Educational and Psychological Assessment in Teaching Practice


Teacher's diagnostic role stands as a cornerstone within the educational framework. It forms the basis for tailoring teaching methods to suit the diverse needs of all students. Embracing an inclusive educational approach underscores the appreciation of each individual's uniqueness, promoting targeted assistance where needed. Within this paradigm, diversity is embraced as a normative aspect. Embracing diversity in inclusive education not only underscores the humane aspect but also streamlines the responsibilities of mainstream teachers by alleviating the pressure to achieve uniform outcomes for all students simultaneously. Consequently, one of the core tenets of inclusion is the diversity present among students in classrooms. Familiarity with students, their circumstances, learning trajectories, and attained outcomes enables teachers to implement suitable interventions within regular teaching practices.

In 2015, an amendment to the Education Act brought explicit attention to the concept of 'need for supportive measures'. Concurrently, children, pupils, and students with special educational requirements are no longer delineated solely by specific disabilities. Under Section 16 of Education Act No. 561/2004 Coll., individuals necessitating supportive measures to ensure equitable educational opportunities or to exercise their rights on par with others are now classified as children, pupils, or students with special educational needs.

Supportive measures encompass educational accommodations tailored to accommodate a child's health status, cultural milieu, or other life circumstances, thereby fostering educational equity. It's imperative to acknowledge that supportive measures extend beyond pupils with special educational needs to encompass educational interventions for any student encountering mild learning challenges or whose educational requisites are unmet, or potential remains untapped.

Children, pupils, and students with special educational needs are entitled to receive free supportive measures from schools and educational institutions. Responsible handling of personal data is imperative in this regard.

Handling Personal Data

Schools routinely handle personal data of students, encompassing not only names, dates, and places of birth but also birth numbers, nationalities, addresses, educational progress, legal guardianship details, health information, educational barriers, recommendations from counseling centers, and provided support measures.

The legitimacy of accessing student information is outlined in Education Act 561/2004 Coll., which delineates the rights and responsibilities of schools, legal guardians, and students themselves, emphasizing the obligation to ensure transparency and individualized support, while also adhering to established pedagogical methodologies and evaluating educational outcomes.

This underscores the teacher's entitlement to access student data for lawful purposes, albeit with a responsibility to handle such information with due care and sensitivity to its confidential nature.

Addressing the handling of personal data, Act No. 110/2019 Coll., governing personal data processing, provides further guidelines in alignment with the European GDPR directive. As per this act, schools serve as data controllers and are mandated to designate a data protection officer.

Section 25 articulates principles for personal data processing, emphasizing the necessity of defining specific processing purposes, maintaining data accuracy, and storing data only for as long as required to fulfill said purposes.

"Personal data" encompasses any information pertaining to an identified or identifiable individual, while "processing of personal data" encompasses any systematic operation performed by the school or its agents, whether automated or manual.

Adherence to confidentiality obligations is crucial, particularly concerning personal data documented within school records, questionnaires, observation logs, or educational progress reports.

Support Measures in Five Levels

Support measures are categorized into five levels based on organizational, educational, and financial considerations. The first level of support is administered directly by the school and involves minimal adjustments in teaching methods, organization, and assessment, aimed at students requiring integration support or educational adjustments.

Support measures from the second to fifth levels necessitate a recommendation from the school counseling facility (SCF) (PPP and SPC). Additionally, prior written consent from the adult student or legal guardian is required for implementing second to fifth level support measures. Detailed guidelines for specific support measures at these levels, along with standardized financial requirements, are outlined in the annex to Regulation No. 27/2016 Coll.

I. Level of Support

First-level support measures are initiated by the school and focus on organizational and methodological adjustments to facilitate student integration. These measures aim to address mild educational challenges by identifying and implementing appropriate pedagogical interventions. The primary objective is to uncover students' learning strategies and tailor support to their specific needs, thereby fostering academic progress and preventing the development of special educational needs (SEN). Initial intervention may also target gifted students lacking sufficient motivation or engagement with standard curriculum activities.

