Insulin(s) and other, namely oral antidiabetics © Oldřich Farsa 2011 One- and three-letter symbols of L-α-amino acid rests One-letter Three-letter A Ala alanine B Asx asparaginic acid or asparagine C Cys cysteine D Asp asparaginic acid E Glu glutamic acid F Phe phenylalanine G Gly glycine H His histidine I Ile isoleucine K Lys lysine L Leu leucine M Met methionine N Asn asparagine P Pro proline Q Gln glutamine R Arg arginine S Ser serine T Thr threonine U Sec selenocysteine V Val valine W Trp tryptofane X Xaa unknown or „other“ amino acid Y Tyr thyrosine Z Glx glutamic acid or glutamine (or compounds such as 4-karboxyglutamic acid 5-oxoproline) 1.Insulines Insuline ● Secreted mostly by β-cells of Langerhans islets of pancreas ●Enables utilisation of glucose by cells of body ●First isolated by Banting and Best from dog´s pancreas in 1921 Human insuline TP C COOHF NS H Q N ES C Y Y C T A I V TVL LG E SV QI Y CC KN L R GENH 2 L F G G L FV E Q C H YL NH 2 COOH chain B (30 AA) chain A (21 AA) ●formed from its precursor proinsuline consisted of 110 AA 10 20 30 40 50 60 MALWMRLLPL LALLALWGPD PAAAFVNQHL CGSHLVEALY LVCGERGFFY TPKTRREAED 70 80 90 100 110 LQVGQVELGG GPGAGSLQPL ALEGSLQKRG IVEQCCTSIC SLYQLENYCN 1-24 signal sequence; 25-54 chain B; 57-87 peptide C; 90-110 chain A ●today produced by recombinant technology, or by partial synthesis from the porcine one Insulinum humanum PhEur ●syn. humuline Bovine (cow´s) insuline Insulinum bovinum PhEur ●isolation from beef pancreases Porcine (swine) insuline Insulinum porcinum PhEur Insuline analogues human aspart Insulinum aspartum PhEur Novorapid ® ●recombinant technology insulin-lispro Insulinum lisprum PhEur ●recombinant Humalog ®, Liprolog ® insulin-detemir ● chain B has only 29 AA, tetradecanoyl (myristoyl) attached to LysB29 ●recombinant-semi synthetic Levemir ® insulin-glargin Gly21A -L-Arg30B -L-Arg31B -insulin Lantus® , Optisulin ® ● insulin of 1st choice in diabetes of 2nd type when oral antidiabetics are not satisfactory ●long T½ , typically administered 1x daily s.c. before sleeping insulin-glulisin Apidra ® Summary of the used insuline analogues Glucagone ●peptid consisted of 29 AA from pancreas supporting cleavage of liver glycogene and increasing glycaemia ●causes relaxation of smooth gastric muscules similarly to cholinergics Glucagonum PhEur ●isolated from porcine or bovine pancreases Glucagonum humanum PhEur ●produced by recombinant technology; AA sequence is identical ●usage: treament of serious hypoglycaemia, X-ray GIT diagnostic etc. Sulfonylurea derivatives ●1942 hypoglycaemic side effect of antibacterial sulfonamides discovered ● 1955 carbutamide as 1st p.o. antidiabetic introduced S NH NH O O O R 2 R 1 common is struct. fragment of 1-benzenesulfonylurea subst. in the position 4 of the benzene ring and and on the N3 of urea R1 = -H or anything R2 = alkyl, cycloalkyl, heterocycle with max. 10 non-hydrogen atoms S NH NH O O O CH3 CH3 S NH NH O O O NH2 CH3 carbutamide tolbutamide Sulfonylurea derivatives CH3 S O O NH O NH N 1-(3-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]oct-3-yl)-3-(p-tolylsulfonyl)urea gliclazide Diaprel MR ® ●antiradical effects ● ↓ reactivity of platelets, ↑synthesis of prostacyclin in endothel and fibrinolysis ●improves plasmatic antioxidant parameters (SOD, total antioxidant capacity, thiols) ●probably a result of the presence of 3-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane moiety Sulfonylurea derivatives of 2nd generation ● first prepared in 1970th , enabled ↓ dosing g → mg ●result of introducing of carbonylaminoethyl fragment into position 4 of the benzene ring CH3 O Cl O NH S O O NH O NH NH S O O NH O NH R 2 R 1 O glibenclamide CH3 O O N S O O NH O NH O CH3 CH3 gliquidone Glurenorm ® ● an in vitro evidence of PPARγ receptor stimulation given; as active as pioglitazone in induction of the PPARγ target gene expression Glucobene ® Sulfonylurea derivatives of 2nd generation CH3 NO O NH S O O NH O NH N glisoxepide CH3 N N O NH S O O NH O NH glipizide Minidiab ® Sulfonylurea derivatives of 3rd