ÚK PdF MU Brno KS 3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT CONTENTS Editors' preface 4 Lesson 5: Rocksand landscape 24 Why teach about rocks? 5 Lesson 6: Exploring landscapes 26 How to teach about rocks 6 Lesson 7: From rock to soil 28 The geography behind rocks 8 Lesson 8: What in Earth? 30 Concepts and curriculum links 10 Lesson 9: Oil strike! 32 Rocks on the news 11 Lesson 10: Rocks to riches 34 Medium term plan 12 Glossary 36 Lesson 1: Rock around the block! 16 Further sources for ideas 38 Lesson 2: Rock story 18 References and further information 39 Lesson 3: The fossil mystery 20 Assessment framework 40 Lesson 4: The map that rocks! 22 Downloads Information Sheet 1 Activity Sheet 1 Information Sheet 2 Activity Sheet 2 Information Sheet 3 Activity Sheet 3 Information Sheet 4 Activity Sheet 4 Information Sheet 5 Activity Sheet 5 Information Sheet 6 Activity Sheet 6 Information Sheet 7 Activity Sheet 7 Information Sheet 8 Activity Sheet 8 Information Sheet 9 Activity Sheet 9 Information Sheet 10 Activity Sheet 10 Activity Sheet 11 Photo Set 1 Activity Sheet 12 Photo Set 2 Activity Sheet 13 Photo Set 3 Activity Sheet 14 Photo Set 4 Activity Sheet 15 Photo Set 5 Activity Sheet 16 Photo Set 6 Activity Sheet 17 3 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT EDITORS' PREFACE 1 in- Krv s/x|)loi.ilinii ill important pl.ii es, Ihi'inrs and issues .iiiiiiiiil Ihc wodd I lie sci ics provides giiidain e In li.ii hcis cil geogiaphy In help lliem in.ni.ine eac I) new iiiiiiiiiliiin (hallenge Willi confidence. We .lie delighted In lie undertaking .i in.ijor exp.iusion ol t Ill's .iw.iid winning sci ics. I he woild .iiound ns is evei i lunging, so loo ,iie Ihc ilcm.inds ol the ■.:■-« i-.-.t.ir\ i nun ilium1 Ihc In si new .iililihons lo the sci ics explore I he cmeigmg economics ol Asi.i, delve deep into Ihc geology ol Hril.nn, visit remote .md extreme glai i.iI ciiviioiimeiils .mil cnipiiie into Ihc w.iy m whi( h hum,m use ol icsoiihcs pl.iics ,m iik ic.isiiik slum on our pliinel I li Mile in Ihc scries, written hy outstanding Ick hers "I geography, provides ,i (omplelc unit of work; ,i bank "I icidy m.idc lesson pl.ms with downlo.id.ihlc ac tivities •md icsoimes to |„iii>t the rcil world into yoin (l.issroom. l„, imsy icidicisol geogiaphy. cidi toolkit provides |u ||(.|MI |(„ iinmcdi.ilc .md (hied use with students with lllimm,il |i,ep,ii,iiion M.iteii.ilsr.in also be adapted and extended I ,n h lunik explains how Ick lung strategies li.ive hcen .ipplied 1» a particular curriculum context, i,i,,\iiIiii:,: .i in h .111111 nl Ii'.h Ih'i in Ick her advice. I inks to further resources and reading encourages eve the highest all,lining students to be challenged. Ihc sciics also provides ,i template for writing new untiliilum materials. Unit summaries, curriculum map linked lo geograpliK.il knowledge, proresses and skill; > on nl Ir,111111 worI glossaries lesson plansand oihei materials are iik luded as exemplars of rigorous (iirriitilum planning. Hy using tools from the kit, we hope all Ick hers will gain the confidence to develop idi ,i and hapi a i inn iluin in meei the needs and interests of their own students. Alan Kinder and John Widdowson, 2014. 'I KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT WHY TEACH ABOUT ROCKS? ±1 -de The Rolling Stones wasn't that the course we did in Geography? understanding of geology. The study of tectonics is really a modern branch of geology. Certainly, earthquakes and volcanoes make more sense when taught alongside other aspects of geology. To say that rocks are a solid foundation for geography would be a bit trite - but there is also a lot of truth in it. Geology provides a secure framework for much of the physical geography we teach which, in turn, is the context for human geography. In physical geography, there are obvious connections between rock type and landscape, yet often the latter is taught without students knowing much about rocks. The action of rivers, oceans and ice on the landscape can all be better understood if students already have an There are also direct links between geology and human Fj geography. The built environment is made of rock, or materials derived from rock. Farming and other primary activities such as mining, drilling and quarrying all depend on a good understanding of rocks. Soils, vegetation and ecosystems are also intimately connected with geology. Our lives are bound up in so many ways with geology - hence the key question that underpins this book, 'How do rocks shape our world?' Traditionally, there has been rivalry between science and geography in the school curriculum to cover geology. Science's claim is strengthened by geology's alternative label, 'earth science'. However, geography also has strong claims through its literal translation, 'earth writing'. There is a good argument to be put for teaching about rocks in the context of both science and geography. Students don't always make connections between school subjects, so to see geology taught in both contexts, hopefully with different emphases, will underline its importance. Over many years, there has been a gradual shift in schools away from physical geography towards human geography. The inclusion of geology in the curriculum is part of a 'rebalancing' of school geography. The problem is that many teachers are either out of practice at, or may never have taught, geology. This book should equip all teachers to teach geology to key stage 3 students with confidence. 5 Integrated geography Geographers have a tendency to put themselves in one camp or the other - either physical or human. Of course, teaching programmes that separate physical and human geography encourage this dichotomy. I prefer to see myself simply as a geographer. I have to confess that my personal bias has always been towards human geography. But, as the years have passed, I find myself becoming more and more interested in geology. The problem was, I think, I bought into this notion of geography being a subject of two halves. Rocks seemed particularly remote - being buried underground, they were not part of my world. We owe it to our students to teach a rounded, more integrated geography. If they are to understand the world they live in, we need to make the connections between physical and human geography. Then they may begin to see the relevance of rocks. It may also help them to rethink the way they see themselves as geographers and to shape their future study and career choices. Rocks around us The key question this book addresses - 'How do rocks shape our world?' - could simply refer to the physical landscape around us; but it could also refer to our world in a human sense, encompassing the community and economy in which we live. Hopefully, the book does both. This is important if geography is to be seen as an integrated subject (see above). However, it is also good educational practice to relate the geography we teach to the real world our students inhabit. The unit starts with students investigating rocks in their own town. There is no better place to begin our study of geology than in the place we are most familiar with. Obviously, this book can't provide information on the local geology of each school, but it is highly recommended that you use every opportunity for local fieldwork. Fieldwork hpl Again, it will help to link geology with a map and places that students may already know. Visualising rocks Out of sight, out of mind! That may be one of the reasons geology has not had much coverage in the geography curriculum hitherto. There is no doubt that it is hard for students to visualise rocks buried deep underground, so to aid students' understanding we need to make teaching about rocks as visual as possible. Normally, we can bring geography to life in the classroom with photos and videos of places, but rocks don't make