Antimicrobial and antifungal preservatives ●compounds necessary for protection of medicinal preparations against unwanted microorganisms being able to decompose active ingredients and/or other excipients or evoke dangerous microbial contamination (vaccines) Outline of the most often used structural groups of preservatives 1. Organic compounds of mercury 2. Alcohols and phenols 3. Aldehydes and their precursors 4. Carboxylic acids 5. Quarternary ammonium salts 1.Organic compounds of mercury ● preservation of sterile ocular and parenteral preparations, namely vaccines in multi-dose bottles ● one of the last rests of heavy metals compounds, formerly widely spread in medicine ●much less toxic than soluble inorganic mercuric salts (HgCl2 ) ●bactericidal and fungicidal effect, slightly to spores ● mode of action: interaction with -SH groups of microbial proteins 1.1 Phenylmercuric salts ●covalent salts of inorganic or caboxylic acids with phenylmercuric moiety ●mixtures of such salts with phenylmercuric hydroxide are often acceptable by many ●pharmacopoeias Hg O CH3 O Hg O Hg O B OHH OH Hg OH Hg O Hg OB OH Hg OH Hg O N O O Hg OH . or . . Phenylmecuric acetate Phenylmercuric borate Phenylmercuric nitrate Phenylhydrargyri acetas Phenylhydrargyri boras Phenylhydrargyri nitras Famosept ® ● 1.2 Thiomersal S Hg O O CH3 Na + syn. thimerosal, merthiolate sodium 2-(ethylhydrargyriumsulfanyl)benzoate sodium 2-(ethylmercurithio)benzoate sodium ethylmerkurithiosalicylate ●typically preservation of multi-dose vaccines ●possible relationship between autism of some of vaccinated childern and thiomersal discussed, but no evidence ●stepwise abandoned 2. Alcohols and phenols 2.1 Alcohols ●preservation ability of short-chain alconols like ethanol and propane-2-ol is usable only if their concentration in a preparation is satisfactory (cca 20 % for ethanol); typical preservatives are aromatic-aliphatic alcohols with orderly lower active concentrations OH OH O OH benzyl alcohol phenethyl alcohol phenoxyethanol phenylmethanol 2-phenylethan-1-ol 2-phenoxyethan-1-ol Alcohol benzylicus ČL 2005 Phenoxyethanolum ČL2005 ●parenteralia, inj. radiopharmaceutics ● preservation of vaccines and topical preparations l 2.2 Phenols OH OH CH3 OH CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 CH3 OH phenol Phenolum ČL 2009 Phenolum liquefactum ČL 2009 contains 10 % water ●inactivation and preservation of live vaccines ●preparation Solutio Galli-Valerio ČL 2009 for preservation of medical instruments cresols 2-, 3-, 4-methylphenol Cresolum crudum ČL 2009 = mixture of all 3 isomers Metacresolum ČL 2009 chlorocresol 4-chloro-3-methylphenol Chlorocresolum ČL 2009 thymol 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol Thymolum ČL 2009 2.2 Phenols (continued) Parabens OH O R O alkyl 4-hydroxybenzoates R = Cn H2n+1 most often 1 ≥ n ≥ 5 ●mainly linear, from branched R = iso-C4 H7 in cosmetics Methyl- butylparabenum ČL 2009; also sodium salts: Methyl- propylparabenum natricum ●preservation of external and also p.o. preparations: Aqua conservans ČL 2009 0,67 % MP + 0,33 % PP ●active in acid, neutral and alkaline media ●antifungl activity: R = -CH3 more active against moulds, R = -C3 H7 against yeasts ●antibacterial activity increaces with chain length and lipophilicity ●less suitable for foods, slight local anesthetic activity lowering taste (but used) 3. Aldehydes and their precursors H H O OH OH BrO2N formaldehyde methanal Formaldehydum ČL 2009 ●preparation: Sol. Galli-Valerio ČL 2009 bronopol 2-brom-2-nitro-1,3-propandiol ●first prepared by Henry in 1898 ●antimikrobial aditive in external preparations and in cosmetics ●self mode of action: reaction with -SH groups of Cys H H O OH BrO2 N H H O OH OH BrO2 N BrO2N OH BrO2 N + + ●common mode of action of aldehydes: denaturation of superficial proteins by forming of Schiff bases from free amino groups 4. Carboxylic acids benzoic acid benzenecarboxylic acid Acidum benzoicum ČL 2009 ● active for pH ≤ 7.3 sorbic acid (E,E)-hexa-2,4-dienic acid Acidum sorbicum ČL 2009 OHO CH3 OH O 5. Quarternary ammonium salts R = C8H17-C18H37 (mixture) alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride benzalkonium chloride Benzalkonii chloridum ČL 2009 ●eye drops ●mode of action: removing of superficial proteins from cellular membrane of microorganisms N + R CH3 CH3 Cl