A Meta-Analysis for Exploring the Diverse Causes and Effects of Stress in Teachers Author(s): Cameron Montgomery and André A. Rupp Source: Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation , 2005, Vol. 28, No. 3 (2005), pp. 458-486 Published by: Canadian Society for the Study of Education Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/4126479 REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/4126479?seq=1&cid=pdf- reference#references_tab_contents You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms Canadian Society for the Study of Education is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A Meta-analysis for Exploring the Diverse Causes and Effects of Stress in Teachers Cameron Montgomery & Andre A. Rupp This study provides a correlational meta-analysis of 65 independently written or published studies on teacher stress between 1998 and 2003. We measured the relationships between teacher stress and numerous other constructs including coping, burnout, emotional responses, personality mediators, personal support, environmental structure, and background characteristics. A theoretical-empirical model of construct relationships investigated across studies was developed and n = 2,527 correlational effect sizes were used to estimate the empirical relationships between the operationalized theoretical constructs. Results showed that the strongest association of teacher stressors exists with negatively oriented emotional responses confirming the central role of teachers' coping mechanisms, personality mediators, and burnout potential according to our model of the stress cycle. Key words: stress, coping, teacher bum-out, teacher emotional response Cette recherche fournit une meta-analyse correlationnelle de 65 etudes, ridigees ou publiees entre 1998 et 2003, sur le stress chez les enseignants. Les auteurs ont mesure les relations entre le stress des enseignants et de nombreux autres construits, dont I'adaptation au stress, I'dpuisement professionnel, les reactions emotionnelles, les personality mediators, le soutien personnel, la structure du milieu et les antecedents. Un module theorico-empirique des relations entre les construits a ete blabord et des valeurs d'effets correlationnels de n = 2527 ont ete utilisees pour determiner les relations empiriques entre les construits theoriques operationalis&s. Les resultats demontrent que, pour les facteurs de stress chez les enseignants, I'association la plus importante se trouve du c6te des reactions emotionnelles negatives, ce qui confirme le r61e cl' des mecanismes d'adaptation au stress des enseignants, des personality mediators et du potentiel d'dpuisement professionnel selon le module du cycle du stress qui a etd utilise. Mots cl&s: stress, adaptation au stress, meta-analyse, enseignants. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 28, 3 (2005): 458-486 This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 459 Over the past ten years educational research has established that hig teacher stress is associated with psychological distress, which may b mediated through different coping mechanisms and personality trait (Chan, 1998). Specifically, poor active coping abilities or an over-reliance of passive coping strategies may lead to negative emotional response and, consequently, teacher burnout. A plethora of research on the different sources of stress and their eventual consequences in teachers and student teachers exists, and researchers have used varying methods in explaining the intricate relationships between sources of psychologica stress and other intricately related constructs such as coping mechanisms, personality traits, emotional responses, environmental effects, and burnout. This study investigates and summarizes the correlational evidence of the relationships between psychological stress and related constructs through a meta-analytic lens to synthesize and, more importantly, understand some general trends in the current research literature on teacher stress and to conceptually represent a model of teacher stress based on this literature. Specifically, this study focuses on the recent research literature on teacher and student teacher stressI between 1998 and 2003. In doing so, this study updates recent international research data on teacher stress and constitutes a modest step toward allowing other researchers to understand relationships between stress and other constructs within the stress cycle. This, in turn, is an attempt to aid them in responding to Guglielmi and Tatrow's (1998) paramount call for a shift toward more theory-based investigations that test causal models of teacher stress and health-related outcomes with more sophisticated research designs and measurement strategies, which can be facilitated by having an empirical sense of which construct relationships merit closer investigation. TOWARD A THEORETICAL-EMPIRICAL MODEL OF STRESS Numerous constructs have been identified as causes and effects of stress in different populations over the years. Moreover, numerous mediating factors may influence the relationships between variables in th nomological networks in which researchers place constructs. In This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 460 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP preparation for developing a meta-analytic framework, w discussed, and synthesized existing theoretical stress models empirical relationships and represent these studies into a fin of the stress cycle that we will present later. Because our m focuses on a variety of relationships among numerous const than on a few isolated relationships between few constru larger framework, we wanted to have a conceptual mode stress to augment and refine, based on the empirical re studied in the research we surveyed. Before presenting however, we have described our understanding of stress and related constructs, based on well-established existing re theory. Definition of Stress Our understanding of stress originated in the empirical research of Derogatis (1987), who conducted his most recent research using the Derogatis Stress Profile (DSP), a psychological questionnaire to measure individuals' stress dispositions. Derogatis based this questionnaire on Lazarus's (1966) social interaction theory of stress which consequently led us towards Lazurus's more recent research and theories of stress and coping. Lazarus and Folkman (1984) define stress as a particular interaction between the person and the environment, appraised or evaluated by the person as being taxing or exceeding his or her persona resources, and, as a consequence, disrupting his or her daily routine According to Derogatis, stress may be defined as a state of psychologica pressure influenced by three main sources or domains: personality mediators (constructs of time pressure, driven behaviour, attitud posture, relaxation potential, and role definition); environmental factor (constructs of vocational satisfaction, domestic satisfaction, and health posture); and emotional responses (constructs of hostility, anxiety, and depression). Derogatis accordingly explains that these three source must be studied interactively to develop a comprehensive account o psychological stress. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 461 Sources of Teacher Stress Research has shown that teachers are exposed to a number of sources of stress. Kyriacou (2001) reports that the main sources of teacher stres stem from teaching students who lack motivation; maintaining disciplin in the classroom; confronting general time pressures and workload demands; being exposed to a large amount of change; being evaluated by others; having difficult or challenging relationships with colleagues, administration, or management; and being exposed to generally poo working conditions. The author warns that the sources of stress experienced by a particular teacher will, of course, be unique to him or her and will depend on the precise complex interaction between his o her personality, values, skills, and circumstances. Moreover, coping mechanisms, personality traits, or the environment can interactivel influence the degree to which stressful situations are being perceived and influence the teacher's emotional and cognitive well-being. Stress and Coping Our approach to investigating coping mechanisms was grounded in Lazarus and Folkman's transactional model of stress and coping which focuses on how problematic events trigger stressful episodes. Lazaru and Folkman (1984) and, more recently, Admiraal, Korthagen, and Wubbels (2000) believe that daily events predict changes in psychosomatic health better than major life events. Lazarus and Folkman claim that when confronted by a given event, an individual engages in a process of primary appraisal whereby the event may be seen as stressful or benign, depending on the individual and the situation. Next, the individual will engage in a process of secondary appraisal. In this process, an individual will engage in the cognitive evaluation of his or her personal and environmental resources to deal with the stressful event. In other words, primary appraisal refers to the appraisal of the stressful character of the situation, whereas secondary appraisal refers to the evaluation of an individual's capacity to confront the situation. Both types of appraisals are cognitive processes that depend, to a large extent, on the appraising individual. Finally, their theoretical model predicts This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 462 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRt R. RUPP that individuals will use cognitive and adaptation to deal with a given stressful eve Chan (1998) points out that evidence of str health and psychological distress, are not stressors but are also determined by a host of which are generally collected under t mechanisms or strategies (Lazarus & Folkm 1985). Several classifications of coping processes have been proposed in the lite behaviour may be directed at managing or causing the distress or at regulating the problem. The former is referred to as prob latter as emotion-focused coping (Admir 2000). Problem-focused coping behaviour co problem-solving strategies such as defini alternative solutions, weighing alternativ benefits, selecting one of them, and taki coping behaviour consists of positive rea well as defensive strategies such as avo distancing. Individuals will use emotionwhen they believe that they cannot do anything to modify environmental conditions. By contrast, they will utilize problem-focused coping behaviour when they see conditions as changeable. Similarly, Kyriacou (2001) defines direct action techniques as things that a teacher can do to eliminate the source of stress, and mental or physical palliative techniques as things that they can do to lessen the feeling of stress. Stress and Personality The literature also provides support that an individual's personality characteristics influence the degree to which he or she seeks social support when confronted by a stressful event (Houston & Vavak, 1991; Kobasa, Maddi, Ouccelli, & Zola, 1985; Watson & Clark, 1984). Guglielmi and Tatrow (1998) claim that personality traits, especially Type-A personality, and demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, and ethnicity, further mediate the ability to establish and maintain This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 463 supportive social networks and facilitative cognitive appraisal of stressor. Stress is not viewed as being due exclusively to situation personal characteristics but rather to the interaction between them. T findings reveal that the seeking of social support and the engagemen successful coping strategies can render an objective situation demanding, threatening, or harmful to an individual. Stress and Burnout Individuals may experience burnout as a result of stress itself, a sudden breakdown of their mediating coping mechanisms, or an ineffectiveness of their mediating coping mechanisms over a long period of time (Guglielmi & Tatrow, 1998; Vandenberghe & Huberman, 1999). Burnout has traditionally been viewed as having three components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of personal accomplishment. Burnout is most frequently measured using Maslach's Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). A feeling of burnout is not a direct effect of repeated exposures to stressful situations, however. Burnout is mediated through various active and passive coping mechanisms, as discussed above, and is a result of the accumulation of positively and negatively oriented emotional responses that have arisen through coping mechanisms. A THEORETICAL-EMPIRICAL MODEL OF TEACHER STRESS Based on the above definition of stress as well as discussio lectures of recognized scientific theories on stress, an over literature on teacher stress, including both qualitative and qu methodologiesi, and an extensive review of theoretical tea models, including their related constructs and definitions overview, we developed a model of key construct relation model includes as its central component a representation intra-individual process of reacting to stressful events (see Fig The most important premise of the model is that a teache to outside events, is the core agent throughout the entire mod stressors are present at the beginning of what we consid This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms CAMERON IMONTGOMERY ~ ANDR~ R. RUPP ??