FAFP2 Pharmaceutical Care II. 4rd year of study Summer semestr - academic year 2019-2020 (14 weeks) Statut: compulsory course Weekly subsidy of hours: 1 lecture / 2 seminars Form of ending: credit Number of credits: 4 credits Syllabus of lectures and seminars - summer semestr 2019-2020 DATE LECTURE (learning outcome) SEMINAR (structure of seminar) LECTOR 19. 2. 2020 Vaccination Diabetes mellitus Dr. Lžičař 26. 2. 2020 Sleeping disorders, insomnia, snoring Dr. Mazánková 4. 3. 2020 Cardiovascular system I. - arterial hypertension Cardiovascular system I. - blood pressure measurement (practical training) Dr. Mazánková 11. 3. 2020 Pharmaceutical care in gastrointestinal diseases II. Dr. Mazánková 18. 3. 2020 Oncology Asthma bronchiale, COPD Dr. Šimíček 25. 3. 2020 Pharmaceutical care in psychiatric disorders Dr. Mazánková, Dr. Michalcová 1. 4. 2020 Cardiovascular system II. - anticoagulants Cardiovascular system II. - warfarin - drug and non-drug interactions Dr. Mazánková 8. 4. 2020 Half-semester test Pharmaceutical care during pregnancy, lactation and in newborns Dr. Mazánková 15. 4. 2020 Pharmaceutical care to elderly patients, DRPs in the elderly Managing medications for elderly patients Dr. Mazánková 22. 4. 2020 Hormonal contraception, osteoporosis Dr. Šimíček 29. 4. 2020 Obesity, hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome Hyperlipidemia – cholesterol self-measurement (practical training in Faculty pharmacy) Dr. Mazánková 6. 5. 2020 Quitting smoking Presenations of seminar works Substitution of non-attended seminars (instead of seminar 13. 5. 2020) Dr. Mazánková Dr. Mazánková 13. 5. 2020 - 20. 5. 2020 Evaluation of the course – credit test Dr. Mazánková Time schedule of course: Wednesday 8:00 – 9:30 lecture (once a 2 weeks - every even calandar week) 9:30 – 11:00 seminar (every calendar week) Place: building No 45 (Pavilon of Pharmacy II.), seminar room No 224 Conditions for passing a course: 1. 100% participation in seminars - in the case of non-attened seminars: send written excuse to course coordinator: mazankovad@vfu.cz - its substitution (before writting a credit test) - term: at last in the seminar: 6. 5. 2020 3. Presentation of a seminar work - term: in the seminar 6. 5. 2020 4. Working out case studies from each seminar 5. Successfull passing a half-semester test - term: in the beginning of seminar: 8. 4. 2020 6. Successfull passing a credit test - term: in the last seminar: 20. 5. 2020 7. Passing an oral exam All relevant information you can find in Moodle course: FAFP2 Pharmaceutical Care II. Brno, 10. 2. 2020 PharmDr. Bc. Dana Mazankova, Ph.D. Coordinator of the course Pharmaceutical Care II. Dpt. of Applied Pharmacy E-mail: mazankovad@vfu.cz