the most exciting photographic subject and they don't move! Therefore, every attempt needs to be made to make geology visual in other ways. Rock samples can be used, wherever possible, to let students get up close and personal with rocks and to touch them. The rock cycle can be illustrated as a flow diagram (see page 8) and, even better, by getting students to move around the classroom. Sedimentary rock layers can be visualised by making 3D models and then showing how these can be turned into geological maps. The process of weathering can be turned into animations. Even oil exploration, which normally relies on seismic surveys and sound, can be made visual in the form of a game. Make it relevant Most of Britain's energy supply still comes from fossil fuels - found in rocks! The most recently discovered source of energy, frequently in the news, is shale gas. Shale gas, like other fossil fuels, has lain under the ground for millions of years, but is now being proclaimed as a way out of our energy crisis and a possible route to economic prosperity. There is talk of 'tracking' for shale gas becoming the new coal mining of the 21st century. It could release valuable reserves of gas; however, tracking also entails harmful environmental consequences that make it, as coal once was, a controversial new source of energy. All of this Integrated geography Geographers have a tendency to put ^^006 camp or the other - either phys.cal or hum^Oicour^ teaching programmes that separate phys.cal and human geography encourage this dichotomy. I prefer to see myself simply as a geographer. I have to confess that my personal bias has always been towards human geography. But. as the years have passed, I find myself becoming more and more interested in geology. The problem was, I think, I bought into this notion of geography being a subject of two halves. Rocks seemed particularly remote - being buried underground, they were not part of my world. We owe it to our students to teach a rounded, more integrated geography. If they are to understand the world they live in, we need to make the connections between physical and human geography. Then they may begin to see the relevance of rocks. It may also help them to rethink the way they see themselves as geographers and to shape their future study and career choices. Rocks around us The key question this book addresses - 'How do rocks shape our world?' - could simply refer to the physical landscape around us; but it could also refer to our world in a human sense, encompassing the community and economy in which we live. Hopefully, the book does both. This ,s important if geography is to be seen as an integrated subject (see above). However, ,t is also good educational practice to relate the geoeranhv J ♦ T the real world our students inhabit' " f° A,am it w.ll help to link geology with a map and places that students may already know. Visualising rocks Out of sight, out of mind! That may be one of the reasons geology has not had much coverage m the geography curriculum hitherto. There is no doubt that it is hard for students to visualise rocks buried deep underground, so to aid students' understanding we need to make teaching about rocks as visual as possible. Normally, we can bring geography to life in the classroom with photos and videos of places, but rocks don't make the most exciting photographic subject and they don't move! Therefore, every attempt needs to be made to make geology visual in other ways. Rock samples can be used, wherever possible, to let students get up close and personal with rocks and to touch them. The rock cycle can be illustrated as a flow diagram (see page 8) and, even better, by getting students to move around the classroom. Sedimentary rock layers can be visualised by making 3D models and then showing how these can be turned into geological maps. The process of weathering can be turned into animations. Even oil exploration, which normally relies on seismic surveys and sound, can be made visual in the form of a game. Make it relevant Most of Britain's energy supply still comes from fossil fuels - found in rocks! The most recently discovered source of energy, frequently in the news, is shale gas The unit starts with students investigating rocks in their own town. There is no better place to begin our study of geology than in the place we are most familiar with. Obviously, this book can't provide information on the local geology of each school, but it is highly recommended that you use every opportunity for local fieldwork. Fieldwork helps to connect students' everyday lived experience with what they learn in the geography classroom. Later, the focus widens to consider the geology of Britain. Students should be familiar with an atlas map of Britain and may have visited other places in the country. ---,-------- o- Shale gas, like other fossil fuels, has lain under the ground for millions of years, but is now being proclaimed as a way out of our energy crisis and a possible route to economic prosperity. There is talk of 'tracking' for shale gas becoming the ro coal mining of the 21st century. It could release valua' reserves of gas; however, tracking also entails harmfu environmental consequences that make it, as coal on was, a controversial new source of energy. All of this makes it possible to capture students' interest and imagination. Of course, there is a danger that relevance can be al froth and little substance. Relevance is not a replacement for rigour. It would not be possible to < about drilling for shale gas unless students already KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT How do rocks shape our world? Photo © David Prasad. learnt about sedimentary rocks and the formation of fossil fuels (any more than they could learn about climate change without understanding climate). However, such issues do help to engage students and help them to see the relevance of geography. Summary This unit is a broad overview of geology within a UK context. It also links rocks with weathering and soils. It aims to relate geology to students' previous geographical experience, including their local area, a map of Britain and Ordnance Survey (OS) maps. The unit takes an enquiry-based approach to geology, asking the big question, 'How do rocks shape our world?' Each lesson starts with its own key questions, ideally the sort of questions that students themselves would want to ask. However, through the unit, they should keep returning to the big question and, by the end, they should be able to answer it. Through this unit students will develop: • location knowledge of physical features and geology within the UK • place knowledge of the UK, including the Peak District • understanding of physical geography, especially processes in rocks, weathering and soils • understanding of human geography, mainly primary economic activities • geographical skills, including use of atlas maps, interpretation of OS maps and fieldwork. Prior learning In key stage 2, students should have developed their locational knowledge of regions within the UK and their physical characteristics. They should have described and understood key aspects of physical geography, including mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes. They should have used atlas and OS maps and done local fieldwork. In key stage 2 science, students should have observed rocks, including those in their local area, identified and classified rocks and explored how fossils and soils are formed. Future learning By the end of the unit, students should have a secure knowledge and understanding of basic geology in a UK context. This will provide a useful foundation for development at GCSE level of their place knowledge of the UK, how geomorphic processes have influenced the landscape of the UK and the interaction of those processes with human activity. Key