Inclusive education and intercultural education

Students' presentations and reports due (Zdenek) 14. 10. 2024

Students' presentations in pairs (guideline)

Create a poster for your presentation*. Do not print the poster out, present it online. Use the following guideline and during the presentation, point out only the essentials, focusing on cross-cultural comparisons and possible ideas for solution:

1. Who is excluded and why? 

2. What impact does the act of exclusion have and on whom? 

3. Are there any reasons for the exclusion?

4. Provide data and/or statistics concerning the act of exclusion and its effect on people's education

5. What actions have been taken against the act of exclusion and by whom? How effective (successful) are the actions? 

6. What did you find out when comparing the data and findings across the two cultures/localities/countries?

*How to create a poster in power point presentation:

Barriers in Inclusion: Report on Findings
Use the following questions and guidelines to prepare a report on your research and findings: Who is excluded and why? What are the reasons and explanations (if any) for the exclusion? Who do you think supports the reasons for exclusion? What impact does the exclusion have? Are there any data or statistics concerning the act of exclusion and its effect on people’s education? What actions have been taken against the act of exclusion and by whom? How effective (successful) are the actions? How do state authorities/government and the transnational organizations deal with the act of exclusion? Have you witnessed a similar act of exclusion?