Polypharmacy and drug interactions Polypharmacy Polypharmacy indicates – using of unnecesary drug, treatment longer then optimal period, using over then optimal dose = overuse of drug(s) Consequences of polypharmacy:  Increasing frequency of adverse drug reaction (ADR)  Increasing frequency of drug interactions.  Increasing possibility of iatrogenic harm.  Decreasing patient–compliance as result of complicated terapeutical regimen.  Increasing therapeutical costs (farmacotherapy costs and possible costs of terapeutical harm, e.g. hospitalisation). Reasons for polypharmacy 1. doctor a) Low respect of recent therapeutical guidelines. b) Influence of pharmaceutical lobby (promotion, bribes/corruption) c) Respect to patients´will, induced prescription d) Absence of effective therapy, doctor using psychological effect of „placebo“ 2. Patient a) Polymorbidity - only acceptable way to polypharmacy b) Wrong compliance to therapy – only 11 % of patients precisely respect therapeutical regimen – 56 % patients have adequate compliance (they use more than 80 % doses of their drug) – the rest (33 %) presents factual non-compliance (patient use less than 80 % doses of drug) (prof. Smečka, 2000) c) Increasing numbers of somatising patients (hypochondriacs) ad 2. Patient Polypharmacy is problem at first in elderly patients. Main source? = frequently polymorbidity In the Czech rep. 17 % people older than 65; they use more than 50 % prescribed drugs. Demographic progress escalated to deficiency of healt insurance systems all over the world! 3. Effects of pharmaceutical business a) Directly to patients – promotion (TV, press, net…) b) To medicians (pharmacists) – congresses, bribes? c) Lobbing to government institutions (e.g. drug payment) 4. National health system, health insurance a) Number of medicinal providers; increase of medicians is the reason to increase the prescription. b) A lot of specialists and low cooperation is the reason to increase numbers of using drugs with often contradictory effects. c) Patient-friendly funding lead to overuse of health (pharmaceutical) care. 5. Deficient communication between providers and patient Non-effective communication chain Doctor → Nurse → Pharmacist → Patient Many partners without central management of information stream. patient pharmacistmedic Communication is Intersection Inadequate communication with elderly Seniors perceived as „gray wave“ ↓ Gerontofobia ↓ Reducing the frequency and quality of communication ↓ Lower quality of care Disorders of perception 90 % seniors - decrease in visual perception 30 % worsens hearing (mostly presbyacusis = hearing loss) ± lower intellectual abilities (decrease speed of decision) Seniors and health literacy? Health literacy - ability to understanding fundamental health information as a basis to adequate decision. e.g. information leaflet ?! → need to communicate clearly with everyone → confirm understanding with everyone Choice of appropriate terminology and content! Excellent health literacy only by 12% of the population - health professionals, enlightenment chronics, grumblers ☺ ↓ Need for public verbalization health problems „You have to explain like to own grandmother" Let us express the layman: interaction contraindication generics take on an empty stomach enteric-coated tablet myorelaxans Another problematic terms? Understanding dispensation low Only 52% of patients correctly interpreted the recommendations „enjoy every 8 hours“! The Pharmacy Intervention for Limited Literacy Study 2007 What recommendation would be more appropriate?  Forward important information, but not to overfill patient – depends on index of drug information (information needed to safety use of drug)  Alert for drugs that the patient does not use regularly (e.g. antibiotics, expectorants, pain medication)  "Teach-back" for products declared as known  Adapt informations to understanding of the patient (e.g. not analgesic, but the pain reliever ...)  Explain the patient how his drug works, if it has any meaning (e.g. diuretics → increase urine production = more frequent urination ...) Complementary problems of polypharmacy 1) Non–compliance The therm non–compliance means intentional or unintentional sabotage of recomended therapy. Source of decreased therapy efficiency, with a lot of negative consequences (clinical, psychological, economical…) Impacts of non-compliance:  clinical (uneffective therapy, increase of ADR, intoxication)  psychological (stress in relationship patient – medic, mistrust, wrong communication)  economical (increase therapy costs, decrease effectivity of medical service) Types of therapeutic non–compliance: 1st. – Patient dont´ get drug. In social systems in EU is this secondary problem, Problem? Strictly economic-oriented states (USA, China etc.) Possible 20 % patients without drugs. Economic crisis and future in EU??? 2nd. – Misunderstanding treatment rules? Sabotage rules? The core is in communication of patients´problem → need to upgrade patients´motivation. Formation pharmaceutical care to health couching 2) Drug error Drug error definition: undesirable mistake of healthcare chain: doctor – nurse (paramedic) – pharmacist. Many potential conflict points: prescription, preparation, dispensation of drugs (patient education), service/administration, etc. To greatest risk are exposed patients with polypharmacy – exponential risk increase, which depends on number contemporary using drugs. Risk management – way to reduce problematic points of therapy identification risk → prevention risk Progress of medicine and pharmaceutical scieces With progress of sciences we can use more and more new drugs (problem to investigate) vs Clinical studies and new guidelines for safety and effective therapy management (answer to practice). Risk of drug interactions Study of emergency cases (Goldberg, USA)  target group – patients with two and more together using drugs  target parameter – potencional risk of drug interactions  results: 47 % of patients were endangered with risk of drug interaction. Incidence of drug interactions increased from 13 % for two drugs till 82 % for seven and more drugs. By more then 50 % patients were drug interactions main reason to emergency visit! Attention General practice (Hanlon, 2002) target - epidemiological study focused to general practice and incidence drug interactions by elderly patients (more 65 years) findings – total incidence 13 % of potential drugdrug or drug-disease interactions! – moreover, 11 % of patients used their drugs longer than optimal period or used inadequate doses! (they are underdosed or overdosed). Drug interactions increase risk of hospitalization (Doucet, USA) result: at least 6 % of all hospitalizations in US were straight caused by drug interaction (billions USD expenditures) Moreover, twice frequent are harms and manifest disorders due to drug interactions. Bedell et al. (2000) – more together participate medics caused significant increase of drug interactions. reasons – duplicate therapeutic interventions – medication with opposite effects Prescribing medic often hasn´t accurate information about participation other medics on therapy 76 %! of personal health documentation at registers of cardiologists and internists contains incorrect pharmacotherapeutic informations. Significant common points of this mistakes were higher patients age and associated polypharmacy. Procentual incidence of drug interactions 70,7 85,7 69,2 74,2 78,3 65 70 75 80 85 90 5 6 7 8+ Sum Number drugs Incidence Interaction Number drugs 5 6 7 8 + Sum Number patients 39 41 23 21 124 Patients with interact. 27 29 18 18 92 Incidence (%) 69,2 70,7 78,3 85,7 74,2 ÚAF FaF Brno, 2005 Distribution drug interactions according to ATC groups 4,64% 0,50% 0,50% 2,63% 0,13% 55,14% 13,91%9,65% 12,91% A – GIT, metabolism B – blood system C – cardiovascular system H– systemic hormones J – systemic antiinfectives M – musculosceletal system N – CNS R – respiratory system V– varia Study ÚAF FaF Brno, 2007 172 patients used 5 and more drugs Mechanisms of drug interactions For simple and rapid (effective) identification of drug interactions is useful to remember some basic principles let's summarize them Modulated absorption – drug absorption can be altered by using other pharmacological or physical substance at the same time – model example can be tetracycline with Ca, Mg,.. ions or antacids. Other often used substances with absorption principle - charcoal (activated coal), psyllium Changing GIT motility by one of using drugs – quite often unidentified mechanism of drug interactions – gastrointestinal motility deceleration leads to slower absorption other drugs and delayed start of their effects (e.g. opiates, loperamid) – gastrointestinal motility acceleration leads to faster absorption or elimination (e.g. prokinetics and some laxatives) Changing of gastric acidity – by changing of gastric acidity is modulated disociation drugs (weak acids or bases) – impact on disolution enterosolvent peroral drug forms → cause premature disolving drug form → gastrotoxicity → deactivation of drug (e.g. digestive enzymes) – important because of frequently use gastric acid inhibitors (e.g. omeprazole, ranitidine…) Changing distribution parameters – most often situation is modificate relation drug to binding plasmatic albumine. Mechanism is competition for binding capacity this protein fraction of blood plasma. – result is increase free fraction drug, which is responsible for main pharmacological effect – clinical importance has this interaction by drugs with strong binding to albumine, and on other hand with close therapeutic profile. well-known example = warfarin + NSAID – minor change free fraction of warfarin can caused increase INR (Quick test) and this way risk of fatal hemorrhage (bleeding). – by drugs without close therapeutic profile (safety drugs) is complication faster clearance. This situation cause, that drug is faster eliminated and to adequate therapy we have to use higher doses. Fraction binding to albumine creates depot, which can supply therapeutic needs for longer time. If depot function is impaired, biological halftime is reduced all at once with effectivity of pharmacotherapy. Changing of metabolism drugs Most clinical significant group of drug interactions. Crucial is in this metabolic way family of cytochrome P450 (CYP450). In human genome were found at least 59 cytochromes P450. The most important are CYP3A4 a