~I i5' ' r '?' ? C. - ?111 ?1 ?'?:?? r!?:: ? ?r ?r~i? ?r? -? n-?)~~? ? ??. I, V ?? c ?~i?:?~~; ~ r? ,,r ?!::: .?. :i?? ,-L? c. ?.'; 1. 1? :?;.t ?:rb? d 1.??''' ~'' :?.?-? ..i d'' - i~!i'? r .' ?~% a r?-:.f::i:;: '' `/?: : r- r-'??;:?''' : j.i; f 1r..'~'' c c.r.. t: 'Z\: ? jf ? r4-? r;? ' ? ??: i. " :?' !?~ '? j~ t4: \I.'i-- (-.1 ::1; ?3?~ BFr ?i?.? ?, ?; ?c.;-, ?i:? 1. t' :: I. .. :: I ? ?:? 1Ua?,r fi P ?;r P ,??-. I?. .. r;54 i''?'I ??, f S .... : ? C , ? r iil% '' .??.. r-? :.I j?'I ? :!i"i ; i !5..4 I?' ?'~ ~ CIL ,?? ?:?... c ii 1. ?.~?, ,, ?; : ? IS.. r. .-p~ r?.? L '?;'r .~?:? .r' F~?'~T?i. F''-: '' gf .. -.I ?.. :r ?: . i?? ? r???';: ?1?.. i?i Lt::f' :?;.~L%!~,.?. " il?-L I ~ .. L?: r (-? :ii` r.$. ., ,?, ??- . I,~%?';%':I i ..~5 .? ~?:??` ~ ;;.r ~.?,/Y ?? .i ???~ .? 't, t ~: '? ''?.cr?~;!?:.~ it. ;r :n n n:t' s',-; ?I '.~cr I ` ?~?? ' :. ?, i??.lr L52 ~~I I `~"~ I' i It ,, c?fi?: ' f.-1`??` : ? d .. f j .5.P ;C rr: ts . . a -~~?:~?:?-~~,??~'''.,.. I' ';? rl? 1: 9% '? .r. jII1? .. ii- ? -- i ?, .. ?. i This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 465 stress cycle. As for the other labels, the labelling process of the categories captures the general patterns of construct relationships and maps onto similarly signified latent variables in structural equation models (Chan, 1998). Specifically, we developed this model after reviewing and discussing major characteristics in both qualitative and quantitative research. Next, we qualitatively categorized individual variables and variable relationships in the empirical literature (i.e., in quantitative articles) on teacher stress surveyed for this paper, the reason why the stress cycle in the diagram is semantically tied to an environment. Apart from the sources of teacher stress (external stressors), the remaining part of the model appears to display universally applicable relationships that may be used in other domains for research. According to this model, intra-individual processes consist primarily of the experience and evaluation / appraisal of external stressful events that have their sources in different aspects of a teacher's professional / vocational life such as students, administration, colleagues, general work demands, and characteristics of the school environment (external stressors). In addition, external stressful events in a teacher's personal / domestic life such as problems in the relationship with a life partner or financial debt may also influence his or her overall emotional, cognitive, and behavioural state. Once an individual has appraised these events, he or she engages in active coping or passive coping strategies, perhaps both. The former can take the form of cognitive strategies (e.g., changing perspective, exerting self-control, rationally distancing oneself), behavioural strategies (e.g., setting limits for work, seeking advice from others, engaging in relaxation exercises), and emotional strategies (e.g., being calm, thinking positively) and also manifest themselves in individuals' physical responses or health posture. In contrast, passive coping mechanisms such as resignation, drinking, wishful thinking, and avoidance are characterized by a lack of direct engagement with the stressful event toward its resolution. As a result of the application, or lack thereof, of these coping mechanisms, or sometimes directly as a consequence of the stressful events, an individual experiences a host of emotional responses, which are either positively oriented such as hope, enjoyment, or passion, or are negatively oriented such as anxiety, frustration, depression, or even suicidal ideation. In addition, an This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 466 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP individual may experience strong feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with his or her job and life situation more generally, which may influence this individual's commitment level to his or her work. Finally, then, individuals may experience different levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, or personal accomplishment as facets of burnout. It is, of course, debatable whether the degree of satisfaction is causally prior or posterior to experiences of burnout, which will likely depend on an individual and a situation; we chose to place satisfaction prior to burnout because we viewed it as predominantly connected / related to emotional response. The entire intra-individual situational process described so far is further mediated by relatively stable personality traits, so-called personality mediators (e.g., driven behaviour, attitude posture, relaxation potential, type-A behavior) that influence the strength of the relationships depicted in the core of the model. In fact, certain individuals may be more predisposed to external stressors because of their personality. Personality, therefore, accounts for what we consider to be the inner stressors in our model. Moreover, the relationships are mediated by the degree to which individuals feel supported, both in their vocational environment (e.g., by their bosses and colleagues) and their domestic environment (e.g., spouse and friends); these sets of factors are depicted as outward circles around the core path diagram. Further outward in the model, the relatively stable structural characteristics of the environment are represented such as the teachers' grade level, their average class size, or the type of school in which they are teaching. Similarly, background variables such as sex, educational qualifications, and years of experience are individuals' stable characteristics that may have some influence on the intra-individual process of dealing with stressful events. This model does not account, per se, for the fluidity of individuals' responses to stressful events to distinguish between state and trait components of stress, a measure that would require the collection of longitudinal data on cohorts. Moreover, because the focus of this paper is the estimation of average correlational effect sizes for each of the displayed paths and hypothesized relationships, we are necessarily restricted to statements that aggregate effects