generation CH3 CH3 N O NH S O O NH O NH H H CH3 O glimepiride Amaryl ® Mode of action of sulfonylureas: binding to sulfonylurea receptor, which is a part of K+ ATP complex ⇒ channel closure ⇒ changes of voltage of β-cells membranes ⇒ influx of Ca2+ ⇒ exocytosis of insulin granules Adverse effects: ● interference with K+ -ATP channels of the myocard ⇒ impairing of its function ●further development of hypoglycaemia ● enhancement of apoptosis and exhaustion of β-cells. Glinides ●structurally relatively heterogenous group ● mode of action similar to that of sulfonylureas (binding to the same receptor): ↓ conductivity of membranes of β-cells mediated by K+ ⇒ depolarisation of membranes and opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels ⇒ ↑ intracellular concentration of Ca2+ ⇒ ↑ release of insulin granules ● stimulation of PPARγ receptor demonstrated in vitro also CH3 S O O NH O NH N gliclazide N O O OH H H mitiglinide 2-benzyl-4-[(3aR,7aS)-octahydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl]- 4-oxobutanoic acid ● 1st glinide Glinides CH3 O Cl O NH OH O meglitinide Glinides CH3 CH3 H HO NH H OH O CH3 O O NH H CH3CH3 N OH O nateglinide repaglinide ● probably prolong the life of β-cells ● reduce postprandial ↑ glycaemia in pacients with worsened glucose tolerance ⇒ slow down thinning of intima media of carotids ● positive effect on triglycerides and free fatty acids levels in plasma of diabetics of 2nd type 120 min after meals Starlix ® Novonorm ® Biguanide derivatives CH3 N CH3 NH NH NH2 NH CH3 NH NH NH NH2 NH 1,1-dimethylbiguanide Adimet ® metformin ●also cardioprotective effect; improves also conditions in chronic heart failure probably by means of activation of AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK) and subsequently endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and co-activator of PPARγ receptor (PGC-1α) 1-butylbiguanide buformin Biguanide derivatives NH2 NH NH NH NH 1-(2-phenylethyl)guanidine fenformin ●obsolete in humans; causes strong lactate acidosisEffects of biguanides: ● ↓ glucose synthesis in liver by gluconeogenesis ● ↑ utilisation of glucose in peripheral organs ● ↓ fatty acids oxidation about 10 – 20 % Mode of action: activation of AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase; in absence of insuline, biguanides renew uptake of glucose in insulin-resistant cardiomyocytes by complementary activation of AMPK and protein kinase B; this was demonstrated also in hepatocytes and cells of skeletal musculature ●target site of gluconeogenesis inhibition: glyceralehyde-3-phosphate reductase; biguanides inhibít expression of the gene for this enzyme Unwanted effects: lactate acidose: ↓ gluconeogenesis ⇒ accumulation of pyruvate and NADH, ↓ NAD+ ⇒ (lactate dehydrogenase) ⇒↑ lactate productin Compounds interacting with PPAR receptors PPAR = peroxisome proliferator- activated receptors – a family of receptors of the cell nucleus directly linked to DNA ●sensitive to fatty acids; cause changes of transcription, which alter utilisation (catabolism) of fatty acids and glucose ●activities of the particular subtypes of PPARs take part in regulation of sensitivity to insulin and obesity symptoms and also in food intake control ●activation of PPARα ↑ lipolysis and fatty acids oxidation; these receptors take part in the mode of action of fibates ●PPARγ receptors = key regulators of insulin resistance; take also part in activation of adipocytes differentiation, ↑ adipogenesis and thus body weight PPARδ (=PPARβ ) receptors are engaged in the process of development of obesity, which is caused by inproper alimentation ● PPAR agonists are useful as p.o. antidiabetics, partial selective agonists of PPARγ are the most suitable ones Thiazolidindiones (glitazones) O OH NH S O O CH3 OHCH3 CH3 CH3 troglitazone ● withdrawn; ↑ risk of hepatotoxicity; approx. 