learning outcomes Most students will be able to: • know the three main types of rock, how they are linked together in the rock cycle and how rocks are weathered to form soil • identify some common rocks and recognise their associated landscape features • interpret atlas maps and OS maps to link landscape and geology • appreciate the role of rocks in the local environment and in human activities • carry out local fieldwork to collect evidence and draw conclusions about rocks. Some students will not have made so much progress and will be able to: • know the three main types of rock and processes in the formation of rocks and soil • distinguish two common rocks and their associated landscape features • interpret atlas maps and OS maps • appreciate the role of rocks in some human activities • carry out local fieldwork to collect evidence about rocks. Some students will have progressed further and will be able to: • know the three main types of rock, with named examples, the processes that link them together in the rock cycle and how rocks are weathered to form soil • identify some common rocks and their associated landscape features, explaining how the features are related to rock characteristics • interpret atlas maps and OS maps to explain links between landscape and geology • appreciate and explain the role of rocks in the local environment and in human activities • carry out local fieldwork independently to collect evidence and draw conclusions about rocks. 7 THE GEOGRAPHY BEHIND ROCKS • TOOLKIT Get up to speed on rocks Many teachers using this book will not specialists. Even if you are a geographer, you may neve have taught geology to key stage 3 students or. i you have, it might have been a long time ago. The purpose o this section is to cover the basics of geology to put you at least one step ahead of your students! The key ideas below are extracted from the information sheets linked to the book. For more information, refer to the sheets themselves. The rock cycle There are three main types of rock: • Igneous rock is made of crystals, formed when molten rock, or magma, cools down at the Earth's surface. • Sedimentary rock is made from sediment - bits of rock, organic remains or chemical deposits that sink to the bottom of the sea, river or lake - compressed into layers. • Metamorphic rock is formed from igneous or sedimentary rock that is changed by heat or pressure deep in the Earth. All rocks are linked together in the rock cycle (Figure 1). Slowly, over millions of years, old rock gets worn away by weathering and erosion. Eventually, the rock melts as it is pushed back down into the magma and the whole cycle starts again. Figure 1: The rock cycle. Weathering «■« ™,n types of weXl ? *"* ^ ™ •PMca,wea,henng,caused8bychanges|n temperature and pressure . , iKviifc.il weathering, caused by the action of wa and chemicals . h|l,|,nl|(,,| weathering, (.fused by the physical and/or chemical actions of plants or animals. Wcitheiing and erosion often get confused. Weathering ls the dr.,iv and disintegration of rock, while erosion is ,!„, l(.mnval of the weathered remains from the surface. Ihcrombmed effect of weathering and erosion is denudation. Soil Soil is ((imposed of a number of different materials. It sits on a layer of slowly weathering bedrock and contains a mixture of tiny particles of rock and humus (the remains of dead plants). It also contains water and air. Most soil has three main layers, as shown in Figure 2: humus, soil and bedrock. Depth (cm) 10 20-30-40 50 60' 70- y ŕ n l n A A /"[S, )l 'i J Humus layer organic material from the remains of dead plants Soil layer mixture of plant remains and rock particles containing minerals Bedrock layer hard rock that slowly weathers into fragments Figure 2: Soil profile, A geological map of Britain The geological map of Britain (Figure 3) shows the types o rock that occur in each part of the country, together fn! ,Me °8ical period in whi e.g. Cretaceous and Jurassic some tun8' «" 'S °nly required that 5tudents know imes lie t! ^ 3re 3ware of the 8eol°Sical don TY W°Uld not be exP«ted to relate each rock tospeaf.cgeological periods on the timescale. Figure 3: A simplified geological map of Britain. KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT Key Geological period Start of period (millions of years ago) Rock type | | Caenozoic: Quaternary. Neogene and Palaeoqene 66 Sedimentary: gravel, sand, silt and clay 1 1 Cretaceous 145 Sedimentary: chalk, sandstone, clay and mudstone 1 1 Jurassic 200 Sedimentary: mudstone, sandstone, limestone and siltstone 1 1 Tnassic and Permian 299 Sedimentary: mudstone, sandstone and limestone Carboniferous 359 Sedimentary: limestone, gritstone, shale, sandstone and coal Devonian 416 Sedimentary: sandstone and siltstone Silurian - Cambrian 542 Sedimentary: sandstone, slate, gritstone and iimestone 1 I Precambrian 4600 Sedimentary: sandstone and shale 1 1 Various Metamorphic rocks 1 1 Various Igneous rocks How oil and gas were formed Tiny sea plants and animals died and sank to the ocean floor. They were covered by sediment and, over millions of years, were buried deeper and deeper under layers of sedimentary rock. Immense heat and pressure turned them into oil and natural gas. Today, it is possible to drill down through the layers of rock to reach the oil and gas deposits (Figure 4). Figure 4: Cross-section of sedimentary rock showing conventional oil and gas reserves and shale gas. Shale gas and tracking Shale is a sedimentary rock made from mud containing many fossils. In many cases, it also contains gas from the decomposition of plants. Shales containing gas are found across much of Britain but the richest reserves are under northern England. The problem with shale gas is that it is difficult to extract. Shale is a densely compacted rock, which means that the gas is trapped in tiny pockets. In order to extract gas the shale first has to be fractured, or broken. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the method used to obtain shale gas. Boreholes are drilled down to the shale deep underground. When the shale is reached, horizontal shafts are drilled and pipes inserted. High-pressure water, sand and chemicals are blasted into the rock to break it apart. The gas is then sucked out of the rock, together with the waste water. 9 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKM CONCEPTS AND CURRICULUM LINKS n key stage 3 geography students should be taught ocational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography (including how human and physical )rocesses interact on the environment) plus geographical skills and fieldwork. Ne have used these areas of geography to create a rurriculum map for this book. The map lists the key questions used as the basis of enquiry in all the lessons. As you might expect in a book on rocks the balance is tipped towards physical geography, but there are also many links with place, human geography and environment. Creating a curriculum map (see Figure 5) helps to ensure we teach a broad and balanced curriculum. PHYSICAL • What are the main types of rocks? How are these rocks linked by the rock cycle? • Why do some rocks contain ^ fossils (remains of living creatures)? How are fossils formed? How does weathering turn rocks into soil? What is soil? ■ How are oil and gas formed in rock? Which rocks can I find in my town? Which rocks are found in each part of Britain? What landscape features are formed in different types of rock? How do you explain the differences between two landscapes? What types of weathering can I s around me? HUMAN How do people make use of landsc in limestone and gritstone areas? What sort of outdoor activities could you do in these areas? • How does the soil affect k how farmers use the land? k • How does an m understanding of rocks help us to find oil and gas? ENVIRONMENT How are rocks used in towns? How do rocks affect the landscape? How does tracking work? Is shale gas worth the environmental cost of fracking? Figures Plottingyour broad and balanced geography curriculum 10 in map form. K S 3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT ROCKS IN THE NEW UK SHALE GAS RESOURCES 'GREATER THAN THOUGHT' UK shale gas resources may be far greater than previously thought, a report for the government says. The British Geological Survey estimates there may be 1300 trillion cubic feet of shale gas present in the north of England - double previous estimates. Meanwhile the government has announced measures to enable shale gas drilling as part of its infrastructure plans. Energy Minister Michael Fallon described shale gas as 'an exciting new energy resource'. The BGS said its estimate for shale gas resources in the Bowland Basin region, which stretches from Cheshire to Yorkshire, represented potential resources, but 'not the gas that might be possible to extract'. 