over teacher groups and This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 467 situations. At the same time, our study is an important empirical step toward investigating in a relatively comprehensive manner the systemic nature of construct relationships between stress and other widely studied constructs. This model may, therefore, be applicable to other contexts or domains (e.g., managerial, medical, social) when trying to understand stress and its relationship with other constructs. The organization of the variable sets in Figure 1 represents, partially, our primary focus on the core relationships between stress, the engagement of coping mechanisms, the experience of emotional responses and satisfaction, and the experience of burnout. In addition, it also describes the relative importance we ascribe to the different classes of constructs and concepts that are represented in the model. These factors lead us to the following hypotheses. Research Hypotheses We hypothesize that the relationship between stress and coping mechanisms as well as between coping mechanisms, emotional responses, and burnout is stronger than the influences that background variables have on the coping process. Similarly, considering the outer rings, we hypothesize that environmental structure variables will display weaker relationships with the intra-individual variables than the support structure variables or the personality mediator variables. At the same time, we believe that personality mediators and support variables display strong influences with the intra-individual relationships depicted in the core. METHOD The following section of this article describes our methodolog to code variables and to compute average effect size measu meta-analysis. Collection of Articles We located relevant recent articles on stress though a compute international databases housed in North America such as P This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 468 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP Eric, Sociofile, Canadian Periodical Index, Index-Cpi.Q, Inf Dissertations, Current Contents, Ontario Scholars Portal, Francis (International Humanities and Social Sciences), and Merlot as well as through searches of the internet via Google, Metacrawler, and Yahoo. We also located articles in data banks housed outside North America such as the FisBildung in Germany and Repere in Canada and Franc We employed various permutations of keywords to track art Every search included the keywords "teachers" and "stress," while searches included keywords such as "student teacher," "pre-ser "burnout," "coping," "anxiety," and "depression." We used reference lists in all primary articles to perform a search of addit references within the sampling frame of interest until we found no articles. We selected studies that investigated teacher stress in some although, in several cases, the title did not necessarily indicate it (e. included studies on teacher burnout, teacher coping, and teacher h if they were also investigating the relationship between these cons and teacher stress). Finally, of the 211 studies initially identifi kept only articles that contained quantitative research, thus exclud conceptual overview and synthesis articles as well as qualitative res because we could not use meta-analytic procedures for these studie addition, we eliminated articles that employed complex multiv measures such as cluster structures because it was impossi unambiguously define or assign effect sizes as measuring a si variable or a single relationship between pairs of variables. We included research from refereed journal publications (n = dissertations (n = 13), and refereed conference proceedings (n = 1) f total of n = 65 independently written or published studies. Eleven studies were published in a language other than English (2 we French, 2 were in Japanese, and 7 were in German); the Japanese s were translated by trained bilingual graduate students, wherea French and German studies were not translated because both authors are multilingual.3 Sample Characteristics Table 1 shows some important characteristics of the samples included across the studies. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 469 Table 1 Sample Characteristics across Studies Study Country Teacher Sample Age Age Female Male Exp. Exp. Size Mean (SD) (%) (%) Mean (SD) Abel & Sewell (1999) USA Second. 98 --- --- 86 14 15.35 8.56 Adams (2001) USA Second 364 --- --- 64 36 --- --- Alkhrisha USA and (2002) Jordan Other 228 --- --- --- --- --- --- Anopchand (2000) USA Second 143 --- --- --- --- --- --- Antoniou et al.(2000) Greece Other 110 --- --- 39 61 --- --- Avramidis et a1.(2000) UK Primary 135 --- --- --- --- --- --- Bechen (2000) USA Both 300 --- --- --- --- BoehmKasper & Weishaupt (2002) Germany Second 1091 --- --- 55 45 --- --- Cains & Brown (1998) UK Primary 76 --- --- --- --- 1.00 --- Center & Callaway (1999) USA Other 151 --- 10 85 15 --- 8.60 Center &Steventon (2001) USA Other 149 --- --- --- --- --- --- Center (2001) USA Other 35 37 14 94 6 10.93 7.80 Chan (1998) China Second 415 31 8 55 43 7.78 7.46 Hong Chan (2002) Kong Second 83 24 3 72 28 --- --- Hong Chan (2003) Kong Other 83 24 3 72 28 --- --- Cheuk et al. (2002) China Second 180 --- --- --- --- --- --- Chi On Hong (2001) Kong Both 543 --- --- --- --- --- Conley & Woosley (2000) USA Both 371 --- --- 73 27 --- --- Cousin (2000) USA Both 166 --- --- 90 10 5.00 --- Davis & Wilson (2000) USA Primary 704 --- --- --- --- --- --- DeJesus & Conboy (2001) Portugal Both 25 42 --- 88 12 18.00 --- Friedel & Dalbert (2003) Germany Primary 108 43 8 --- 1 22.52 8.00 Griffith et al. (1999) England Both 780 --- --- 76 24 --- --- This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 470 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDR R. RUPP Study Country Teacher Sample Age Age Female Male Exp. Exp. Size Mean (SD) (%) (%) Mean (SD) Griva & Joekes (2003) UK Second 166 38 --- 52 48 12.40 --- Hawe et al. New (2000) Zealand Primary 353 --- --- 85 15 --- --- Hemmings & Hockley (2001) Australia Primary 54 --- --- --- --- --- --- Ishofsky (1998) USA Both 43 --- --- --- --- --- --- Jacobsson et al. (2001) Sweden Both 928 43 --- --- --- --- 16.40 Kittel & Leynen (2003) Belgium Second 128 44 9 --- --- 19.90 9.80 Kumarakula singam (2002 USA Primary 227 --- --- 100 --- 13.31 10.62 Lafave (2000) USA Primary 53 --- --- --- --- --- --- Mearns & Cain (2003) USA Both 86 40 11 76 24 13.88 11.20 Montgomery & Leonard (2003) Canada Both 106 --- --- 72 28 --- --- Montgomery (2001) Canada Both 458 --- --- 80 20 --- --- MurrayHarvey et al. (2000) Australia Both --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Neuenschwa der (2003) Germany Second 146 45 --- 54 46 --- Pack (2000) Canada Other 40 --- --- --- --- 19.00 --- Pascual et al. (2003) Spain Second 198 44 28 53 47 --- --- Peklaj & Puklek (2001) Slovenia Primary --- --- --- --- --- Petrie (2001) USA Primary 382 --- --- --- --- --- --- Pisanti et al. (2003) Italy Second 169 48 8 64 42 21.00 --- Pithers & Australia Soden & (1998) Scotland Other 332 --- --- --- 0.00 0.00 Pomaki et al. (2003) Greece Second 215 44 6 60 40 17.39 6.39 Rasku & Kinnunen (2003) Finland Second 373 46 10 69 31 18.40 10.70 Root (2001) USA Primary 74 --- --- --- --- --- Ryo & Koji (2003) Japan Both 710 --- --- --- --- --- --- Sakata et al. (1999) Japan Second 212 37 --- 45 55 13.41 --- Sann (2003) Germany Second 297 48 9 46 54 20.30 9.10 Schmitz & Schwarzer (1999) Germany Other 140 --- --- 58 42 --- --- Schmitz (2001) Germany Other 132 --- --- 58 42 --- --- This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 471 Study Country Teacher Sample Age Age Female Male Exp. Exp. Size Mean (SD) (%) (%) Mean (SD) Schmitz (2004) Germany Other 103 --- --- 73 27 Schonfeld (2000) USA Both 184 Schonfeld (2001) USA Both 184 --- --- 100 Sumsion & Thomas (2000) Australia Both 13 Thomas et al. (2003) Australia Primary 102 43 8 100 --- 17.18 8.26 Van der Doef & Maes (2002) Holland Second 454 44 8 36 64 16.30 8.20 Van Dick et al. (1999) Germany Both 424 47 8 56 44 19.80 8.80 Van Zyl & Pietersen South (1999) Africa Second 66 Vandoan (1998) USA Primary 246 --- --- 36 64 5.00 Verhoeven et al (2003) Holland Second 1878 --- --- 42 58 16.80 Whitehead New et al. (2000) Zealand Primary 386 --- --- 87 13 Winzelberg & Luskin (1999) USA Primary 21 25 --- 71 29 0.00 0.00 Yagil (1998) Israel Primary 69 31 8 69 ... ... ... Yoon (2002) USA Primary 113 --- -- --- --- 12.00 --- Hong Yu (2002) Kong Second 128 --- --- 49 50 64.83 35.17 The mean sample size across studie deviation of 303.4, which arose from a fe and we computed this standard deviat reported the standard deviation. Using percentage of females in the samples was deviation of 18.1 per cent, and the me samples was 38.3 per cent with a stand Moreover, the mean average age of tea years with a standard deviation of 5.8 reported these data, and the mean a experience was 15.6 years with a standa on 26 studies. We noted that 17 studie elementary school teachers or student (30.8%) used only secondary school teache out of the 65 studies (26.2%) used both ty 11 studies used teachers at other levels or did not provide this This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 472 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP information. Therefore, the participants in the studies were largely female, a reflection of the teaching profession internationally, generally older (i.e., between 30 and 50 years of age), with substantial experience (i.e., around 10 - 20 years), and generally elementary or secondary school teachers. Coding of Studies We coded studies according to characteristics of the sampling frame and stages, the experimental design structure, the population(s) sampled, and the statistical methodologies utilized. We entered the information from the studies in three different ways. First, because of the variability in the measures employed across all studies, we created a data file that contained each bivariate relationship in each study as a separate entry. For each relationship, we entered the two variables as they were labelled in the study along with the statistical technique used to compare them, the effect size measure that was reported, and the degrees of freedom, sample size, and p-value for the associated test. For studies that did not report effect sizes or provided insufficient information, we computed data manually. We then reduced the original data file to a smaller number of studies (n = 65) because for some studies only complex statistical models were employed whose parameter estimates or effect sizes could not be transformed to a correlation metric. The resulting data file contained k = 2,527 entries where, on the original metric; k = 2,061 effect sizes were Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients; k = 62 were Spearman correlation coefficients; k = 6 were Pearson point-biserial correlation coefficients; k = 134 were independent-samples t-test statistics; and k = 264 were F-test statistics largely representing independent-samples t-test statistics because they had 1 numerator degree of freedom. Because constructs involved in the bivariate relationships varied, we developed more global coding categories to summarize the effects of different relationships that represent a single path in the theoretical-empirical model depicted in Figure 1. Indeed, the statistical analyses presented in the following sections are aimed at estimating the average zero-order correlations between the variable pairs. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 473 Creation of Variable Categories After having entered all explanatory and response variables from all studies within our sampling frame, we recoded the variables according to the theoretically derived categories depicted in our model (see Figure 1), based on a detailed analysis of the study design descriptions. Hence, the highest-order categories corresponded to different sources of stress, different types of active and passive coping, different types of emotional responses, different facets of burnout, and different types of support, as well as personality mediators, environmental structure variables, and background variables. We were able to classify most variables into one of these categories. For example, if one study used the phrase 'educational qualifications' and another used the phrase 'educational level' while, at the same time, both studies measured the number of years that student teachers had in previous teaching-related experiences, we renamed both variables as 'years of experience' and assigned it to the category 'background characteristics.' Similarly, we relabelled categories such as 'financial stressors' and 'money stressors' as 'degree of financial stress' and assigned them to the category 'stress' nested within 'domestic.' We categorized constructs such as depression, suicidal ideation, and anxiety as negative emotional responses rather than as internal stressors. In cases where we disagreed over classifications, we reached a final classification by going back to earlier studies that contained a