CASE STUDY – Cardiovascular system I. - hypertension Patient: Elizabeth, 67 years old, smokes 10 cigarettes a day, a cup of coffee a day, getting enough exercise – she is working in the garden. Personal history: arterial hypertension, and occasional heartburn. Previously received enalapril, for the incidence of cough for three months ago changed to sartane (losartan). Cough has been settled. The blood pressure was in order at the last medical examination. Currently coming to the pharmacy complaining of dry cough which appears during the night more than during the day. Drug history: Lozap 50mg 1 - 0 - 0 Egilok 25mg 1 - 0 - 0 Rennie as needed 2-3x per month Tasks: 1. Describe hypertension as a disease (incidence, risk factors, treatment)? 2. Perform an analysis of prescription drugs, give active substance classification according to ATC classification, a brief mechanism of action of individual medicines, check the dosage and method of use (morning / evening, before / after meals, etc.) 3. What questions will you ask in the context of the patient with cough? What may be the cause of her cough? 4. Might cough be associated with drugs that are currently used? If so, which and why? 5. What treatment/patient examination do you recommend? 6. Is the hypertension treatment appropriately chosen for this patient? What are the guidelines for the treatment of arterial hypertension? How would you recommend or modify the treatment of hypertension for this patient? 7. Which non-pharmacological advice should the patient in relation to hypertension follow? Especially focus on nutrition and life style changes.