Biologics or biological drugs ●officially (WHO) „biological and biotechnological substances“ Basic characterisation of biologics ●typically acquired by other way than by classical chemical synthesis (semisynthetic modifications are possible) ●typically Mr > 1000 (up to 1000 „small molecules“) - greater, more complex, usually exhibit a primary structure (a sequence of amino acids or nucleotides), a secondary structure (α-helix, “folded sheet”, influence of -S-S- bridges), a tertiary structure (general space arrangement of a monomeric molecule) and a quraternary structure (grouping of monomers); many proteins are glycosylated ●but both above conditions need not be necessarily fulfilled for classification of a drug as a biologic © Oldřich Farsa 2011 Some possible problems in terminologty ●pharmaceutics = technology of manufacturing of application forms of drugs (“pharmaceutical technology” is the literal translation from Czech) ⇓ ● biopharmaceutics ≈ biopharmacy = „a discipline concerning drug absorption” on a frontier of pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics (pharmacology) ● biologicals: analogy to chemicals ⇒ they include „biological drugs“ but also diagnostic monoclonal antibodies, enzymes used in technology etc. ●biologics: the term mostly used for „biological drugs“ ⇓ „Biopharmaceutics“ is not a suitable name for a subject devoted to “biological drugs.” Differences in production of “small molecules” and biologics ●small molecules – classical organic synthesis: chemicals with exactly defined chemical structure and purity react under exactly defined conditions with a predictable and preciously verifiable results ●biologics- preparation by „harvesting“ of compounds produced ancreted by artificially constructed cells (genetic engineering) An illustration of the difference between a biologic and a “small molecule” erythropoietin and acetylsalicylic acid History of biologics ●the Antiquity and the Middle Ages: usage of leeches for treatment of circulation and blood disorders (hirudin) ●classical vaccines: preparation of dead or attenuated bacterial cultures or attenuated or inactivated viruses (e.g. pox: transfer of the infection „from a skin to a skin“ has been known long since around 1000 A.D. in China; 1796 – Edward Jenner demonstrated that putting of the purulence from a furuncle of the cowpox in under the skin protected against the infection with pox; 1805 – 1st vaccine against pox was prepared on the calf skin in Italy; 1864 – mass usage of this vaccine; after 1940 – lyofilized vaccines (Collier)) ●(poly-clonal) antibodies („sera“) - immunisation of a suitable production macro-organism (eg. horse, rabbit) with a noxious agent (a toxin, e.g. a snake poison), a serum acquired from the blood used as an antidote; monoclonal antibodies for analytic and diagnostic purposes, then a suitable transformation (RIA, ELISA) ●peptides – isolation from biological material (insulin: Banting and Best 1921) More recent history of biologics – genetic engineering ●1977 - somatostatin first time prepared by a recombinant technology in E. coli (Genetech, USA) ●1978 – human insulin cloned ●1982 – recombinant human insulin prepared in E. coli marketed ●1984 – Factor VIII of the blood clotting first time prepared in a laboratory ●1985 – FDA approved somatrem, a somatotropin analogue History of biologics from the point of view of a corporation (Genetech) Development and authorisation of biologics EMA (EU): normal approval procedure like for any other drug FDA (USA): possibility of taking part into so called Fast Track Drug Development Program (since 1998, revised 2004) – the prerequisite is the usefulness for serious or life endangering condition and legitimated hope for better clinical efficacy than up to the present time used drugs Generics and „biosimilars“ Generics: small molecules – contain the same active compound as the original and reach 80 – 105 % of the bioavailability of the original „Biosimilars“ or „Follow-up Proteins“: contain a biologic prepared by the similar procedure and with the similar effects as the original Different approaches of FDA (USA) and EMA (EU) ●EMA: consistent testing of effects in the relationship to the proposed therapeutic usage; the security of the patient is fundamental; neither generic prescription nor substitution among biosimilars ●FDA: more liberal approach; full support for „biosimilars“ approvals Committee for Medicinal Products for HumanCommittee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) Guideline on Similar BiologicalUse (CHMP) Guideline on Similar Biological Medicinal ProductsMedicinal Products (CHMP/437/04) “It should be recognised that, by definition, similarby definition, similar biological medicinal products are not genericbiological medicinal products are not generic medicinal products, since it could be expected that there may be subtle differencessubtle differences between similar biological medicinal products from different manufacturers or compared with reference products, which may not bemay not be fully apparent until greater experience in their usefully apparent until greater experience in their use has been establishedhas been established. Therefore, in order to support pharmacovigilance monitoring, the specific medicinal product given to the patient should be clearly identified.” Pharmacological classification of biological and biotechnological substances in accordance with WHO ● Drugs for alimentary tract and metabolism: insulins. ●Anti-infectives: antimicrobial, bactericidal permeability increasing polypeptides, human papilomavirus. ●Antineoplastics: peptide