literature/research as necessary; and f) factual information is presented accurately and cited correctly.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.