4 practical class ASSAY - VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS NAME: Alicia Vails Arrufat (F19038Z) SAMPLE: Sodium bromide 1) IDENTIFICATION REACTIONS OF IONS CATIONS (describe briefly reactions): a) Na+ + K2CO3 No precipitate is formed. Na++ K[Sb(OH)6] Na[Sb(OH)6] + K+ (dense, white precipitate). b) Na+ + methoxyphenilacetic reagent Voluminous, white, crystalline precipitate. Precipitate + NhV (d) Precipitate dissolves completely Dissolution + (NH4)2C03 No precipitate. ANIONS (describe briefly reactions): a) Br + Ag+ AgBr (curled, pale yellow precipitate). AgBr + 2NH3 [Ag(NH3)2]+ Br (precipitate dissolves with difficulty). b) 2Br+Pb02 + 2H+-» Br2 + PbO + H20 A violet color appears when dipping a filter paper with decolorized fuchsin solution R. 2) ASSAY: BACK TITRATION Volumetric solutions: silver nitrate and ammonium thiocyanate. Titre of volumetric solutions: 0,1M AgN03: 0.9998; 0,1M NH4SCN: 0.9897 Titration No. m [g] (4 decimal places) Consumption of VS [ml] ASSAY 1. 1,9854 5,86 99,486 2. 2,0125 5,47 100,120 3. 2,0245 5,05 101,640 4. 2,0998 4,90 98,722 Average 100,005 1 4 practical class ASSAY - VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS CALCULATION PROCEDURE: (VI x fl -V2 x f 2) x m x 100 X (%) =----—- q VI = 25ml f2 = 0,9897 fl = 0,9998 m = 10,29 mg Titration n9 1 l,9854g in 100ml 0,19854g in 10ml q = 0,19854 g = 198,54 mg V2 = 5,86ml (25ml x 0,9998 - 5,86ml x 0,9897) x 10,29mg x 100 x (%) = ^-:- -J--:-2-= 99,486 198,54mg Titration n9 2 2,0125g in 100ml 0,201254g in 10ml ^ q = 0,20125 g = 201,25 mg V2 = 5,47ml (25ml x 0,9998 - 5,47ml x 0,9897) x 10,29mg x 100 x (%) = ^-:- „_ -}--:-s-= 100,120 201,25mg Titration n^ 3 2,0245g in 100ml 0,20245g in 10ml q = 0,20245 g = 202,45 mg V2 = 5,05ml (25ml x 0,9998 - 5,05ml x 0,9897) x 10,29mg x 100 x (%) = ^-:- -}--:-2-= 101, 640 202,45mg Titration n^ 4 2,0998g in 100ml 0,209984g in 10ml q = 0,20998g = 209,98mg V2 = 4,90ml (25ml x 0,9998 - 4,90ml x 0,9897) x 10,29mg x 100 x (%) =--'- 9no qq -"-:-"-= 98< 722 209,98mg 2 4 practical class ASSAY - VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS Statistical calculation R = Xmax - Xmin = 101,640 - 98,722 = 2,868 SD = kn XR = 0,4857 X 2,868 = 1, 3929 SD 1,3929 RSD = — X 100 =-- X 100 = 1, 3928 x 100,005 STATISTICAL EVALUATION: Range: R= 2,868 Standard deviation (estimated from range): sd = 1,3929 Relative standard deviation: RSD = 1,3928 CONCLUSION (does your sample meet/not meet Ph. Eur): In the Pharmacopoeia we can see that for meeting the requirement we need a content of Sodium Bromide between 98,0 - 100,5 per cent. Our sample has a content of 100,005 so we can conclude that it meets the Pharmacopoeia requirements. 3