1.9 % of patients in clinical tests exhibited ↑ of alanine aminotransferse (ALT) over the triple of the upper limit Thiazolidindiones (glitazones) CH3 N O S O N H O pioglitazone CH3 N O S O N H O N rosiglitazone Mode of action: stimulation of PPARγ rp. increases sensitivity of cells of peripheral tissues (fat, muscles) and of liver to insulin ⇒ ↑ insulin-dependent supply of glucose to cells & ↓ release of glucose from liver ● probably protect β-cells by ↓ of direct glucotoxicity and insulin requirement Adverse effects: oedema, cardiomegaly, anaemia, haemodilution Avandia® ● ↓ concentration of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c ) Actos® ● quite positive effect to blood lipids: ↓ increased triacylglyceroles, ↑HDL; ↑LDL less than rosiglitazone Selective PPARγ modulators OH OH S O O NH Cl O N Cl INT-131 ●pharmacological profile different from glitazones: minimal stimulation of adipocytes differentiation, partial activation of target genes PPARγ engaged in do adipogenesis, it simultaneously exhibits activity to another set of target genes, which is capable to affect directly insulin sensitivity; gain of glucose tolerance; preclinical evaluation demonstrated lower impact to lungs and heart weights and total increase of body weight, haemodilution and plasma volume ●clinical studies of the phase II: INT-131 is 8times more active than rosiglitazone, no evidence of liquids retention and weight gain was acquired ● X-ray crystallography: other way of binding to the receptor than that of glitazones, primarily forms hydrophobic contacts with the “ligand binding pocket” without direct H-bonds to key amino acids rests of the helix 12, which are typical for full agonists Selective PPARγ modulators O S CH3 O O OH N CH3 O O CH3 PAR-1622 ● partial agonist of PPARγ: 37 % of the activity of the full agonist rosiglitazone, does not interact with PPARδ , 56x more selective to PPARγ than to PPARα ●improves hyperglycaemia ●does not increase blood plasma volume GLP-1 analogues GLP-1: Glucagon-like peptide 1 = an intestinal hormone, which together with glucosedependent insulinotropic polypeptide(GIP)* potentiates insulin secretion induced by food ●potetiates all steps of insulin biosynthesis; has positive impact to function and surviving of β-cells ●decreases redundant glucose production in liver, slows down stomach emptying leading to postprandial hypoglycaemia, its central effect leads to appetite decrease (⇒ body weight loss), probably also positive effects to cardiovascular system ●disadvantages of GLP-1 as a drug: necessity of administration in a continual infusion, extremely short biological half-time T1/2 = 2 – 3 min (fast decomposition by peptidases) ⇒ need of more stable analogues *Both are known also as incretins. GLP-1 analogues liraglutide Victoza ® inj. sol. γ-L-glutamoyl(N-α-hexadecanoyl)-Lys26 , Arg34 -GLP-1(7–37) ●sequence of amino acid rests shares 97 % identity with the fragment 7-37 of the native GLP-1 ●strong binding to serum albumin, mutual association of molecules, does not come under glomerular filtration ⇒ T1/2 = 12.5 hours after s.c. injection ● improves functions of both α and β cells α-Glucosidase inhibitors H NH H H CH3 O H O H H OH O H O H H OH O OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH OH H OH H OH H OH O-4,6-Dideoxy-4-{[(1S,4R,5S,6S)-4,5,6-trihydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-yl]amino}-α-D- glucopyranosyl-(1-4)-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-4)-D-glucose acarbose Glucobay® Mode of action of α-glucosidase inhibitors: inhibition of cleavage of α-glycosidic bond ⇒ hydrolysis of poly- and oligosaccharides to monosaccharides inhibited ⇒ ↓ absorption of saccharides in small intestine ⇒ ↓ glycaemia ● slow down also emptying of stomach and ↑ postprandial hypotension and heart rate; probably also by stimulation of GLP-1 ● reduce postprandial ↑ glycaemia in patients with worsened glucose tolerance ⇒ slow down thinning of intima media of carotids α-Glucosidase inhibitors N OHOH H H H H HOH OH OH OH NH OHOHOH OH OHOH OH N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-deoxynojirimycin miglitol (Glyset ®) ●a piperidine analogue of glucose ●derived from natural nojirimycin from Streptomyces ficellus voglibose (Basen ®)