vaccines, recombinant vaccines, toxins. ●Blood and agents acting on the heamopoietic system: antithrombins, blood coagulation cascade inhibitors, blood coagulation factors, erythropoietin type blood factors, heparin derivatives including low molecular mass heparins (heparinoids), hirudin derivatives, trombomodulins. ●Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: colony stimulating factors, inteferons, interleukin receptor antagonists, interleukin type substances, monoclonal antibodies , receptor molecules, native or modified, tumor necrosis factor antagonists. ●Hormones, hormone antagonists, hormone-release stimulating peptides or hormone-release inhibiting peptides (excluding insulins): growth hormon (GH) derivatives, its antagonists, oxytocin derivatives, pituitary / placental glycoprotein hormones, pituitary hormone-release stimulating peptides, synthetic polypeptides with cortikotropin-like action, vasoconstriktors, vasopressin derivatives. ●Various: „antisense“ oligonucleotides, enzymes, gene therapy products, growth factors, peptides a glycopeptides not classified above. Basics of biologics nomenclature in accordance with WHO recommendations [INTERNATIONAL NONPROPRIETARY NAMES (INN) FOR BIOLOGICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES (A REVIEW) INN Working Document 05.179 08/11/2007] Basics of biologics nomenclature in accordance with WHO recommendations (continued) Basics of biologics nomenclature in accordance with WHO recommendations (continued) Chimeric vs. humanized monoclonal antibodies Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies – continued ●a sub-stem for disease or target class is situated before a sub-stem for source of the product: Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies – continued An example of the INN name of a monoclonal antibody humanized ↓ prefix→bevacizumab ↑ cardiovascular Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies – continued Examples of particular biologics: monoclonal antibodies Antineoplastics ramucirumab syn. IMC-1121B ●humanized ●angiogenesis inhibitor ●targeted against VEGFR-2 receptor ●vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a pro-angiogenic factor, binds to 2 receptors VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) and VEGFR-2 (Flk-1/KDR), activates receptor tyrosin kinase (RTK) and induces angiogenesis ● VEGF and its receptors are often over-expressed in cancers, that is why angiogenesis was proposed as a target site of anti-cancer therapy by Folkman and col. in 1970th ●VEGFR-2 is selectively expressed in cancer endothelial cells, simultaneously it is in a direct contact with blood ⇒ promising therapeutical target ●antibodies against Flk-1 isoform antagonised binding of VEGF to the receptor, signal transduction by means of VEGFR-2 and VEGF induced endothelial cells growth ⇒ antiangiogenic, antitumor and antimetastatic activity ●clinical trials: phase 2 for breast cancer , phase 3 for non small lungs cells carcinoma combined with docetaxel, phase 2 for prostate cancer combined with mitoxantron and prednisone, phase 3 for gastric cancer etc. bevacizumab Avastin® ●chimeric: Immunoglobulin G 1 (human-mouse monoclonal rhuMAb-VEGF gamma-chain anti-human vascular endothelial growth factor), disulfide with human-mouse monoclonal rhuMAb-VEGF light chain, dimer ●angiogenesis inhibitor ●antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ●bevacizumab approved in USA in 2004 for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer combined with fluorouracil; later against non small cells lung cancer (2006) and breast cancer (2008); for the same purposes approved also in EU ●its efficacy, either alone or in combnation, was demonstrated also in many other cancers including neuroendocrinous ones, which are often resistant to classical chemotherapy cetuximab Erbitux® ●chimeric ●blocks receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGFR) ●family of receptors for epidermal growth factor includes 4 structurally very similar receptors: Erb/HER (EGFR; HER-1, and ERBB1), human EGFR-2 (HER-2 and ●ERBB2), HER-3, a HER-4, transmembrane glycoproteins containing a domain binding an intracellular ligand and an intracellular receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) domain ●deregulation of Erb/HER pathway by over-expression or by constitutive activation can trigger a cancer process including angiogenesis and metastasising and brings a bad prognosis in many types of human cancers ●cetuximab approved by both FDA and EMA for treatment of metastasising colorectal carcinomas expressing EGFR etaracizumab Abegrin® ●syn. vitaxin, MEDI-522 ●humanized ●against αv β3 integrin ●integrins: a family of receptors on the cell surface, which are responsible for exchange of information between cells and an extracellular matrix, which surrounds them (ECM) ● heterodimers composed from 1 – 10 α-subunits and 1 - 8 β-subunits ●every subtype has its specificity for a different protein of ECM ●signals, which influence growth, migration ability, differentiation, invasivity and survival of cells, are generated in a cell in response to binding of ECM components ●integrins play an important role in tumour biology; useful target of anti-cancer therapy ●αV β3 integrins are more expressed in developing vessels than in “adult” ones; they are supposed to be an important factor of angiogenesis ●vitronectin is the primary ligand, they also interact with fibronectin and thrombospondin ●relationship of αV β3 with i.a. vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was demonstrated ●administration of a murine monoclonal antibody against αV β3 (LM609) interrupted cancercaused angiogenesis on a chicken chorioallantoic membrane ● the ability of the substance to stop cancer vascularisation and cause its regression without a damage of normal matured vessels was verified in murine models of various cancers in vitro ●etaracizumab is a fully humanized form ●expression of αV β3 murine ovarian cancer and simultaneously effect of etaracizumab against it were demonstrated ●clinical tests of phases 1 – 2 for treatment of various cancers (colorectal, malignant melanoma, androgen-independent prostate cancer, kidney cancer, lymphoma) and autoimmune inflammatory diseases (plaque psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis) were finished pagibaximab syn. BSYX-A110 ●chimeric ●against staphylococcal lipoteichoic acid (LTA) – an important constituent of the cell wall of staphylococci; LTA is anchored in the cell membrane with its lipophilic part; it inhibits bacteria phagocytosis in vitro, induces cytokines cascade and is supposed to be necessary for staphylococci survival, also helps staphylococci to permeate blood-brain barrier (BBB) ●prevention of staphylococcal sepsis in premature neonates with very low birth weight – efficacy verified by phase 2 – 3 blinded clinical study Antibacterial compounds Drugs for chronic inflammatory diseases TNF-α inhibitors „Anti-TNF molecules“ - are bound to TNF and neutralize its activity Infliximab: mose/human chimaera, where variable regions of murine antibody are linked to constant regions of human IgG1 Adalimumab: (recombinant) human antibody of IgG1 type Etanercept: soluble dimeric fusion protein in which human p75 TNF receptor is linked to Fc domain of human IgG1 Usage: treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory intestinal disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn diseases...) and many other inflammatory diseases, Examples of particular biologics: antisense oligonucleotides ●usually short complementary chains of modified RNA, which are proposed to avoid translation of a damaged or an undesirable sequence by binding to a respective region of RNA or DNA x Examples of use of modified antisense oligonucleotides: Intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) inhibitors Ulcerative colitis = chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the mucous layer of the intestine ●idiopathic = unknown ethiology ●pathogenesis is supposed to be multifactorial and include genetic, environmental and immunologic factors ●the chronic inflammation manifests namely due to adaptive immunity system dysregulation, which leads to a change of the tolerance of intestinal bacteria and to anomal response to normal luminal microflora ⇒ immunologic imbalance ⇒ ↑ production of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules (e.g. ICAM), ↑ activation of polymorphonuclear monocytes (PMN); their migration into the intestine and interaction with the epithelium alters many functions of epithelium from the barrier one to electrolytes management Mechanism of formation of ulcerative colitis, some biomolecules involved in them and therapeutical targets of selected biologics ICAM-1 intercellular adhession molecule 1 EGF epidermal growth factor MadCAM mucose adressed adhession molecule PMN – polymorphonuclear monocyte IFN interferon IL interleukin O O O O O O O O OH O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N O NH2 O O N N H N N O O NH2 N N H O O O O CH3 P O S - N N N N NH2 O P O S - P O S P O S - P O S - P O S - P O S - N N O NH2 O O N N O NH2 O O P O S - N N H N N O O NH2 P O S - P O S - P O S - N N O NH2 O O N N N N NH2 O P O S - N N H O O O O CH3 P O S - P O S - P O S - P O S - P O S - N N N N NH2 O N N O NH2 O O N N O NH2 O O N N H N N O O NH2 N N H N N O O NH2 N N O NH2 O O N N H N N O O NH2 N N H O O O O CH3 N N N N NH2 O N N O NH2 O O P O S - P O S - O Alicaforsen syn. ISIS 2302 ●oligodeoxyribonucleotide modified by thiophosphoric acid (as phosphorothioate) ●20 bases ●bound (hybridizes) to the sequence of 3 ´region of the human ICAM-1 mRNA, which does not undergo translation ⇒ activation of the nuclease RNase-H ⇒ cleavage of the heterodimer ⇒ suppression of ICAM synthesis ●phase 3 clinical tests Examples of use of modified antisense oligonucleotides: antineoplastics Oncogene Bcl-2 antagonist ●Bcl-2: antiapoptic protein; its predominance over the structurally related proapoptic Bax predisposes cancers to bad response to usual anti-cancer therapies and bad prognosis oblimersen, G3139, augmerosen, Genasense® ●deoxyribonucleotide, 18 nucleotides, phosphorothioate, heptadecasodium salt ●T-C-T-C-C-C-A-G-C-G-T-G-C-G-C-C-A-T ●complementary to the first six codones of human Bcl-2 mRNA ●administration in i.v. infusion ●clinical tests of phases 1 to 3 against various types of cancers; efficient; relatively low toxicity Disadvantages of biologics (except adverse effects, which are in general the same as in small molecules) ●imunogenicity – induction of formation of antibodies against the drug ●HAMA – human anti-mouse antibodies – formed against mouse peptide sequences in chimeric biologics ●HAHA – human anti-human antibodies – formed against fully human antibodies or other biologics; bound to a unique binding site, where they are not tolerated by the immunity system ● neutralizing × non-neutralizing; if they are neutralizing, they attenuate the efficacy of treatment ●formation of antibodies against drugs (e.g. compounds acting against TNF) depends also on presence of infection ●high price ●activity and security frequently insufficiently guaranteed ●poor biological availability requiring special methods of application