theoretical model with these variables in them or by consulting other empirical research articles outside of our sampling frame.4 Statistical Analysis We analyzed the correlational data using the methods outlined in Fern and Monroe (1996), Lipsey and Wilson (2001), Hedges & Olkin (1985), and Hunter and Schmidt (1990). The structure of effect-size statistics varies, of course, by the statistical model for which the effect size is reported as a measure. Nevertheless, most effect sizes can be readily transformed from one metric to another (e.g., Fern & Monroe, 1996). Because most of our effect sizes were zero-order Pearson productThis content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 474 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP moment correlation coefficients based on two variables measured on interval scales, we chose to transform the remaining effect sizes ont correlation metric, consequently eliminating a few effect sizes such unstandardized and standardized regression coefficients in mu linear regression models or structural equation models because t represent partial effects and are computed with other variables inc in the model. For each correlation coefficient so obtained, we recorded the number of samples on which they were based. Because of the variability in the measures we investigated, these samples are not, technically, statistically independent because multiple correlation coefficients from the same study that index different bivariate relationships between different construct pairs were included in the computation of the same average. However, whether the violation of the statistical independence would lead to serious biases in the computation of the average effect size measures and their standard errors is debatable because it depends on the amount of dependence. To ensure that sample sizes were noninflated, we recorded only the total sample size for all independent samples across the studies. For each study, we recorded the reliabilities of the psychometric measures because our original intention was to correct the involved coefficients for unreliability. Unfortunately, empirical reliability estimates were not reported for more than half of the scales and subscales used across the studies; we did not complete this correction. However, the median reliability for 380 reported subscale reliabilities was 0.81 (5th percentile = 0.60 and 95th percentile = 0.92) and all reported reliabilities were internal consistencies measured by Coefficient a. Based on these data, we estimated the effect that corrections for unreliability resulting in disattenuated coefficients would have on individual correlational effect sizes to get a sense of the effect of unreliability correction if all reliability values had been available. We considered the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile of the observed reliability distribution as three representative conditions and assumed that both variables on which an observed correlation coefficient was based have the same reliability. For these cases, Table 2 shows how the difference b This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 475 uncorrected and corrected effect sizes varies, depending on the size o the observed correlation and the reliabilities of the variables involved. For small effect sizes, this difference is generally no larger than about 0.05. For medium correlational effect sizes and a typical scale reliability of 0.81, this difference is no larger than about 0.10 and is, of course, eve less if the variable reliabilities are higher, and more if the variabl reliabilities are lower. For large correlational effect sizes and a typic scale reliability of 0.81, this difference is generally no larger than abou 0.15. If one compares these idealized cases with results of corrections fo unreliability and range restriction in other meta-analyses from journals such as Review of Educational Research, one can relatively safely assume that the difference between the uncorrected and the corrected correlation coefficients would generally be around 0.05 or 0.10 with corrected values being, of course, higher than the uncorrected ones. Because most of the observed correlations in this study were low, as will be discussed below, the difference between uncorrected and corrected correlations in this meta-analysis would most likely not be striking; we therefore did n any comparison. Table 2 Theoretical Values of Correlational Effect Sizes Corrected for Unreliability Effect Size r a = .72 a = .81 a = .86 rc (rc - r) rc (rc - r) rc (rc - r) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Small 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.10 0.14 0.04 0.12 0.02 0.12 0.02 0.15 0.21 0.06 0.19 0.04 0.17 0.02 0.20 0.28 0.08 0.25 0.05 0.23 0.03 0.25 0.35 0.10 0.31 0.06 0.29 0.04 Medium 0.30 0.42 0.12 0.37 0.07 0.35 0.05 0.35 0.49 0.14 0.43 0.08 0.41 0.06 0.40 0.56 0.16 0.49 0.09 0.47 0.07 Large 0.45 0.63 0.18 0.56 0.11 0.52 0.07 0.50 0.69 0.19 0.62 0.12 0.58 0.08 0.55 0.76 0.21 0.68 0.13 0.64 0.09 This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 476 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP Effect Size r a = .72 a = .81 a =.86 rc (rc - r) rc (rc - r) rc (rc - r) 0.60 0.83 0.23 0.74 0.14 0.70 0.10 0.65 0.90 0.25 0.80 0.15 0.76 0.11 0.70 0.97 0.27 0.86 0.16 0.81 0.11 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.93 0.18 0.87 0.12 0.80 1.00 0.20 0.99 0.19 0.93 0.13 0.85 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.15 0.99 0.14 0.90 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.95 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.05 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Notes: r = Observed correlational effect size, rc = Corr unreliability, a = Coefficient a used as a measure of r r The correction is based on a/ a2 a that both variables have the same reliability. Next, we constructed confidence intervals for the correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficients were first transformed to the standard normal metric using Fisher's z transformation, which possesse superior statistical properties, and the standard errors, weights, and 95 per cent confidence interval limits were subsequently computed in that metric. Finally, we transformed the confidence interval limits back to th original correlation metric (see, e.g., Lipsey & Wilson, 2001, p. 72, for th formulas). The following section now presents a summary of the major associations found between indicators of the constructs included in our model. RESULTS We computed average correlation coefficients for all pairs of variab subsumed under the higher-order construct classification catego depicted in Figure 1; Table 3 shows the resulting average correlat effect sizes. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND Table 3 Correlation Matrix with Average Correlational Effect Sizes Stress Active Passive Emotional Burnout Personality Support Coping Coping Responses Mediators Stress 1 N= 6280 N = 1761 N = 6254 N = 4453 N = 7941 N = 57 K= 179 K= 25 K= 128 K= 124 K= 99 K= Active Coping .2025 1 N = 1761 N = 3274 N = 4217 N = 5562 N = 4 (.1942, K=41 K=92 K= 123 K=77 K=5 .2107) Passive Coping .0751 .1544 1 N = 1626 N = 1626 N = 1540 N = 1 (.0475, (.1327, K = 17 K = 27 K=7 K=8 .1025) .2759) Emotional .2512 .0500 .0950 1 N = 2447 N = 5402 N = 3910 Responses (.2413, (-.0628, (.0611, K = 69 K = 79 K = .2611) .1615) .1287) Burnout .2673 .2685 .0858 .3977 1 N = 4821 N = 3700 N (.2565, (.2575, (.0583, (.3846,.4106) K=49 K= .2780) .2793) .1131) Personality .2535 .1624 .1031 .3033 .2746 1 N = 4837 N Mediators (.2433, (.1489, (.0531, (.2080, .3930) (.2600, K .2635) .1760) .1527) .2890) Support .2604 .1503 .0608 .2671 .2357 .2302 1 N (.2475, (.1355, (.0105, (.2495, .2844) (.2188, (.2095 .2731) .1650) .1108) .2525) Environment .1914 .2067 n/a .2772 .1781 .2225 Structure (.1806, (.1867, (.2488, .3052) (.1609, (.2047, .2 .2021) .2265) .1951) .3683 Background .1120 .0909 .1292 .0631 .0728 .1199 (.1035, (.0820, (.1085, (.0506, .0756) (.0642, (.1037, .1361) (.043 .1205) .0999) .1497) .0813) .0794 Notes. Values in the lower off-diagonal are avera the total sample size of all independent samples were observed for this construct pair. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 478 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP The upper off-diagonal of Table 3 shows the total samp independent samples (N) and the number of effect size based the averages (K), whereas the lower off-diago average effect size statistics on a correlation metric with t 95 per cent confidence intervals. The total number o between variables from the nine categories (i.e., stress passive coping, emotional responses, burnout, personal support, environmental structure, background characteri across the 64 studies was k = 2,023. The average absolute c was 0.19 with a standard deviation of 0.08. All average cor significant at an individual a = .05 level because the cor per cent confidence intervals do not contain 0, with the ex average correlation between active coping and emotio (rF = 0.05; 95% CI = [-0.06,0.16]) and the average correl background characteristics and environmental structu 0.06,0.33]). According to Cohen (1988), correlations of less than or can be considered small whereas correlations of more than 0.40 can be considered large although no definitive classification and labelling exi therefore, the linguistic descriptors in the following are somewh imprecise. Results from Table 3 indicate that average correlation between external stressors such as student misbehaviour and workload demands and others constructs are, generally, weak to moderate w typically only about 5 per cent and 15 per cent of shared varian between variable pairs. External stressors are most highly correla with burnout (F = 0.27; 95% CI = [0.26,0.28]), support variab (F = 0.26; 95% CI = [0.25,0.27]), personality mediator variables (F = 0.25 95% CI = [0.24,0.26]), and emotional response variables (F = 0.25; 95% C = [0.24,0.26]) and less strongly correlated with active coping (F = 0. 95% CI = [0.19,0.21]), environmental structure variables (F = 0.19; 95% = [0.18,0.20]), and background variables (F = 0.11; 95% CI = [0.10,0.1 the lowest average correlation was found for passive coping (F = 0 95% CI = [0.05,0.10]). In other words, external stressors may b moderately influencing burnout directly, with support from family other colleagues playing a mediating role with similarly moderat effects. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 479 We have attributed an important central role to emotional responses because they are moderately to highly correlated with several other variables. The majority of emotional response variables that have been empirically investigated are negatively orientated (e.g., distress, anxiety, depression), implying, for example, that the average correlations between external stressors and these responses primarily reflect an exposure to stressful events and lead to negative experiences for teachers, be they mediated through coping mechanisms or not, and that these responses, in turn, may lead to different types and magnitudes of burnout. With emotional response variables, average correlations were moderate to high in the frame of reference of the average correlations observed here. Specifically, we observed a high average correlation between emotional response variables and burnout (r = 0.40; 95% CI = [0.38,0.41]), showing that the degree in which teachers emotionally respond to stressful events and how satisfied they are as a consequence, either mediated through coping mechanisms or not, has a strong influence on the degree of burnout they experience. We observed moderate average correlations between emotional responses and personality mediator variables (F = 0.30; 95% CI = [0.21,0.39]), suggesting that the way teachers emotionally respond to a variety of stressful situations is closely tied to the relatively stable personality traits that mediate their responses according to the stress cycle. Emotional response variables were also moderately correlated with environmental structure variables ( F = 0.28; 95% CI = [0.25,0.31]), and support variables (r= 0.27; 95% CI = [0.25,0.28]), indicating that these factors also influence quite strongly how people emotionally respond to stressful events, which, in turn, influences the degree of burnout they experience. Put simply, this shows that the subjectively perceived quality of the environment and the support structures available to individual teachers, both at home and at work, are important for dealing with stressful situations. In this context, future induction studies considering the relationship between mentoring and stress may reveal relevant findings because the former may act as a buffer against burnout. Finally, as seen with active and passive coping, the average correlation between emotional responses and background variables (r = 0.06; 95% CI = [0.05,0.08]) was low. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 480 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRE R. RUPP In terms of active coping, average correl to moderate, and we found that activ correlated with burnout (r = 0.27; 95% weaker correlations between active coping variables (r- = 0.21; 95% CI = [0.19,0.23]), pe (r = 0.16; 95% CI = [0.15,0.18]), support [0.14,0.17]), and passive coping (r- = 0.15; extremely weak correlations exist be background variables (r = 0.09; 95% C emotional response variables (F = 0.05; 95% one actively copes through exercise (e.g., o behavioral strategies, cognitive planning, o emotional responses in the face of vario determine if one will indeed feel emotiona or not accomplished. Yet, at the same ti engages in active coping strategies does background characteristics and does no emotional responses to stressful events themselves, moderately correlated to st burnout as a result. In terms of passive cop generally low. Interestingly, the construct with passive coping was background char [0.11,0.15]), showing that, for example, th people with different levels of teaching ex though that, in itself, does not strongly i they internally mediate the stressors. In terms of personality mediators, avera moderate as shown by, for example, the personality mediator variables and bu [0.26,0.29]), support variables (F = 0.23 environmental structure variables (rF = Moreover, the average correlation bet variables and background variables is [0.10,0.14]), showing that personality trait with stable background characteristics such This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 481 In terms of support variables, average correlations varied by the construct they were related to. For example, although a moderate average correlation exists between support variables and environmental structure variables (rF = 0.33; 95% CI = [0.30,0.37]), only a low average correlation exists between support and background characteristics (F = 0.06; [0.04,0.08]), showing that the perception of available support for individual teachers does not vary systematically with background characteristics such as sex or educational level. Moreover, the average correlation between background characteristics and environmental structure variables is low (F = 0.14; 95% CI = [-0.06,0.33]), but is, at the same time, the highest correlation between background characteristics and other constructs. Findings for Research Hypotheses Based on the results presented so far, one can observe that the empirical support for our hypotheses was, generally, only weak. Specifically, only moderate associations exist between external stressors and burnout, personality mediators, negatively or positively oriented emotional responses including satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and support variables as well as between emotional responses and burnout. Although background characteristics did not seem to strongly affect other components within the stress cycle, the structure of the teaching environment (environmental structure) and personality mediators were generally relatively highly correlated with other components within the stress cycle, given the average correlations observed in this study. Within the core of the model, it became clear that only some support occurred for the influence of active coping strategies as effective mediators for influencing the emotional responses and that no support occurred for the effectiveness of passive coping strategies generally. As expected, stress levels correlated positively with other variables in the stress cycle, but not always as strongly as expected. To summarize some of the central average correlations discussed above, Figure 2 shows the theoretical-empirical model described earlier with selected effect sizes indicated. Note that the numbers in Figure 2 are This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP 4 14JIL rr t--;.. 1 I' ' ' " " i i ii j?? & L ??F~ ii 7i Itl?1. I? 5 ~ ?~? L 6 I,:II This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms A META-ANALYSIS FOR EXPLORING THE DIVERSE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS 483 selected average zero-order correlations as discussed above and not coefficients in a structural equation model, which is beyond the scope o this paper. One may gather from the results that follow that emotional responses, personality mediators, support variables, and burnout play, not surprisingly, a central role in the manner in which teachers respond to external stressors. In particular, this may point to the importance to examine emotions in conjunction with external stressors in future studies to better understand the effects of external stressors on negative emotions and, possibly, resulting in burnout. Indeed our results confirm Goleman's (1995) theory of emotional intelligence because the results presented here suggest that emotions have a more central role for understanding the intricate relationship between stress, burnout, personality, and support variables. There are, of course, limitations to this study. If the correlation coefficients were disattenuated and corrected for range restriction, their absolute values would change making the corrected observed effect sizes somewhat higher. In addition, it might be argued that there could be some disagreement concerning the labelling of some of the categories if the same studies were handed to other researchers, but the consensus approach with multiple researchers used here coupled with a continual integrative look at the literature to derive at final classifications makes us confident that the classifications would be rather stable. Implications The results of the present study may be useful for researchers in other fields trying to better understand the relationship between externa stressors, negative emotions, personality mediators, support variable and, most importantly, burnout. Indeed, understanding and uncovering negative emotions related to external stressors is the first step towards better performance, a higher degree of professional satisfaction, and consequently, a higher level of teacher retention. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Nov 2024 07:58:51 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 484 CAMERON MONTGOMERY & ANDRF R. RUPP CONCLUSION Our study highlights the importance of considering the re between stress and negative emotions, the latter leading po burnout which is costly for both individuals and society. The our study and our model should give educators and oth professionals in the managerial or medical field a clearer vision coping, and burnout. 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