'Shale gas clearly has potential in Britain but it will require geological and engineering expertise, investment and protection of the environment; it said. Drilling companies have previously estimated that they may be able to extract around 10% of this gas - equivalent to around 130 trillion cubic feet. If the estimates are proved correct, that would still suggest recoverable reserves of shale gas far in excess of the three trillion cubic feet of gas currently consumed in the UK each year. Shale gas is extracted through 'tracking' - the controversial process of freeing trapped gas by pumping in a mixture of water, sand and chemicals. The process has helped boost the domestic energy industry in the US in Fracking is the controversial process of freeing trapped gas by drilling and pumping in a mixture of water, sand and chemicals. Photo © www_ukberri_net. recent years, where oil production has risen and gas prices have plummeted. In a statement, the Department of Energy and Climate Change said: 'Though it is early days for shale in the UK, it has the potential to contribute to the UK's energy security, increase inward investment and growth'. The government has unveiled a package of reforms to encourage development in the industry. They include new planning guidelines to make the process of approving new drilling sites more streamlined, and a consultation on tax incentives to encourage exploration. Communities affected by shale gas drilling are also expected to receive £100,000 in 'community benefits' and 1 % of production revenues, should sites start producing gas. 'Shale gas represents an exciting new potential energy resource for the UK, and could play an important part in our energy mix,' said Energy Minister Michael Fallon. 'Development must be done in partnership with local people. We welcome the commitments from industry on community benefits. This will provide a welcome boost for communities who will host shale exploration and production as well as offering strong assurances that operators will engage with them and work to the highest health, safety and environmental standards'. He said communities hosting shale gas drilling could benefit from cheaper bills, regeneration schemes and new community facilities like playgrounds and sports halls. The incentives are designed to overcome significant scepticism surrounding the process of fracking, which has generated environmental concerns. Critics argue that it can cause earth tremors and pollute water supplies, and that shale gas wells could blight the countryside and affect house prices. They also want investment in green energy sources, rather than fossil fuels. Source: BBC News, 27 June 2013. I I KS 3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT MEDIUM-TERM PLAN esson Key questions . Rock Which rocks iround can 1 find in he block! my town? How are rocks used in towns? Learning objectives Teaching and learning Resources What are the main types of rock? How are these rocks linked by the rock cycle? To recognise some common rocks and to identify them in local buildings To know how different rocks are used in a town To know what igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are To understand the processes that form rocks within the rock cycle Where do you To understand find fossils why fossils are and where found in rocks did they and how they come from? were formed How are fossils formed? To create a model to demonstrate the formation of fossils and sedimentary rock Starter Plan an urban geology trail around the local town centre Main: Students follow the trail to find examples of rocks. They try to identify them using an ID chart. They note how rocks are being used Plenary: Students report back on findings. They make connections between the rocks and local geology Starter: Students look at samples or photos of three types of rock for clues to how they were formed Main: Students play the rock cycle game and use the experience to complete their own flow diagram Plenary: Student match photos of landscape with types of rock and processes in the rock cycle Starter: Show the students a fossil (or photo of a fossil) and ask them what it is and where it might have come from Main: Students sort sentences to describe how a fossil is formed. They work in groups to create a model to represent sedimentary rock layers. They include a 'fossil' in their layers Plenary: Students describe how they made their model and compare with the formation of sedimentary rock Cambridge Geology Trail (optional) Information Sheet I: Rocks in towns Local area map Photo Set 1: Rock ID chart Activity Sheet 1: Rock cycle labels Activity Sheet 2: The rock cycle game Dice Information Sheet 2: The rock cycle Photo Set 1: Rock ID chart or rock samples Photo Set 2: Rocky landscapes Activity Sheet 3: The fossil mystery Activity Sheet 4: Sedimentary rock recipe A real fossil or Photo Set 3 Materials to create a model of fossil and sedimentary rock formation Scissors and glue Water and mixing containers Assessment opportunities Students identify rocks used in local buildings and draw or photograph them Students describe the different ways in which rocks are used in a town Students complete a flow diagram to show how the rock cycle works Students identify landscapes formed from igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, using photographic evidence Students create a model to demonstrate how sedimentary rock and fossils are formed Students compare their model with the formation of real sedimentary rock 2 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS* TOOLKIT Lesson Key questions Learning objectives Teaching and learning 4. The Which rocks To interpret a map that are found in geological map rocks! each part of to find where Britain? different rocks are found in How do rocks Britain affect the landscape? To recognise the relationship between geology and physical landscape 5. Rocks What To interpret OS and landscape maps and landscapes features are photos of formed in limestone and areas of gritstone different rock landscapes types? To understand How can we why differences explain the between the differences two landscapes between two occur landscapes? 