CYP2D6. Cytochromes P450 are responsible for majority of drug metabolism (its´ estimated at least 55 %). Highest levels have P450s in liver, but they are represented all over body - GIT (small intestine), lung, kidneys, brain… More than 50 % drugs are metabolized by way the CYP3A4! This cytochrome is also most frequevent form, in human liver represent 30 % contained cytochromes. Importance CYP3A4 represents by elderly patients, because his activity decreases with every decade by 8 %. A lot of drugs have potencial to induce CYP3A4 activity (e.g. dexametasone, barbiturates, BZD). Result is faster metabolism drug, which is substrate of this cytochrome. On other hand, we can often observe competition different drugs for binding place of enzyme – result is slowdown of metabolism both. We can investigate two extremes: - failure therapy – low concentration of drug - toxic harm – high concentration of drug Main inhibitors CYP3A4:  macrolide ATB – erytromycine, claritromycine, roxitromycine (azitromycine using other metabolic way; no interaction)  azol antimycotics – mostly clotrimazole, ketoconazole  bergamotine and his derivates (grapefruit) – deactivates only small intestine fraction CYP3A4 (cause higher intake of drug). Liver fraction without impact. Other examples at table 1. Main inductors CYP3A4:  rifampicin (ATB, antituberculotic)  fenytoin (antiepileptic)  karbamazepin (antiepileptic)  fenobarbital (antiepileptic, hypnotic)  hyperforin (Hypericum perforatum, antidepressant) Most often significant interactions CYP3A4 Second significant cytochrome is CYP2D6, which funkcion we estimate 25 % metabolised drugs. Conditions are complicated by the way of genetic polymorphism, which can significantly change metabolic operations. This fact worsens study of potential drug-drug interaction risk. In present time we can calculate (based on studies), that european population (with Caucasus progenitors) contains 7 % slow metabolisers (this lead to increase of plasmatic drug concentration). On other hand, east Asian population contains about 50 % slow metabolisers! Little satisfaction – based on recent studies isn´t CYP2D6 inducible. Typical substrates are some antidepressants and βblockers, in which we can observe the most of interactions. Most important substrates and inhibitors of CYP2D6 are contained in table 2. Most often significant interactions CYP2D6 Substrates CYP2D6 Typical inhibitors CYP2D6 Ajmalin Amitriptylin Bufuralol Bupranolol Cinarizin Citalopram Debrizochin Deprenyl Dezipramin Dextrometorfan Dexfenfluramin Enkainid Flekainid Fluoxetin Fluvoxamin Flunarizin Flufenazin Galantamin Haloperidol Hydrokodon Chlorpromazin Imipramin Kaptopril Klomipramin Kodein Melperon Metipranol Metoxyamfetamin Metoprolol Mexiletin Mianserin Nortriptylin Ondansetron Paroxetin Perhexilin Perfenazin Propafenon Propranolol Risperidon Spartein Tioridazin Timolol Tramadol Trifluperidol Tropisetron Tomoxetin Venlafaxin Amiodaron Buproprion Celecoxib Cimetidin Difenhydramin Doxorubicin Fluoxetin Chinidin Chlorpromazin Klemastin Klomipramin Kokain Levomepromazin Metoklopramid Metadon Mibefradil Moklobemid Paroxetin Perfenazin Ranitidin Ritonavir Sertralin Terbinafin Changing of drug elimination by kidney Two drugs can compete to secretory mechanism. Result of this situation is slowdown of elimination, increase drug(s) concentration and this way increase risk of toxic harm. Change of pH of urine can cause slowdown elimination too. Alkalisation of urine decreases elimination of drugs on the base of weak bases and conversely. Problem of this interaction is the most significant by elderly patients. The reason is, that this patients have lower glomerular filtration and often lower drinking regimen. Optimal drinking regimen? Farmacodynamic interactions Caused by aditive/synergic, or on other hand antagonistic effects of drugs Frequently we don't understand this relations exactly → increase risk ADR, side effects X These effects are often used, because combination of two or more drugs can be more effective or safety than higher dose of one drug (therapy of hypertension, diabetes NID, painful conditions…) Issues of natural products in therapy Todays trend in self care medicine is comeback to the nature products. Often patients underestimated potential risk – „nature is holy, perfect, safety…“ Botulinum toxine? Viperatoxine? St. John's Wort? Other potential risks are: -wrong replacement of mother plant by unprofessional preparation - contamination – aflatoxines, other plants, drugs… Specific problem of „natural“ products in chinese medicine – „upgrade“ with use external chemical substances. e.g.: acetaminophene (paracetamolum) indomethacin hydrochlorothiazide prednisolone caffeine (Huang 1997). Moreover, these substances are not declared on the final product. It was found that 24 %! from 2609 specimens traditional herb mixtures from Taiwan hospitals contained chemical compounds. Non-steroidal antiinflamatory drugs (e.g. diclofenac) and benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam) were identified in many chinese patented herb mixtures outside Asia (Gertner 2005). warfarine – garlic (Allium sativum) → increase INR (International Normalization Ratio – Quick test = protrombine