General anaestetics © Oldřich Farsa 2011 Functions of general anaesthesia ●neither terapeutic nor diagnostic ●make surgical and other paiful procedures easier Demands on effects of general anaesthetics 1. Analgesia (pain relief) 2. Amnesia 3. Lost of conciousness 4. Decrease of movability of skeletal musculature 5. Atenuation of autonomic responses 6. Reversibility of effect ●all anaesthetics do not reach all demands Classification of general anesthetics according to the route of administration 1. Inhaltion – gases, volatile liquids ●effect is less dependent on a particular stucture more on lipophilicity 2. Intravenous ●more specific - receptor mechanisms of action Sites of action CNS: Brain cortex, reticular system, thalamus, spinal cord Effect Anaesthetics block nervous impulses transfer ●decrease of activity of excitably acting synapses ●increase of activity of inhibitory synapses ● synaptic channels for Ca2+ and Clligand-activated ones = Cl- channels activated by GABA or glycine are influenced by anaesthetics (propofol, barbiturates, benzodiazepins, inhalation ansestetics) ●increase of quiescent steady state membrane potential – hyperpolarization ●attenuation of neurons forming impulses – not elucidated – ventilation and heart frequence also influenced by anaesthetics Lipide theory ●anaesthetic is dissolved in a lipide membrane and causes some changes of physical properties of the membrane ●based on the Meyer-Overton rule ●higher lipids solubility expressed as Poil/air implies higher anaesthetic potency i.e. lower minimal alveolar concentration ●valid for inhalation anaesthetics only Protein theory ●interaction of anaesthetic with a hydrophobic part of an integral transmembane protein Mixed effect on the protein-lipide interface Mechanisms of action of general anaesthetics Dependence of effect of inhalation anaesthetic on Poil/air GABAA receptor GABAA receptor and its role in general anaesthesia GABAA receptor = ligand controled chloride channel ●opening of the channel causes cell hyperpolarization and thus its insensitiveness to impulses ●agonists: GABA, barbiturates, benzodiazepins, steroids (have identified binding sites) NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor ●a subtype of glutamate receptor ●anaesthetics are its antagonists aktivation ⇒ cell depolarization by entrance of Ca2+ and Na+ ●takes part in effects of N2 O, Xe a ketamine Inhalation general anesthetics 1. Gases Nitrous oxide N2 O „laughing gas“, „Lachgas“ ●used since 19th century (dentist Wells 1845) ●patient reaction badly predictable ●contemporarirly sometimes in obstetrics – rather analgesia with conciousness retention O - N + N Xenon Xe ●inert gas ●name from Greek „xenos“ - stranger ●invented by Sir W. Ramsay and M.W. Travers 1898 ●modern and secure inhalation anaesthetic Preparation: heating of ammonium nitrate to 180 – 250°C: NH4 NO3 → N2 O + H2 O Inhalation general anaesthetics 2. Volatile liquids 2.1 Ethers Diethylether, aether, „aether sulphuricus“ CH3 O CH3 CH3 OH H2SO4 CH3 O CH3 OH2 2 + Preparation ● known since 10th -11th century: Abu al-Khasim al-Zahravi Ibn Zuhr, an Arab alchemist ●as an anaesthetic used since 1846 (William Morton; the first patient Gilbert Abbott) ●well controlled introduction of a patient into anaesthesia: all phases clearly expressed ●disadvantages: highly inflammable, mixture of vapours with air highly explosive ● forming of explosive peroxides ⇒ stabilization needed (Cu sealing of bottles, phenidone) ●Ether anaestheticus, Ether solvens PhEur, Aether pro narcosi PhBs IV N NH O 1-phenylpyrazolidin-3-one phenidone ●antioxidant stabilizing agent added into diethylether according to some pharmacopoeias Ether anaesthesia in U.S. army at the end of 19th century Halogenated ethers ●non-toxic, non-inflammable F O F F F F Cl enfluran isofluran * * F F O Cl F F F Isofluranum PhEur Halogenated ethers F O F F F F F * desfluran O F F F F F F F sevofluran Desfluranum PhEur 2.2 Halogenated alkans Br Cl F F F * halothan Cl Cl Cl H chloroform trichloromethane Halothanum PhEur b. p. 49 - 51°C Cl Cl Cl H SbCl3/HF F F F Cl H Br2 F F F Cl Br Synthesis of halothan ●at first Simpson 1847 ●strongly hepatotoxic, suspect cancerogene, not used as anaesthetic now (decomposition to COCl2 ) 3. Intravenous general anaesthetics Barbiturates and thiobarbiturates N N H O O X R 1 R 2 R 3 N H N H O O S CH3 CH3 CH3 N N H O O O CH3 CH3 R1 =R2 =R3 =H; X=O barbituric acid R1 , R2 = alkyl, aryl, R3 = H or alkyl; X=O barbiturates R1 , R2 = alkyl, aryl, R3 = H or alkyl; X=S thiobarbiturates thiopental N N H O O O CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2 hexobarbital methohexital ● one- or dibasic acids (lactame/lactime-tautomerism ⇒ N- or O-/S-acids ⇒ used as water soluble Na+ salts Intravenous general anaesthetics Cl ONH CH3 N N O CH3 O CH3 (S)-(+)-ketamine (R)-(+)-etomidate ●neuroleptic and strongly pain relieving effects ●short surgical procedures ●stunning (narcotization) projectiles for catching wild animals Narkamon Spofa ® 1% ●ultrashortly acting narcotic ●used as hydrochlorides Intravenous general anaesthetics OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 propofol 7 8 N 6 N 5 4 1 N 2 3 CH3 Cl F midazolam ●derivative of 4H-imidazo[1,5-a][1,4]benzodiazepine ●for both onset and keeping of anaesthesia ●combined with ketamine ●hydrochloride Dormicum® inj. sol. ● poor solubility in water ⇒ use in emulsions ●very fast onset of action and very fast awakeing after finishing of infusion also (in several minutes) ●anticonvulsive and antiemetic effects Diprivan®