6. How do people To understand Exploring make use of how human landscapes landscapes in features are limestone and related to the gritstone geology of an areas? area What sort of To use OS maps outdoor to plan an activities adventure trail could you do in these areas? Starter: Show students a geological map of Britain and how to read it, using the sedimentary rock model Main: Students interpret a geological map of Britain. They identify the rocks found in different places and list the rocks from oldest to youngest along a line from northwest to southeast. They compare an atlas map of Britain with the geological map Plenary: Students use rock samples to try to explain the link between geology and landscape Starter: Students look at two photos of the Peak District to find clues about the underlying rocks Main: Students interpret two OS maps and photos from the Peak District to describe limestone and gritstone landscapes. They read about the rocks to explain the features Plenary: Students suggest in which landscape they would be most likely to have different experiences Starter: Students distinguish human and natural features in limestone and gritstone areas on maps and photos Main: Students explain why some human activities occur in limestone and gritstone areas. They choose one area for an adventure trail. They plan a trail and complete a table locating each activity using co-ordinates Plenary: Students report back to class Resources Assessment opportunities Activity Sheet 5: Students interpret a The geology of geological map of Britain Britain to find rocks in different regions Atlas - physical map of Britain Students identify relationships Information Sheet between geology 3: Geological map and physical of Britain and landscapes timescale, or iGeology app Model of sedimentary rock from Lesson 3 Photo Set 4: British landscapes Rock samples or Photo Set 1 Activity Sheet 6: Students interpret The Peak District OS maps and photos to describe Information Sheet limestone and 4: Limestone and gritstone gritstone landscapes Photo Set 5: Students explain Limestone and the differences gritstone between the two landscapes landscapes Limestone and gritstone rock samples, if available Activity Sheet 7: Students identify Human or human features in physical? a landscape and explain how they Activity Sheet 8: relate to geology Plan an adventure trail Students use an OS map to plan an Information Sheet adventure trail in a 5: Using limestone or limestone and gritstone area gritstone 13 K S 3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT MEDIUM-TERM PLAN continued 7. From rock to soil Earth? Key question* How docs weathering turn rock into soil? What types ol weathering can I see around me? teaming objectives To understand how different types ol weathering can break up rock To identify dillerent types ol weathering in the local environment What is soil To know whal and how is it soil is and formed? understand how it is How does the formed soil affect how farmers use To decide the the land? best way for a farmer to use the land on different types ol soil Ie.nhing.ind learning to persuade them their landscape is best (hone Im an adventure trail Starter: Students look at photos of rocks and list the features of weathering Main: Students play a game to match types of weathering with photos. They create animations of processes Irom cartoon drawings and match drawings and captions. They draw their own animation of biological weathering Plenary Students investigate their school or local buildings for examples of weathering Assessment opportunities Starter Ask the students how they would turn the ingredients into soil. They examine a soil sample and make soil doughnuts Main: Students read about soil formation. They use a simple GIS of a farm to decide where the farmer should grow crops, grass and trees. They give reasons Plenary Students share their decisions, then compare with the farmer's decision using Google Earth Photo Set 5: Limestone and gritstone landscapes Activity Sheet 9: Weathering match Activity Sheet TO: Weathering animations Information Sheet 6: Physical, chemical and biological weathering Information Sheet 7: Weathering match answers Mobile phones/ cameras Online weathering animations Photo Set 6: Weathering Scissors and glue Activity Sheet TT: Penrhiw Farm Disposable gloves Google Earth Information Sheet 8: Soil formation Ingredients to make soil: a rock, water, a plant and a jar of air Soil sample Soil doughnuts Students create animations to describe the processes in different types o weathering Students identify and take photos o different types of weathering in the local environment Students compare the soils at three locations on a farm and explain the differences between them Students decide on the best way to use the land at each location 14 lmmu Ir.liiilnii qutitloni »h|ri lives 9. Oll Hovt im oil III lllllleisl.lllll sinke' .mil how nil ,ni(l loinied in K.is luve llll k ' liiiiiiril Him lines .in III III' .llllr In nndrist.indniK předli i when ol links help ml .mil k.is us tu hnil ml iould !>•' found .mil k.is' linni ,i Hi'nli'rk.ll lt),l|> III Kocks In i idles Mow lines li.n kui(.; work' Is sli.ile K.is win Hi llie eiiviliiiiineiil.il (osl of li.n kniK' In iinileist.iliil linw li.n klMK unit'. In weiKh Hie li i > 11 < > 11111 lienellls ill sh.ile k.is .IKilillsl Ihr eiiviiiiiiitienl.il insls Ir.iilllllU .mil IimiiiIiik St.lllrr Show sllldelils ,l YOufllbt i ll|i nl w.ltet limn ,| l.ip liiitiiiiiK Ask Ihrin in hy In rxpl.itn H with the help nl ,i KenliiKH.il i toss \r< lion Mini Students will k iii p.Ills In pl.iy Hie nil ,inil k.is rxplnr.lhoil K.iine they (Mill ll.tve ,| 11111' 11 11 iii.tji with .1 K'nl I hey I.ike hints In dull Im ml .mil x,is mil keep,i in mil nl then II. n.ii , ',11111<■ 111i v.1111.111■ how suiiesshil Hi. . weie ,il IiiiiIiiikoiI .mil Sliirlrr Sliiilenls lisl ,ill the w.iys we ilepenil on ml .nul k.is Ihey sh.iie Hlen ule.is wttll lite i l.iss .mil lieKin lo siiKKesl .illein.ilives m.iiii Studenti n ad aboul Iracklng Ihey piep.iie lni .1 ileh.ile on li i< i mimi liui,in playing dlllerenl roles ai li,, mii ui the ii1 bite ihey vote on whethei lr.li kiny, shnulil k" .ihisiil 1'leii.ny Studeníš Ihmk h.ii k ovei len lessons I.....inplele .in .e.sessinenl ol wh.il Ihey h.ive le.niil Ihey div liss lile ipieshon, llow (lo loiks sh.ipe oni woilď' Kr\iiiii(«« Aihvily Sheet \J Dli .mil k.is 1'xploMhon g.imr AittvilySheel 11 (nnvellllilll.il ml .mil k.is .inswers Adivily Sheet H Ml,lie ml .mil k.is .msweis Informal.....Shed 'I Oll ,|||(I k.is Iniin.Minn Video 1111 > '(,111 you do this with yoiti t.ip w.ilri'' A( livily Sheet IS Nie shal< "i (leh.lle AlllVIly Sheet II, Ute (,tse Im Ii.i( kniK Ailivily ShiTt 1/ Assessiiienl sheet Information Sheel III Sh.de k.is .nid Ii.Ii kniK Aurtsmrnt ii|i|i(iiliinlllri Student« npiiln the niysleiy nl liniiiiiiK l.ip w,ilei Students ev.illl.lle then .iiiiess in ImmImik ml ,iiid k.is Sllldelils piep.ur l|llesllons .lllll Like p.iil in .1 drh.ilr oh i.h I in;', S iiiii. ni-, evaluate the import,mi e nl im ks in sh.iping inn world I'. Key questions • Which rocks can I find in my town? • How are rocks used in towns? Learning objectives • To recognise some common rocks and to identify them in local buildings • To know how different rocks are used in a town Key words • composition • geologist • geology • rock • texture Resources • Cambridge Geology Trail: www. sedgwickmuseum.org/about/news/FINAL_CG T_08 022017-7. pdf • Information Sheet 1: Rocks in towns • Local area map • Photo Set 1: Rock identification chart Assessment opportunities • Students identify rocks used in local buildings and draw or photograph them • Students describe the different ways in which rocks are used in a town Starter Plan a geology trail around your town or local area. Every area has rocks for students to find, even if it is granite kerbstones, a few old gravestones and bricks (made of clay!). Tell the students they are going to follow a geology trail around their local town. Explain that the raw materials from which towns are built are mostly obtained from rocks and they are going to be geologists to try to identify the rocks. Give the students a rock identification chart (Photo Set 1) to use on the trail. Ask them to read about rocks in towns (Information Sheet 1) to prepare them for what to look for. If it is not possible to visit a town, they could do a shorter trail around the school, they could use a virtual trail such as the Cambridge Geology Trail. Main teaching