Introduction to Project Management and Writing

Week 10 - consultation, progress check

½ lesson independent work (managing the documentation and its clarity)

consultation lesson with the individual teams without the presence of the other team (1/2 of the seminar) to check the progress

Work on the completion of the full proposal including all the attachments in the form of the list of literature, WBS, Gantt diagram, quality and success criteria, risks and constraints identification and management, deliverables (map based on Gantt), 

The full proposal should contain the following items (Some of them were already covered. Feel free to use the materials and improve them if necessary. Some of the items will be dealt with in the following seminars - e.g. risk management, deliverables, success criteria): 

-          Title

-          Short description of the project (develop/correct the mini proposal)

-          Driving question (What problem do you want to solve?)

-          Goal (SMART not too general)

-          Duration (count 11-13 weeks of the semester)

-          Audience (presented to: T & Ss + who benefits from the project)

-          Sponsor/client (Who are you doing it for?)

-          Rationale = why are you doing it (public dimension)

-          Literature review (background) - what research exists about the topic (supporting your ideas and their feasibility)

  1. What kinds of research have been done before? 
  2. What relevant kinds of studies or techniques need to be mastered to do your project? 
  3. Where is "the state of the art" today? (What is on offer that people can get?)
  4. How have others gone about trying to solve problems you want to tackle, and in what ways will your approach build on and vary from previous work?  

-          Methodology / Procedure (How are you going to go about the whole project - what are the logical steps = e.g. first the ethnographic research and research of literature, then needs analysis at schools,....)

  1.  What are the tasks and sub-tasks identified to achieve your objectives? 
  2.  What data are needed for the project and how will they be collected? If the project requires a survey or interviews, the design of this instrument (especially the selection of participants) must be explained and justified.
  3. What method or process will be used to analyze this data and where else (if anywhere) has this method or process been used? 
  4. What time frame do you think you will need to accomplish identified tasks or subtasks? (Schedule with a GANT diagram follows = visualization of this plan) 
  5. If you are working on a team, which teammates will accomplish which sections?  

-          Deliverables (final, but also interim to show your progress)

-          Personnel (team members, external help?,…)

-          Resources (What materials will you need to carry out your project: equipment? computer support? typing? graphics? others? )

-          Budget (How will you finance everything you need?)

-          Tasks (WBS, the basic list of tasks for each phase) Don’t forget to include the pre-planning phases!

-          Schedule (GANT) (week5)

-          Risks and constraints (main risks and their solutions - prioritization / MoSCoW) (to be discussed in detail in week 8)

-          Assessment rubric to check progress and standards (What are you going to assess = what is important for your project that its presence & quality should be noted)

-          Success criteria (realistic) – what makes the project not only “done”, but successful (items from the previous rubric need to follow some standards) (to be discussed in detail in week 9)

-          Other… (e.g. sustainability) (to be discussed in detail in week11)