In the course of this module you will acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes that are part of psychodidactic and diagnostic and intervention competences, neccessary for quality assessement of students.
ASSESSMENT - types and functions
- Definition of school assessment
- Types of school evaluation
- Legislation related to evaluation
- Forms (means) of evaluation
- Functions of school evaluation
- assessment,
- school evaluation,
- formative assessment,
- summative assessment,
- normative assessment,
- criterion-referenced assessment,
- autonomous assessment,
- heteronomous evaluation,
- comprehensive developmental evaluation,
- motivational function of evaluation,
- cognitive (informative) function of evaluation,
- conative (corrective) function of evaluation,
- forms (means) of evaluation,
- validity of evaluation.
If a teacher is to evaluate well, he or she needs to:
be knowledgeable about assessment, i.e. understand its nature, types, functions and methods;
- be familiar with current school legislation and school documentation on assessment;
- understand his/her own conception of teaching, be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of types and forms of assessment and be able to choose a method of assessment appropriate to the current conception of education and training;
- his/her assessment was congruent with the teaching strategies and learning processes of the pupils, thus contributing to the effectiveness of teaching and learning;
- assessment focused not only on 'measuring' pupil achievement, but also provided feedback to further pupil learning and development;
- was able to make the results of the assessment clearly accessible to all actors of the educational process.