CASE STUDY - CONTRACEPTIVES Patient: Female, 35 years old, non-smoker, BMI 26, she has three children Laboratory values, examination: TK 118/75 Family history: No risk factors are described in the mother or father Personal history: depression Medical history: ethinylestradiol 35 micrograms / norethisterone 1 mg citalopram 10mg 1 - 0 - 0 She is coming for an advice. She began to take combined hormonal Contraception (COCP) six months ago. Since then, she has always suffered from severe headaches - migraines without aura, at weekly pauses without contraception. Tasks: 1. Analyze the prescription of drugs, include active substances, classification according to ATC classification, and brief mechanism of action of individual products, check dosage and method of use (morning / evening, before / after meals, etc.) 2. Find any interactions between the products. Can some antidepressants interact with contraception? What is the possible mechanism of this interaction? 3. Is there a connection between the use of contraception and headaches? What side effects are most commonly found in combined contraception patients? 4. What types of oral contraception exist? Is it necessary to replace the current contraception with another, preferable to this patient, or continue with the current one? 5. What type of contraception would you recommend to this patient? What options (drug forms, preparations) of contraception, other than oral, exist? 6. What type of contraception would you choose for this patient as the most appropriate taking into account the above facts and why? 7. What are the criteria for choosing long-term contraceptives (implants, intrauterine devices)?