phase Provide the students with a local area map with your geology trail route marked on it. You could add numbe to the map to locate the sites where you expect studen to identify the rocks and, to make it easier, a list of roc they have to match with the sites. Start the trail with the whole class, modelling for students how to identify rocks from the chart, looking for features such as grain shape, grain size and how the grains fit together. Students can sketch or take photographs of the rocks they find. They describe how the rocks are being used. They mark and locate where they found each rock on the map. If students are familiar with the local environment, and you are sure it is safe, they could continue the geology trail independently, working in smaller groups. Encourage them to be observant and to look out for other examples of rocks not on the identification chart. If they take photographs, they could try to identify thes later in the classroom, using a more comprehensive identification chart. Plenary Students report back on the rocks they have been able t find and identify and any they were unable to identify. You may be able to help them with identification, or they could try a more comprehensive identification chart such as Building Stones (see page 38). They also report how the rocks were being used. If the students worked independently in groups they can share information with each other. Ask the students what they know about the geology of the area surrounding the town. If they don't know, you could tell them. How has the local geology influenced the town? What local rocks have been used in building? Is there any evidence that this is changing with new building materials and techniques? 16 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS" TOOLKIT (lu\ linek Photo ( tan Ihomsen. Hint. PhoU. ■ibes Gabbro Photo fCj Quin Dombrowski. Gneiss. Photo © euphro. Granite. Photo © Charles de Mille-lsles. Limestone. Photo © Friends of San Jacinto. 5 Marble. Photo © Luke McGujf. Sandstone. Photo © Peter Harris. Slate. Photo © quicksilverjce. Teaching tips Q Nothing beats getting students out of the classroom and into the real world to enhance their geographical understanding. Geographers call this fieldwork. Sometimes, with so many administrative and logistical obstacles, it may seem easier to stay in the classroom. Once you overcome the obstacles, you'll find fieldwork is worth the effort. Take every opportunity you can to use your local area for fieldwork. Before attempting a geology trail, or any other fieldwork, it is vital that you have researched the proposed location(s) yourself. Ensure the route you plan for the geology trail has plenty of examples of rocks for students to identify and don't forget the risk assessment! Make sure the route is safe, without dangerous roads to cross. Decide whether it will be safe to allow the students to work independently in small groups. 17 E ock story ley questions What are the main types of rock? How are these rocks linked by the rock cycle? .earning objectives To know what igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are To understand the processes that form rocks within the rock cycle .'- -'*v.V Martin before, it is worth taking a few minutes to introduce them prior to starting the game. The* will learn more about sedimentary rock in Lesson 3 and weathering in Lesson 7. Main teaching phase Students read the instructions for the rock cycle game on Activity Sheet 2. They draw a large copy of the rock cycle diagram in their book or on a sheet of paper. Working in pairs or small groups, they position themselves around the classroom in one of five labelled areas, then move around the room to represent the processes in the rock cycle. The photos on the labels will act as a visual aid to students of where they are in the rock cycle. Each time, before they move, they roll a dice to choose the direction. As they move they write labels on their copy of the rock cycle to describe the processes. Stop the game every few minutes and freeze the groups in their position. Check students' understanding by asking them where they are in the rock cycle and what process is happening now. Encourage them to connect the processes with the properties of the rocks they saw in Lesson 1. e.g. cooling with crystalline rocks. The groups continue to move around the classroom until they have visited all five areas and experienced each process. Students then complete the flow diagram to describe all the processes in the rock cycle. Plenary Students look at photos of landscapes formed from igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rock (Photo Set 2). Using photographic evidence, such as new lava flows, sedimentary layers or folded strata, they identify the t\ pe of rock that forms each landscape. They might also be able to identify processes such as weathering, erosion or deposition. Teaching tips Q Getting students to physically move around the classroom helps to secure the processes in the rock cycle in their minds. This is particularly true for kinaesthetic learners - those who learn best through physical activity. Representing the rock cvde in the form of a flow diagram also helps visual learners It is often good to stop students in mid-activity to check their understanding. Pausing may help to iron out any misunderstandings before they get embedded in the student's mind. Pausing an activity also helps students to reflect on the geographical meaning of the activity There is a danger when playing a game, for example, that the game takes over and they forget what the point is 19 PHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT LESSON 3: ystery Key question • Where do you find fossils and where did they come from? • How are fossils formed7 Learning objectives • To understand why fossils are found in rocks and how they were formed • To create a model to demonstrate the formation of fossils and sedimentary rock Key words • continental drift • fossil • sediment • sedimentary rock Resources • Activity Sheet 3: The fossil mystery • Activity Sheet 4: Sedimentary rock recipe • A classroom with a water tap and mixing containers • A real fossil, e.g. an ammonite, or Photo Set 3 • Materials to create a model of fossil and sedimentary rock formation. These should include particles of different types of 'sediment', e.g. cornflakes, bread crumbs, biscuit crumbs; a 'cement' to hold the particles together, e.g. filler and water, and 'fossils', e.g. jelly babies. • Scissors and glue Assessment opportunities • Students create a model to demonstrate how sedimentary rock and fossils are formed • Students compare their model with the formation of real sedimentary rock Starter Show the students either a real fossil, such as an ammonite, or a photo from Photo Set 3. Don't tell them what it is. You could pretend you found/saw it on holiday while climbing in mountains and you don't know yourself what it is. Try to build up a sense of mystery around the fossil. If you have access to a real fossil it is much better as students can pass it around, touch and examine it to try to work out what it is. Some students may already know about fossils and may recognise it. Having established it is a fossil, ask them where you find fossils and where they came from originally If. for example, you show them an ammonite, they may recognise it as a sea creature, which raises the' question of how it ended up as a fossil at the top of a mountain. Main teaching phase Students read a series of muddled up sentences about the stages in fossil formation (Activity Sheet 3). They put the sentences into order in a paragraph to describe how fossils are formed. The best way to do this is to cut out the sentences and place them in the right order. To make the task more challenging for some students, omit one or more sentences for them to work out the missing stages. Ammonite. Photo X) Smabs Sputzer. Leaf. Photo Sabrina Setaro. 