5th prac)cal class IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWN DRUG NAME: Lídia Prieto García SAMPLE: Magnesium sulphate MgSO4 BEHAVIOUR OF COMPOUND DURING HEATING AND BURNING (describe what you should see during the hea4ng of your sample in burner and choose one of possibility): The sample it’s an inorganic compound so possible changes during hea)ng and burning are: no changes, mel)ng to colourless liquid, which acquires the original colour a@er cooling down, change of the colour, releasing vapours, sublima)on. But it never becomes carbonized and it won’t be burnt. ORGANIC/INORGANIC/ORGANIC-INORGANIC COMPOUND ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS (write down the reac4ons of tests you should do and mark which of them should be posi4ve): 1. Nitrogen =nega)ve C org+N org. CN - 
 6 CN + Fe 2+ [Fe(CN)6] 4+ Fe 3+ [Fe(CN)6] 4+ Fe 3+ {Fe III [Fe II (CN)6]} - 2. Sulphur = positive Sorg. S2- S2- + Pb2+ PbS 3. Halogens =nega)ve Add silver nitrate. 4. Chlorine, bromide, iodine = nega)ve AgCl + 2 NH3 [Ag(NH3)2] + Cl SOLUBILITY (decide according to the informa4on in Ph. Eur.): freely soluble in water, very soluble in boiling water , prac)cally insoluble in ethanol 96% pH of soluCon/suspension (decide according to nature of your sample): neutral REACTIONS FROM THE FLOWCHARTS (write down your “flowcharts pathway”; describe results of your hypothe4cal analysis – reac4ons from the flowcharts you can find in material called “Iden4fica4on of an unknown drug”): Unknown compound - inorganic compound - solubility in water : yes - Flowchart 1 5th prac)cal class IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWN DRUG Inorganic compound soluble in water: no react with sodium hydroxide solu)on, not react with amonium oxalate solu)on I, react with )tan yellow I = + Magnesium sulphate IDENTIFICATION REACTIONS (from your monography choose the tests necessary for iden4fica4on of your substance and describe them): ReacCon of sulpfates: To the cold filtrate (5 mL) add a few drops of lead acetate solution.
 Production of a black solution or a black precipitate indicates that the original substance contains sulphur. It’s positive Sorg. S2S2- + Pb2+ PbS ReacCon of magnesium Reaction with titan yellow solution I Dissolve about 0.1 g of the compound in 10 mL of distilled water. Take 3 mL of this solution, add 1 mL of titan yellow solution and 1 mL of dilute sodium hydroxide. A red precipitate forms => evidence of Mg 2+ .