Diuretics = compouns used for ↑ of urine excretion in order to ↓ the excessive volume of extraceallular liquid or for other therapeutical purposes ©assoc. prof. PharmDr. Oldřich Farsa, Ph.D. 2011 History Mercury compounds 16th century – Paracelsus – red HgO (?) 19th century – Hg2Cl2 „calomel“ beginning of the 20th century – less toxic organic compounds with covalently bound Hg Cl Hg OHO OO Na + Cl O OO NH Hg OH O O CH3 Na + Novasurol mersalyl Salyrgan® Classification of actually used diuretics 1. Saluretics 1.1. Sulfonamides 1.1.1 Sulfonamides with acyclic -SO2NH2 group 1.1.2 Thiazide diuretics 2. „Potassium conserving“ diuretics 3. „Loop“ diuretics (= diuretics acting in the loop of Henle) 3.1. Sulfonamides – amino(hetero)arenesulfonamide derivatives 3.2. Phenoxyacetic acid derivatives 4. Osmotic diuretics (5. Purine alcaloida – xanthine derivatives) 1. Saluretics •inhibit reabsorption (back resorption) of Na+ and Clin more distal part of the nephrone, ions bind water, which is then excreted •they cause decrease of K+ in organism (exchange for Na+ and active secretion in distal tubule) 1.1. Sulfonamides •diuretic activity of antibacterial sulfonamides observed as a side effect before 1940 •1949 Schwartz: carbonic anhydrase inhibtion CO2 + OH2 H2CO3 H3O + + HCO3 -carbonic anhydrase +H2O -H2O inhibition • the enzyme is inhibited ⇒ ↓ H2 CO3 ⇒ ↓ H3 O+ , which normally exchanges for Na+ , in glomerular filtrate ⇒ Na+ remains in the renal tubule together with HCO3 , they bind osmotic equivalent of water ⇒ excretion of a large quantity of urine NH2 S N H O O H N N S N H S N H O O H CH3 O N-(5-sulfamoyl-[1,3,4]thiadiazol-2-yl)-acetamide 1.1.1. Sulfonamides with acyclic -SO2NH2 group sulfanilamide (lead compound of antibacterial sulfonamides) acetazolamide one of the firsr sulfonamide diuretics Diluran® - today treatment of glaucom 1.1.1. Sulfonamides with acyclic -SO2NH2 group - continued chlorthalidone Urandil® •hypertension, edema in heart insufficiency N OH O S N H O O H Cl S N H O O H Cl O N RH N CH3 CH3 N CH3 N CH3 R = clopamide Crystepin® (+ reserpin, dihydroergocristin) metipamide Hypotylin® indapamide •also antioxidant efffect Indap® Noliprel® (+ perindopril) Prenewel ® ... 1.1.2 Thiazide diuretics = sulfonamides with –SO2NH- group in a cycle Elicitation of their structure S N H O O H Cl S N H O O H S N O O H Cl S N H O O H N S N O O H Cl S N H O O H N H clofenamide diuretic sulfonamide with acyclic –SO2NH2 groups; today obsolete chlorothiazide 1st „thiazide“ diuretic; today obsolete hydrochlorothiazide most frequently combined with amiloride (Moduretic® , Rhefluin® ) or with quinapril (Accuzide ® ) for treatment of hypertension Activity 1 : 20 2. „Potassium conserving“ diuretics •inhibit reabsorption of Na+ v distal tubule; retention of K+ occurs simultaneously Aldosterone antagonists O CH3 O OH OHO O O CH3 CH3 O S CH3 O OH O CH3 CH3 O OH H2O - CH3COSH aldosterone spironolactone •prodrug of canrenoic acid •hyperaldosteronemia Verospiron® tbl. canrenoic acid •active compound Aldactone® inj. – K+ salt for parenteral application (kalii canrenoas) Canrenon and canrenoic acid •both forms are in an equilibrium O O CH3 CH3 O OH O CH3 CH3 O OH H2O - H2O 3 4 6 17 canrenone (lactone) canrenoic acid (a hydroxy acid) 2. „Potassium conserving“ diuretics - continued N NCl NH2 NH2 N H O NH2 NH N N N N NH2 NH2 NH2 N-(3,5-diamino-6-chloropyrazine-2-carbonyl)- guanidine 2,4,7-triamino-6-phenylpteridine amiloride Amicloton® , Moduretic® , Loradur ® (+ hydrochlorothiazide) … triamterene Dytac® tbl. 3. „Loop“ diuretics •inhibit absorption of elektrolytes (Na+ , K+ , H+ a Cl) in the ascending limb of Henle loop (⇒ hyponatraemia, hypokalaemia, hypochloraemia and alkalosis possible) •efficient also in ↓ function of kidneys 3. „Loop“ diuretics 3.1. Sulfonamides – amino(hetero)arenesulfonamide derivatives N H OH O S Cl NH2 O O O S NH N H OO N N H O CH3 CH3 CH3 furosemide Furon® tbl. •oedema, chron. renal insufficiency torasemide syn. torsemide [USAN] Trifas® tbl. 3.2. Phenoxyacetic acid derivatives Derivation of the structure: directly from mercury diuretics Cl Hg OHO OO Na + O OHO Cl O Cl CH2 CH3 O O OH O Cl S Cl Novasurol ethacrynic acid Uregyt® tbl. tienilic acid (syn. ticrynafen [USAN]) 4. Osmotic diuretics •osmotically active compounds, ↑ osmotic pressure of the glomerulal ultrafiltrate ⇒ ↓ its glomerular reabsorption •administered only intravenously •removal of intracranial hypertension in patients with brain oedema, treatment of acute renal failure, forced diuresis in intoxications NH2 NH2 O OH OH OH OH OH OH H H H HOH OH OH H OH OH OH H H H urea Urea VUAB® inf. sic. D-mannitol Osmofundin 15% N® inf. D-sorbitol syn. D-glucitol Infusio sorbitoli® inf. sol.