20 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT *sk the students to take turns to read a sentence to the rest of the class. Each student chooses the best sentence to follow the previous one. Discuss with the class what the best order should be. The order is not totally clear-rut since some stages would happen concurrently. Once they are satisfied with the order they have students stick their sentences into their book. Next, working in groups, students create a model to demonstrate the formation of layers of sedimentary rock containing fossils The best space to do this would be in a classroom with a water tap and mixing containers. The ideal solution would be to make an arrangement with •he Design and Technology department to use a kitchen! Each group is given materials to create their model. Encourage the students to think for themselves about how they will use the materials, without giving too much Shell Photo t Jan Helebrant. advice. You could refer them back to what they learned about the formation of sedimentary rock in Lesson 2. When they have created their models it will take a few minutes for the filler to harden. While they are waiting for this to happen, students write a description of the method they used to create their model, comparing it with the real process of sedimentary rock formation (Activity Sheet 4). Plenary Ask the students about analogies between their model and real sedimentary rocks. They could mention that materials come from a variety of sources, formed in layers and were laid down in a particular order. However, there are also differences. Obviously, the timescale is different, as are the location and conditions under which the rocks were formed. When the models have hardened you could have a ceremonial cutting of the sedimentary layers to reveal the fossils within. Keep the models until Lesson 4 when students will find out how layers of sedimentary rock are represented on a geological map of Britain. Teaching tips Q Making models is a practical activity that will really help to deepen students' understanding of geographical processes. It will encourage students with practical skills to shine. The result should be a better description of the processes involved in the formation of fossils and sedimentary rock than if students were to merely regurgitate the information from a textbook. Comparative writing is a particular writing skill with which students may need help. A writing frame can offer this support. However, comparative writing can also shine greater light on the things being compared. In this case, it will make students think more carefully about the processes, timescale, location and conditions under which fossils and sedimentary rocks are formed. trilobite Photo <. Joanna Bourne 21 AC H E K S TOOLK.I e map that rocks! Key questions • Which rocks are found in each part of Britain7 • How do rocks affect the landscape? Learning objectives • To interpret a geological map to find where different rocks are found in Britain • To recognise the relationship between geology and physical landscape Key words • geological map • geological period • geological timescale Resources • Activity Sheet 5: The geology of Britain • Atlas - physical map of Britain • Information Sheet 3: Geological map of Britain and timescale, or iGeology app • Model of layers of sedimentary rock (from Lesson 3) • Photo Set 4: British landscapes • Rock samples, including some common British rocks, e.g. granite, limestone, chalk (or Photo Set 1) Assessment opportunities • Students interpret a geological map of Britain to find rocks in different regions • Students identify relationships between geology and physical landscapes Starter Show the students a geological map of Britain (Information Sheet 3). You could also do this using the iGeology app. The timescale to the map shows the names of the geological periods alongside the main rock types laid down during each period. Do they recognise the names of any of the rocks? Some of them may be familiar from their geology trail in Lesson 1. What is the underlying rock in the place they live? Tell the students that you are going to show them how to read a geological map. They should notice that most of the rocks in England are found in bands on the map. These are sedimentary rocks. Use a model of sedimentary rock layers from Lesson 3 to demonstrate how these bands have formed. Tilt the model, explaining that sedimentary layers have been tilted by periods of mountain building in the past. As you tilt the model, show the students what it would look like from above. By tilting the model down to the right, you are replicating the pattern found on a geological map of England. They will notice bands of rock where the layers of sedimentary rock meet the surface. The order of the sedimentary layers on the map shows the order in which the rocks were laid down. Main teaching phase Students compare the rocks on the geological map of Britain with the timescale beside the map (Information Sheet 3). They should notice that, in general, the oldest rocks are to the northwest of Britain and the youngest are to the southeast. They interpret the map, listing the rocks from oldest to youngest along a line from northwest to southeast (Activity Sheet 5). They should become familiar with the names of some of the main geological periods on the timescale, e.g. Jurassic, Carboniferous, though students of this age would not be expected to remember all the names or the order in which they occur. Students compare the geological map with a physical map of Britain in an atlas. They identify rocks found in upland and lowland areas of Britain (Activity Sheet 5). From this they should be able to deduce the type of landscape associated with each rock. Students look at the photos in Photo Set 4 to reinforce this idea. They use the maps to work out which rock underlies each landscape. They describe the landscapes and suggest what they tell them about the different rocks. Plenary Ask the students to share their ideas about the landscapes associated with different types of rock. They might be able to talk about the landscape in their own area and the underlying rock. How do rocks affect the physical landscape? For example, why are some areas much hillier than others? Show the students samples of some common British rocks, ideally ones represented in the landscape photos they have seen. Pass the rocks around the class and encourage them to feel the rocks. Which is the most durable rock and which is weathered and eroded most easily? What effect could this have on the landscape? 22 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT N Key Geological period Start of period (millions of years ago) Rock type 1 1 Caenozotc: Quaternary. Neogene and Palaeogene 66 Sedimentary: gravel, sand, silt and clay 1 1 Cretaceous 145 Sedimentary: chalk, sandstone, clay and mudstone 1 1 Jurassic 200 Sedimentary: mudstone, sandstone, limestone and siltstone 1 1 Triassic and Permian 299 Sedimentary: mudstone. sandstone and limestone Carton rferous 359 Sedimentary: limestone, gritstone, shale, sandstone and coal 1 1 Devonian 416 Sedimentary: sandstone and siltstone 1 1 Silurian - Cambrian 542 Sedimentary sandstone, slate, gritstone and limestone Precambrian 4600 Sedimentary: sandstone and shale I | Various Metamorphtc rocks 1 1 Various Igneous rocks Teaching tips © It is good educational practice to build on students' existing knowledge and understanding. This is based on the educational theory of constructivism. Using the models of sedimentary rock that students themselves made should help them to grasp the relatively complex idea of a geological map. The atlas is, sadly, an oft-neglected resource in the geography classroom. We should be using atlases, whenever relevant, in the context of our geography lessons. In this way students will develop their atlas skills and improve their locational knowledge naturally, rather than doing this artificially in isolation from other geography lessons. 