1 2 Adrenal galds release adrenalin (epinephrin) and noradrenalin (norepinephrin) into blood stream. Adrenergic receptor agonists and antagonists affects mainly receptors for circulating A and NA 3 4 Biosynthesis of neurotransmitters Dopamine, Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) and Adrenaline (Epinephrine) 5 3 gene families: alpha1, alpha2 and beta. All families consists of 3 subtypes (similar to each other) together 9 different receptors with own genes on various chromozomes 6 Receptors consists of 7 transmembrane loops and are connected with different G proteins Gq protein activates PLC (proteinkinase C) - leads to increase of intracelular Ca2+ Gs protein activates AC (adenylylcyclase) – leads to increased cAMP Gi protein inhibits AC – leads to decrease of c AMP 7 Tissue response. Most of mentioned effects are involved in clinical use of AR agonists and antagonists 8 Therapeutic use of agonists 9 Direct agonists binds to receptor and activates it. Specifity can be focused to family or particular subtype. 10 Derivatives or analogues of phenylethylamine. Two carbons between phenyl and amino moiety is necessary. The lesser degree of substitution on NH, the greatest selectivity for αlpha; increase volume of NH substituent adds the selectivity towards beta. R1 substitution inhibits monoamino oxidase – prolonged action and facilitates indirect mechanism of action R3, R4: OH groups necessary for activation of both alpha and beta. No hydroxyl increases central stimulation effect. 11 low dosis activates only D receptor (indication: cardiovascular shock prevention) medium dosis activates D + beta1 (i: cardiotonic) high dosis activates D + beta1 + alpha1 (i: severe hypotension, acute hearth failure) 12 13 local decongescent higher dosis i.v. severe hypotension, cardiovascular shock 14 15 indication: cardiovascular shock, ventricle fibrilation; allergic shock 16 17 Cardial effect, CNS stimulator, weak vasoconstrictor 18 19 vasoconstriction in mucosa reduces mucus production 20 indication: atonic uterus (womb), uterus bleeding 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Prolonged effect due to higher lipophilicity and tissue accumulation 29 30 31 32 33 Due to partial system effect cardiovascular diseses are contraindicated 34 35 optimal lipophilicity to pass blood-brain barrier indication: arterial hypertension 36 37 intravenous application in the case of hypertension crisis local application in ophthalmology - reduces increased intraocular pressure 38 39 40 41 42 43 administered by continual i.v. infusion indication: heart insufficiency after transplantation, bradycardia 44 45 indication: hert failure 46 47 indication: bronchial asthma, ChOPN (chronical obstructive pulmonary disease) 48 49 50 51 52 p.o. administration is not possible due to partial system effect via beta1 activation 53 54 55 56 long term p.o. application for prevention of bronchial asthma symptoms 57 58 59 60 bronchodilation is weak 61 highly selective: only weak cardiovascular side effects, no bronchial side efect 62 63 ADHD – retarded dosage forms once a day narcolepsia – non-retarded dosage forms 2-3x day 64 65 increases motoric activity and wakefulness 66 67 68 antidepressive agent, diabetic neuropathy 60mg 1x a day stress urinary incontinence 40mg 2x a day 69 70