Muscle relaxants ●cause relaxation of striated (voluntary skeletal) musculature (in contrast to spasmolytics which relax unstriped musculature) Classification of myorelaxants 1. Neuromuscular blocking drugs ●periferial (direct) myorelaxants: interact with acetylcholine nicotinic (N) receptors of skeletal musculature a) stabilizing myorelaxants – N-receptors antagonists b) depolarizing myorelaxants – N-receptors agonists ● continuous N-receptors stimulation  depolarization of cells  functional antagonism: further leading of impulses imposible, no muscle contraction c) indirect myorelaxants: botulinum toxin ●irreversibly inhibits acetycholine releasing 2. Central muscle relaxants ●acts in CNS ●structurally heterogenic group ●compounds with various mechanisms of action Stabilizing myorelaxants ●N-receptors antagonists in skeletal muscle cells ●usage: surgical operative measures (often as a part of some form of anaesthesia) ●structures derived from curare alkaloids Curare: arrow poison of South American Indians ●preparation from various plants ●contained a complex mixture of alkaloids Curare classification: according to preparation and package in which it was shipped to Europe 1. Tubocurare: in hollow bamboo rods 2. Calebase curare: in bottle-shaped cucurbits (gourds, calabashes - from plants of genus Strychnos) 3. Pot curare: in ceramic vessels Structural types: 1. Benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines: tubocurarine (from tubocurare) atracurium besylate (synthetic) mivacurium besylate (synthetic) etc. 2. Indole derivatives: toxiferine C alcuronium chloride 3. Steroids with basic substituents: vecuronium bromide pancuronium bromide rocuronium bromide CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 N N + OH OH O O O O H H O CH3 OCH3 N + H O CH3 O CH3 OON + H O CH3 O CH3 OCH3 O CH3 CH3 O O CH3 1. Benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines tubocurarine atracurium ●used as besylate Tracrium ® inj. sol. 1. Benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines (continued) O CH3 O CH3 H N + CH3 O O O N + H O CH3 O CH3 O CH3 O CH3 O CH3 CH3 O O CH3 O CH3 O CH3 mivacurium ●used as besylate Mivacron ® inj. sol. 2. Indole derivatives H N + R H N H H H N H N + OH R OH H H H O H N O N H R = -CH3 toxiferine C ●natural R = -CH2 CH=CH2 alcuronium ●as chloride ●for comparison: strychnine ●from Strychnos nux vomica ●in small amounts as central analeptic (obsolete) Stereochemistry: „playing cards symmetry“ toxiferin C alcuronium chloride ●structure similarity with strychnine, both indole alcaloids ●dimer ●2x pentacyclic system ●2 quarternary ammonium moieties Stereochemistry: ●chiral ●contain C2 symmetry axis: „playing cards symmetry“ Effects of alcuronium chloride ●more active than tubocurarine ●relatively short time of action ●not absorbed from GIT ●very stable, excreted in unchanged form Preparation: ●partial synthesis from strychnine 3. Steroids with basic substituents HH H H H O CH3 O H N CH3 H H O CH3 O N + CH3 CH3 HH H HH OCH3 O H N + CH3 CH3 H O CH3 O H N + CH3 CH3 vecuronium Norcuron ® inj. pancuronium Pavulon ® inj. sol. ●as bromides 3. Steroids with basic substituents (continued) N + H H H H H H H NO H OH CH3 CH3 O CH3 O CH2 H H H HH O CH3 O H N N +CH3 CH3 CH3 H O CH3 O H N N + CH3 CH3 CH3 rocuronium Esmeron ® inj. sol. ●facilitation of tracheal intubation pipecuronium Arduan ® inj. sicc. + solv. Depolarizing myorelaxants ●agonist of N-receptor ●continuous depolarization leads to muscules slack Usage: introduction into general anaesthesia (intubation) Compounds: synthetic bis-quarternary ammonium salts ●originated by simplifying of tubocurarine structure N + N + CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 X - X - N + O O O O N + CH3 CH3CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 X - X dekamethonium (halide) ●non-hydrolyzable ●comparatively toxic ●long effect suxamethonium (halide) syn. succinylcholine (halide) ●hydrolyzable ● fast cleft by esterases  short effect Succinylcholinjodid Valeant ® inj. plv. sol. Comparison of molecule sizes of direct muscule relaxants Indirect myorelaxants Botulinum toxin ●protein with Mr about 150, 000 ●product of anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum (serotypes A – G: A – Botox infusion; B - Neurobloc infusion) ●extremely toxic (food poisoning, potential biologic weapons) Indications: cervical dystonia, facial spasms, writer's cramp and other spasms ●in cosmetics for smoothing of wrinkles – very hazardous ●irreversibly inhibits acetylcholin release ●local injection into the particular muscle ●blocks transfer of impulse by means of acetylcholine to the muscle ●muscle paralysis ●to hands of qualified physicians only ●by no means can reach bloodstream ●new injection is possible after 3 – 4 months (the effect is poorly estimable in shorter intervals due to possible formation of antibodies) Central muscle relaxants (myotonolytics) Using: painful spasms of skeletal muscles (not in surgical measures) Structures: heterogenic group Mechanisms of action: various, not perfectly known in every case ●im most they act sedatively in high doses Central muscle relaxants (myotonolytics) Carbamates derived from diols O NH2 O O NH2 O CH3 CH3 NH2 O O O NH CH3 CH3 O CH3 CH3 meprobamate carisoprodol ●myorelaxant, sedative, anxiolytic ●effectiveness unsure baclophene ●GABA derivative ●GABAB receptor agonist ●blocks voltage-gated input of Ca2+ into CNS neurons Usage: spasmodic conditions (sclerosis multiplex, cramps in crucial region etc.) H OH O NH2 Cl N + O O - O N N O N H O NH NH N N S N Cl dantrolene ●hydantoine derivative ●myorelaxant ●Mode of action: directly to skeletal muscles; lowers Ca2+ release thizanidine ●myorelaxant, analgesic, antihypertensive ●probably 2 receptors agonist ●blocks release of excitation transmitters (glutamate, aspartate) ●usage: eg. sclerosis multiplex, ischias