time). Garlic decrease agregation of trombocytes and can caused bleeding. ASA – Ginkgo biloba → increase bleeding; ginkgolides are strong inhibitors of PAF (Platelet Activatig Factor) lithium – psyllium (Plantago ovata) → decrease of blood serum concentration of lithium; psyllium effects like absorbent stuff digoxine – St. Johns´wort → decrease AUC and maximal concentration of digoxine; induction CYP 3A4 digoxin - hawthorn (effective in reducing angina attacks by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels). Should never be taken together → mix can lower heart rate too much (possible heart failure) antihypertensives, caffeine - ginseng → increase the risk of overstimulation, hypertension and gastrointestinal upset. Ginseng, when taken with the blood-thinning drug (warfarin) can caused bleeding! Top ten drug interactions most dangerous to seniors in long-term care Numerous studies have shown, that senior citizens are the most prone to danger from drug interactions. American Society of Consultant Pharmacists identified ten drug interactions most commonly associated with dangerous reactions by residents in long-term care. warfarin – NSAIDs → NSAIDs increase gastric irritation and erosion of the protective lining of the stomach, assisting in the formation of a GI bleed. Additionally, NSAIDs decrease the cohesive properties of platelets necessary in clot formation. Prothrombin time and INR should be monitored every week with co-administration of warfarin with NSAID. warfarin – sulfa drugs (e.g. sulfamethoxazole) → increased effects of warfarin, with potential for bleeding. Currently, the mechanism for interaction with sulfa drugs is unknown; however, clinicians hypothesize that warfarin’s activity is prolonged due to a decreased production of vitamin K by intestinal flora affected by systemic antibiotic administration. warfarin – macrolides (clarithromycin) → Increased effects of warfarin, with potential for bleeding. Macrolide inhibits the metabolism and subsequent clearance of warfarin from the body. The activity of warfarin may also be prolonged due to alterations in the intestinal flora and its production of vitamin K for clotting factor production. Possible solution is using of azithromycin (other metabolism) warfarin – quinolones (ciprofloxacine) → Increased effects of warfarin, with potential for bleeding. The exact mechanism for warfarin-quinolone drug interaction is unknown. Reduction of intestinal flora responsible for vitamin K production by antibiotics is probable as well as decreased metabolism and clearance of warfarin. warfarin – phenytoin (antiepileptic) → increased effects of warfarin and/or phenytoin. Mechanism of interaction is currently unknown, but one theory suggests a genetic basis involving liver metabolism of warfarin and phenytoin. ACE-inhibitors – potassium supplements → elevated serum potassium. Inhibition of ACE results in decreased aldosterone production and potentially decreased potassium excretion (risk of cardiovascular failure) ACE-inhibitors – spironolactone (diuretic) → both elevated serum potassium levels, additive effect. digoxin – amiodarone (antidysrhythmic) → increase digoxin toxicity. Multiple theories exist, but actual mechanism is unknown. Amiodarone may decrease the clearance of digoxin, resulting in prolonged digoxin activity. There may also be an additive effect on the sinus node of the heart. digoxin – verapamil (antihypertensive) → increase digoxin toxicity. Synergistic effect of slowing impulse conduction and muscle contractility, leading to bradycardia and possible heart block. theophylline – quinolones → increase theophylline toxicity. Inhibition of hepatic metabolism of theophylline by the quinolones. Criteria drug suitability by elderly patients 1991 – team of Dr. Beers (US specialist) realized first list of not recomended drugs for elderly (more then 65). This drugs are not only dangerous; possible is little theraeutical benefit or potential drug interactions. This list most important revisions were realized 2003, 2007. Last 2012 http://www.americangeriatrics.org/files/documents/beers/2012Be ersCriteria_JAGS.pdf Main problematic drugs:  Non–COX-selective NSAIDs (especially piroxicam a indomethacin)  Long acting benzodiazepines  Sedative antihistaminics  Sedative antipsychotics  Anticholinergic acting antidepressants  Barbiturates  High dose of digoxin (not antiarhytmic use)  pentoxiphylline Etc. Similar to Beers criteria exists in Canada list of McLeods´criteria (1997) Problematic of inappropriately drug using was studied by multicentric european AdHOC study (Aged in HOme Care) 8 european countries (representative groups of home-care elderly from Czech rep., Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Netherland, Norway and GB). Average prevalence using of inappropriate drugs was the same in Europe and US (about 20 %) ! international european differences was deep ! Most inappropriate drugs - Czech rep. – 41 % users !!! (last years improvement; todays about 20 %) Least - Denmark – 5,8 % users Fialová D, Topinková E, Gambassi G. et al.: Potentially inappropriate medication use among elderly home care patients in Europe. JAMA, 2005, 293(11):1348-58. Thank you for your attention