Support measures at this level include:

- Individualized assistance from class teachers and other educators.

- Consultations with fellow teachers and experienced colleagues.

- Guidance from the school counseling center, including observation and feedback sessions.

- Collaboration with educators from other schools via professional meetings and case study seminars.

II.–V. Levels of Support

Second to fifth level support measures are contingent upon a comprehensive assessment conducted by the school counseling facility (PPP, SPC), initiated upon request from the student or legal guardian. This evaluation, facilitated by completion of a school questionnaire by the school, incorporates pedagogical diagnostics findings and provides crucial insights into the student's educational progress, behavior, and response to interventions.

During the assessment, the school counseling facility evaluates the student's difficulties or special educational needs, culminating in a confidential report and educational recommendations. Recommendations may include tailored support measures aligned with the student's identified needs and educational potential, with consideration given to the school's resources and logistical feasibility.

The determination of support levels involves collaboration among various stakeholders, including educational and counseling staff within schools and counseling professionals from school counseling facilities.

Key Recommendations for Implementing Support Measures:

ffective implementation of support measures hinges on collaborative efforts between the school, school counseling facility (SCF), and school counseling workplace (SCP). A phased approach, beginning with simple and cost-effective interventions, is advised, emphasizing immediate action within the school environment. Family involvement and continuous reflection on the intervention process, including feedback from students and legal guardians, are integral to ensuring efficacy and responsiveness to evolving needs.

Bases for Establishing Support Measures (Derived from Diagnostic Activities):

- Classroom observations.

- Student interviews.

- Assessments of knowledge and skills.

- Performance analysis.

- Didactic assessments.

- Student portfolios.

- Reflective analysis of student work and progress.

- Review of homework assignments and past educational strategies.

Cooperation with the Student's Legal Guardians

Cooperation with the student's legal guardians, typically parents, is vital for the holistic development of the student and should commence from the initial stage of support. It is imperative for the school or teacher to actively involve all parents in discussions regarding suitable interventions to support their children's learning journey. Parents can fulfill a dual role in implementing appropriate measures: firstly, as facilitators and encouragers of their children in executing suggested interventions, and secondly, as recipients of support from the educational institution. Recognizing that parents often require assistance themselves to effectively support their children is crucial. Establishing cooperation with parents is greatly aided by focusing on the positive aspects, acknowledging successes, highlighting the child's achievements, and fostering open and friendly communication.

The Role of School Management in Facilitating Supportive Measures

The school administration should establish effective communication channels within the school community to discuss educational outcomes, students' learning progress, and any challenges they may encounter. It is essential to maintain a cohesive approach towards all students, including those who may require educational support measures. The school management is responsible for enhancing teachers' professional competencies to effectively implement supportive measures. Adequate material resources are also necessary, which may include providing teachers with worksheets, basic tools, or accessing funding through projects, grants, or voluntary contributions. In cases where students require support at the second to fifth levels, recommendations from counseling facilities may guide the acquisition of aids with standardized financial requirements. Furthermore, creating opportunities for consultations among teachers, as well as between teachers, parents, and students, fosters collaboration and consensus-building on the appropriate course of action. This may involve joint meetings involving teachers, school management, parents, and potentially the students themselves to identify their specific needs and determine the best way forward.

Check your knowledge: Whal level of support are you going to privide to your students while processing your portfolio task? 

First level support. 


Go back to your portfolio task. Once you have collected and analzyed your data, you have an idea what the learning or behavioral issues your pupil is facing, therefore you can start with your pedagogical intervention. 

Suggest the support that can help your students to improve their behaviour or learning. Be SPECIFIC, avoid general statements such as "student should spend more time on home preparation". Instead give more concrete suggestion "student will spend 5 minutes a day reading an English text aloud".