Inclusive education and intercultural education

Exploring Perspectives through Your Phone

Activity: Exploring Perspectives through Your Phone

Objective: To understand and reflect upon the experiences of different groups, including women, marginalized communities, children, elderly individuals, and people with disabilities, by observing and documenting the environment around you.


  1. Select a Perspective: Choose one group to focus on: women, a marginalized community, children, elderly individuals, or people with disabilities.

  2. Plan a Walk: Venture out into your local community or any public space with your phone. As you walk, try to see the environment through the chosen group's eyes.

  3. Capture Moments: Using your phone's camera, take photos or short videos of:

    • Places or situations that might be particularly beneficial or supportive to the group.
    • Areas or scenarios that may pose challenges or barriers to the group.
    • Any signs, advertisements, or public services specifically tailored towards or against your chosen group.
  4. Document Observations: Use your phone's note app to jot down any feelings, thoughts, or observations during the walk. Try to imagine daily life from the perspective of your chosen group based on what you see and experience.

  5. Reflection and Discussion: Return to the classroom and share your findings in small groups. Discuss:

    • What surprised you?
    • How does the environment cater to or challenge your chosen group?
    • Were there any prevalent themes or patterns you noticed?
    • How can the environment be modified to be more inclusive?
  6. Collate and Present: Compile your photos, videos, and observations into a short presentation or collage. Share it with the class to foster a broader understanding and encourage solutions for a more inclusive community.

Presentation Day: Your compiled presentations will be showcased on  Monday, 9 of December Please be prepared to discuss your findings and observations.

Evaluation and Points: Based on the quality of your project, you can earn up to 10 points towards your final evaluation. This score will reflect your depth of understanding, the thoroughness of your observations, and the quality of your presentation.

Note: Always be respectful and non-intrusive when taking photos or videos in public. If you capture any individual's image, ensure you have their consent before sharing or discussing in class.

Time: 4-8 minutes

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