100 km 23 LESSON 5: Key question • What landscape features .lie formed in arras ol different rock types? • How cm we explain lite differences l)etween two landscapes? Learning objectives • lo interpret OS maps ,ind photos ol limestone and gritstone landscapes • lo understand why dillereiues between the two landscapes occur Key words • cave • dry vdlley • gritstone • impermeable rock • limestone • permeable rock • tor Resources • Activity Sheet 6: The Peak District • Information Sheet 4: Limestone and gritstone • Photo Set 5: Limestone and gritstone landscapes • Limestone rind gritstone rock samples, if available Assessment opportunities • Students interpret OS maps and photos to describe limestone and gritstone landscapes • Students explain the differences between the two landscapes Starter Show the students two photos of the Peak District - one of a limestone landscape in the White Peak, the other of a gritstone landscape in the Dark Peak (Photo Set 5). Ask the students to describe the two landscapes and compare them. Ihey might notice that the White Peak is less undulating, has no surface water and there is more farmland. By contrast, the Dark Peak is more rugged, has surface water and there is more moorland and forest. I he Dmk l-ruk niiNnne liimlvapr. I'lmlii « . Aniltrw Hill 24 KS3 GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS' TOOLKIT Itone rlscapes available o dl'st I I lull the two District-one |k, the other of hoto Set 5). Ask es and e White Peak is there is more lore rugged, has H and forest. I he white Peak limestone landscape. Photo O Tristan Feme. \sk the students what clues the landscapes might contain about the underlying rocks. Why is the terrain different in the two areas? Why is there more surface water in one area? And, why are the two areas being used in different ways? Main teaching phase Students study two map extracts from the Peak District: one from the White Peak and one from the Dark Peak (Activity Sheet 6). They look at more photos of the two landscapes in Photo Set 5 and examine the two map extracts in more detail to describe the two landscapes. Student read about limestone and gritstone (Information Sheet 4) to help them to explain some of the differences between the two landscapes. They should mention the differences caused by the texture, permeability and mineral content of the rocks, which give rise to different relief, surface water, soil and vegetation in the two landscapes. Students' understanding of the differences between the two rocks and related landscapes would be further enhanced if you can show them real samples of limestone and gritstone. Plenary Ask the students in which of the two landscapes they would be most likely to experience the following; • getting stuck in a bog • meeting a flock of sheep • finding an old millstone • getting lost in a forest. In each case, ask them to give reasons for their choice. You can make up more of these scenarios to further test their understanding. Teaching tips Like atlases, OS maps are best used routinely in geography lessons in the context of other geographical learning. Regular use of maps is far more likely to result in the development of students' map skills than the occasional isolated lesson about maps. 'Thinking skills' activities, such as 'Where would you be most likely to...' encourage students to think and apply their knowledge. This particular activity works best when there are two options for students to choose between, such as a limestone and a gritstone landscape. 25 s- TOOLKIT Key questions . How do people make use ol landscapes in limestone and gritstone aieasr' •What sort ol outdooi activities iniild yon do m these areas? Learning objectives • lo understand how human Icatiues are mlated lo the geology ol an area • To use OS maps to plan an adventure trail Key words • forestry ■ livestock farming • mining • quarry • reservoir Resources • Activity Sheet 7: Human or physical? • Activity Sheet 8: Plan an adventure trail • Information Sheet 5: Using limestone and gritstone • Photo Set 5: Limestone and gritstone landscapes (repeat) Assessment opportunities • Students identify human features in a landscape and explain how they relate to the geology • Students use an OS map to plan an adventure trail in a limestone or gritstone area Starter Students use the OS map extracts and photos of the Peak District (Activity Sheet 7 and Photo Set 5) to distinguish human and natural features in limestone and gritstone areas. The students work through the list of features to find them on the maps and decide whether they are human or natural. Not all of these are straightforward and might lead to an interesting discussion of human impact on landscape, now and in the past. For example, much of the moorland in Britain has been created by past clearance of natural forest, while much present-day forest in Britain has been planted. Main teaching phase Students read about the main human activities in limestone and gritstone areas (Information Sheet 5). I hey explain why certain activities are found most 26 (omiml„|v,nluneslone (e.g. farming) or gritstone (e* rVo,rs) lands, aprs and why others are found in both Lis, apes students can also refer back to the ;'Mlorm(1l,()n ,hey read about limestone and gritstone in lesson 5 (Information Sheet 4). ,,.|| ||,e students they are going to work in pairs to plan ,„ adventure trail in one of the two landscapes (Activity Sheet H) I irst, they must choose which landscape -limestone or gritstone. I hey could choose the one they find most interesting, or the one where they could do the most activities. Students look at a selection of outdoor activities and what landscape requirements each has. Students plan an adventure trail in their chosen landscape, including as many outdoor activities as they can find suitable locations for. They complete a table to locate each activity on the map, giving grid references, distances and directions and listing any equipment they would need. Plenary Students report back to the whole class on their plans for an adventure trail. They have to persuade the class that their landscape would be the best one to visit, giving reasons for their choice. They listen to each other's ideas. At the end, the class votes on which landscape they would most like to visit for a weekend. Better still if this could be turned into a real visit to make the task and vote even more significant! Teaching tips Some students may already do outdoor activities. It is good to make connections between activities they already do and the geography they study in school. However, there will also be students who have never done any outdoor activities. One aim of geography is to excite students about the world around them. Who knows, this lesson may even encourage students to get out there and experience landscapes for real! Giving students choice helps them to have more control rmr wlleaming and' arguably, makes them think a Mttle bit harder. |n choosing a landscape to plan their adventure trail, students will be making a personal m^T? landscaPe Photos. Even if it is not possible to make a fl d ^ en gd tQ e'W w,th landscapes at a personal level. words • biologital wealheiing • ihemital wealheiing • hee/e thaw • In hen • pluvial weathering • Mill • solution Resources • -Vtivih sheet1' Wealheiing m.ili h • Attivitx sheet ID Weatheringanimations • Inlonn.ition Sheet t>: Phvsn.il, ihemit.il .nul biological wealheiing • Inforin.ition sheet Weathering m.itth answers • Mobile phones/t.iinei.is • Online weathering .iiuin.itions. e.g. HIU dC SI Hitesi/e nun bin to.uk vhools^isrl)it<'\i:f^ro\inii>hv/iO(k luu