Introduction to Project Management and Writing

Week 2 - group formation and project proposal


  • creating groups for the project
  • learning principles of creating a sound driving question and SMART goals
  • preparing a general proposal for the group project


  • a.      Group finalization and topic selection, group work norms
  • b.      GOALS identified & formulating a DRIVING QUESTION
  • c.      Writing a mini proposal for the possible project (goal, target group, scale, time, resources)
  • d.      Sharing the mini proposal and getting feedback from colleagues and the teacher (teacher & peer review = authorization of the project proposal) exchanging a few team members to share their visions, collecting ideas for improvement
  • e.      Handing in the proposal to the teacher for feedback and approval (HW if not finished in class)


MINI proposal: Ss hand in and share as a group (500 words) – use IS folder

-          The project title

-          Subject area

-          Duration

-          Audience (customer/receiver/target audience)

-          A project summary (approx. 150 words)

-          The driving question

-          Preliminary list of final product(s)

-          Who is on the project team

-          How the project aligns with the program goals

Mini proposal handout
This is the handout to use for your mini proposal
Week 2 driving question and goals
This is the presentation used in class (week 2)
MS Teams basic information video
This video introduces the basic features of MS Teams we are going to use during the semester.