□ Antihyperlipidemics Tomáš Goněc 7.11.2011 11 Major lipids in blood stream □ Cholesterol and its esters □ Triglycerides □ Phospholipids □ Excess of one or more of these fractions = hyperlipidaemia Cholesterol Desmolase (side-chain cleavage enzyme) Cholesterol Progesterone (progestin) Hydrocortisone (glucocorticoid) Aldosterone OH Androstenedione (androgen) OH HO Estradiol Testosterone Cholesterol biosynthesis CH 1 ° 2 rH ' JOH HMG CoA ?H2 _I 1 ctQr,e » CH3 ? 0H -*- CH3-C-OH -1 ch3^scoA steps L^SCoA reductase I J XH2OH Acetyl-CoA HMG CoA Mevalonic acid (C2) (C6) (°6) a steps Lanosterol (C30) Cholesterol (C27) 11 Cholesterol - hepatobiliar circulation Cholesterol several^ steps return to liver cooh 7"oh Cholic acid (a bile acid) conjugation oh' COCH2COO Na Glycocholate (a bile salt) Lipoproteins and lipid circulation Dietary Lipids exogenous pathway I n t e s t t n e Bile (cholesterol or bile salts} Lipoprotein Lipase Chylomicrons ) —^-C Remnants , FFA \ Adipose tissue' and muscle endogenous pathway Chdl> Cvldl> Lipoprotein lipase LCAT FC -* 11 Hyperlipoproteinaemias □ primary - result of genetic mutations / insufficiencies of APO-lipoproteins and their tissue receptors □ secondary - result of isufficient biosynthesis of APO-lipoproteins and their tissue receptors Associated with diabetes II, hypothyroidism, renal and liver diseases 11 Diseases and disorders caused by hyperlipoproteinaemias_ □ Coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris) s Role of LDL cholesterol in atherosclerosis Uptake by scavenger macrophages Bite acids, Cell membranes Extrahepatic tissue Steroid hormones, cell membranes Formation of fatty streaks Normal, nonharmful uses and transport of LDL cholesterol Initial stages of atherosclerotic plaque formation I 11 Drugs affecting lipoprotein metabolism □ bile acid sequestrants □ HMGCoA reductase inhibitors □ fibrates □ niacin and its derivatives □ often used in combination Bile acid sequestrants CH=CH2 CH=CH2 Styrene (X = H) CH=CH2 Divinylbenzene Precursors for cholestyramine ---CH-CH?-CHCH2— yJ CH2-HC-- CH2N(CH3)3 n Cholestyramine H,N' H i .N. 'N' H H i • N, 'NH, Tetraethyienepentamine CH2CI Epichlorhydrin Precursors for colestipol RHN HN ^ CH2 HC-OH CH2 R i .N, 'N' i R 1ST CH2 HC-OH CH2 R ,N, NHR NH CH2 HC-OH CH2 HN^ ^ N' H -1 n Colestipol R = H or epichlorhydrin cross link I 11 Bile acid sequestrants - mechanism of action_ □ basic nitrogens binds bile acids and together are excreted in the feces □ lower uptake of bile acids leads to increased LDL receptor expression and increased liver uptake of LDL fraction □ contraindicated in patients with cholelithiasis or biliary obstruction □ minimal side effects - decrease oral absorption of some drugs and lipid soluble vitamins HMGCoA reductase inhibitors 3,5-dihydroxy acid O S<° 0-.....?:7H.....j H°f^C02H 4 ><0H H3C in vivo H3C7> hydrolysis B' CH< 2' Inactive pro-drug Mevastatin (R = H) Lovastatin (R = CH3) & 4' Active form H3c1 o HMG CoA S-CoA HMG CoA Reductase H3C L^OH H HMG CoA -! Reductase HOV^C02H H3C k___OH .-J S-CoA Intermediate Mevalonic acid 11 HMGCoA reductase inhibitors Lovastatin (R = H) Pravastatin Simvastatin {R = CH3) Fluvastatin Atorvastatin Cerivastatin HMGCoA reductase inhibitors: Structure-activity relationships □ Two main structural types a H°f^C02H 5 .OH ^6 g c_ r2 ch3 • h Ring system 7-substituted-3,5-dihydroxyheptanoic acid Ring A Ring B 11 HMGCoA reductase inhibitors □ rare but serious adverse effect: rhabdomyolysis (massive muscle necrosis) -life threatening state □ clinical monitoring necessary □ 2001Cerivastatin withdrawn from the market Fibrates =v CH3/p /=. CH3p a Clofibrate Clofibrate acid (ethyl p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate) (p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid) Ciprofibrate Bezafibrate 11 Fibrates - structure-activity relationship CH3/p [Aromatic ring]-0-[Spacer group]—C-Cx CH3 0H □ essential isobutyric acid group □ p-chloro substituted aromatic cycle prolongs biological half-time 11 Fibrates - mechanism of action □ not fully elucidated yet □ PPARs (peroxyzome proliferator activated receptors) activators □ decreases VLDL (significantly) □ increases HDL (moderate) □ variable effect on LDL 11 Fibrates □ serious adverse effects □ long-term administration of clofibrate increases morbidity and mortality □ all fibrates may cause myopathy and rhabdomyolysis Nicotinic acid (niacin) Or1™ N Or1™* N N CH3 Nicotine Nicotinic acid Nicotinamide □ niacin is a nicotinic acid metabolite 11 Nicotinic acid - mechanism of action □ NA acts via its specific tissue receptor (NA receptor) □ inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue □ decrease all lipid fractions (VLDL, triglycerides and LDL) 11 Nicotinic acid - side effects □ often side effects (20 - 50% patients) □ flushing and pruritus □ gastrointestinal intolerance