Inclusive education and intercultural education
Inclusive education as a matter of social justice and human rights (Jozef) 4. 11. 2024
Required reading:
Questions for the discussion on the article in class
When reading this article, the following questions may help you identify the most crucial topics and concepts from the article:
- What is inclusive education?
- What is not inclusive education, although it might often be named “inclusive”?
- What is ableism? Provide examples of ableist behaviour mentioned in the article or that you know of.
- What makes inclusive education a matter of social justice and human rights (educational equity)?
- In what ways can special education harm people with disabilities? How is special education represented in the four mosaics?
- Do you agree that special education has resulted in a “separate but unequal” education for many students with disabilities? Why or why not?
- Why does language – or the way we speak about disability – matter? Provide examples of deficit language.
- What are the common prejudices about people with disabilities? How has traditional special education (grounded in behaviourism) constructed students with disabilities?