Educational and Psychological Assessment in Teaching Practice


For your diagnostic task, choose ONE of the tasks below. For each task, you will find a teplate that you shall use to process the task.

A) Diagnosing learning outcomes and process

B) Diagnosing social relationships in the classroom

C)  Case studies of problem behaviour of pupils

D) Using assessment to support learning

Process your portfolio task in the following steps.

1) Choose the topic of your portfolio task.

2) Set the aim.

3) Process the task according the instructions in the teplate.

4) Self-assess your work. Check the egg-to-egg compliance. 

5) Send your work to a selected classmate by e-mail. At the same time you will receive your classmates´s work.

6) Read the document and provide a constructive, objective feedback. Remeber you are not assessing a person but the work. 

7) Send the feedback to your classmate by e-mail and once you receice your work with the feedback, consider which suggestion you will consider, then update your work accordingly. 

8) Self reflect your experience - diagnostic process, receiving feedback.  

9) Submit your final work to the homework vaults below.

10) Attend a colloquium meeting, the dates will be provided beforehand.

